Pimples on the head treatment. Why do pimples appear on the head? UV treatment

  • The date: 23.06.2020

Despite the abundance of causes that cause the appearance of acne on the scalp, in essence they are divided into only two types - ordinary comedones and inflammatory rashes. Comedones are cysts formed when the mouths of hair follicles are clogged with a mixture of desquamated epithelium and sebum. Pimples of an inflammatory nature are a red papule with a purulent top. Such inflammations can itch and hurt, they are easily damaged by scratching, which leads to the spread of the infectious process. Their size can vary from one millimeter to one centimeter.

Causes of acne on the scalp

The appearance of acne on any part of the body indicates various human health problems, whether it be a man, woman, child or teenager. To get rid of acne only with the help of cosmetics means to drive the real problem deeper. Acne treatment should always be comprehensive and, first of all, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. All causes of rashes on the head can be divided into three main groups:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • improper selection of hair and scalp care products;
  • medical and psychological disorders.
Men are more prone to acne on the scalp

Pimples can erupt due to the abuse of foods such as salt, pepper, sweet or fatty foods.

It is this "gentleman's set" that usually characterizes fast food, which men abuse much more often than the fair sex.

With the wrong selection of cosmetics for hair care, allergic reactions may occur. Using a shampoo that is not suitable for your skin type can lead to violations of the acid-base balance of the skin and hair, the work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to a variety of negative consequences. In addition to acne, it can be dryness and brittle hair, or, conversely, increased fat content, increased hair loss, dandruff, etc.

Abuse of hygienic procedures is also not recommended: too frequent shampooing violates the natural protective properties of the skin, making it especially vulnerable to various pathogenic microorganisms. The same applies to the frequent use of a hair dryer.

The group of medical problems that lead to the appearance of acne in general and on the head in particular is the most extensive. These include:

Among other things, the appearance of acne can be promoted by synthetic underwear, bad habits, hypothermia or overheating of the head, chlorinated water, a lack of products containing retinol and carotene in the diet.

Acne treatment under hair

Before taking any independent action to eliminate acne on the head, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance. Only a specialist can do this. Therefore, first of all, you will need to consult a dermatologist. But, since the list of causes of acne is not limited to skin problems, you may need to consult other specialists: an endocrinologist, gynecologist, allergist, neurologist. It is possible that you will need to take a biochemical blood test and / or a blood test for hormones. To diagnose problems of internal organs that can lead to acne, ultrasound is often used.

If hair loss was the result of acne on the head, it is not advisable to use conventional strengthening shampoos.

Regardless of the underlying cause of the disease, identified as a result of medical diagnosis, patients are advised to normalize their diet. You should limit the intake of salty, fatty and sweet foods, eat enough fiber and foods rich in vitamins, calcium, selenium and zinc, omega-3 saturated fatty acids, and avoid foods with preservatives.

Hair care products should be selected strictly according to the type of hair and scalp. Among the general recommendations used in the complex therapy of acne on the head, they note the rejection of bad habits and a healthy lifestyle - moderate exercise in the fresh air.

As a measure to prevent recurrence of inflammatory processes, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system with the help of specialized vitamin complexes.

First of all, the treatment of acne is aimed at eliminating the hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. If it is caused by the activity of the fungus Malassezia, which normally lives on the skin without causing problems, antifungal therapy is used: selenium disulfide or lithium succinate in shampoos, ketoconazole in oral pharmaceuticals.

If the cause of acne on the head is a bacterial infection (most often bacteria of the genus cocci or Propionibacterium acnes), antibiotics are prescribed. It can be amoxicillin, erythromycin, adifloxacin and benzoyl peroxide.

If the appearance of acne is caused by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, drugs are prescribed to normalize the microflora, and enterosorbents are indicated to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

With an allergic origin of acne on the head, antihistamines are used. If their appearance is associated with stress or disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the nervous system.

Hormonal drugs can be prescribed to women if it is established that the cause of their problem is a lack of estrogen. For external use, wiping with salicylic acid solution, fucorcin, camphor alcohol, ichthyol ointment, etc. is indicated.

Useful for this problem is the effect of ultraviolet radiation. In the most severe cases, surgery may be used to open and disinfect abscesses. Among the hardware methods for removing acne, galvanic cleaning and dezincrustation using a vacuum can be used.

Pimples in the hair on the head capable of causing discomfort. They are not so noticeable, unlike localization in other parts of the body, but they are painful, small and inaccessible, which causes difficulties in treatment. However, it is important to identify precipitating factors early and treat them. The scalp gets dirty quickly, so you need to choose effective methods of exposure. First of all, therapy is local: ointments, talkers, gels, shampoos, creams.

Most often, the reasons are banal: the abuse of fatty, sweet and fried foods, poor hygiene, lack of proper care for the hair and scalp, which leads to irritation, itching, peeling, infection of the dermis with the development of the inflammatory process. Provoking factors can be external and internal.

  • rare (frequent) hair washing;
  • improper selection of balms and shampoos that do not match the type of skin (hair) that cause allergies;
  • frequent skin contact with synthetics when wearing hats, using low-quality pillows, towels, washcloths;
  • accidental damage to the skin with a razor, blade, hair clippers, often leading to infection of the upper layers of the dermis in men;
  • exposure to high (low) temperatures;
  • washing the head, hair with chlorinated water.

Internal reasons:

  • stress;
  • mental, physical overwork;
  • violation of the functions of the sebaceous glands, leading to blockage of the skin;
  • hormonal imbalance, lack of estradiol and increased testosterone levels, which is often among women during puberty;
  • damage to the layers of the dermis by a fungal, bacterial infection
  • excessive activity of fatty glands, contributing to the narrowing of the pores on the head, inflammation of the follicle channels;
  • abuse of medicines (barbiturates, steroids, hormonal synthetic drugs);
  • smoking, alcohol;
  • polycystic ovaries, malfunction of the adrenal glands, often caused by stress.

When acne appears in the hair on the head, it is worth first of all to think about revising the diet, to abandon the abuse of sweets. Eat more vegetables and fruits, foods with vitamins A, E. Take multivitamin complexes, avoid stress, because a rash on the head is the first sign of fatigue, overstrain.

Long-term medication has a negative effect on the skin, which leads not only to multiple rashes (pimples) on the skin, but also to the appearance of large blisters in the scalp. Also, at first glance, the harmless effect of low temperatures, when people prefer not to wear hats in the frosty season, can result in the appearance of dandruff on the head up to the complete defeat of the bulbous follicles, hair loss.

Purulent pimples in the hair

pimples are small bumps in the scalp, a sign of staphylococcal disease, the development of bacterial inflammation. If at an early stage pustules - small, minor and superficial, then as the inflammatory process develops, the lesion can lead to the coverage of all follicles, the merging of acne with transformation into a single large lesion.

Red pimples in hair

The main reason is the addition of a bacterial infection with subsequent transformation into pustules after 2-3 days. Maybe - a herpes virus caused by pale treponema with localization precisely on the scalp in the form of acne-like, dry acne. Similar red manifestations cannot be ignored. This is a reason to visit a trichologist.

Painful pimples on the head

If acne is painful, then probably the inflammation has spread to deeper parts of the dermis. If itching, burning, irradiation of pain to nearby healthy areas is additionally observed, then there is a high probability of suspicion of the development of herpes zoster, herpes zoster.

Herpetic eruptions on the head

The herpes virus, when the scalp is affected, leads to soreness, itching, the appearance of numerous red vesicles, followed by drying, transforming into sores covered with a yellow crust. Herpes is a contagious disease. It is caused by contact with a sick person - a carrier, or is it a consequence of a weakened immune system, activation of herpes zoster when it enters the body.

How to get rid of acne in the hair on the head?

It is not easy to cure acne in the hair, because it is a sign of inflammation, it requires complex measures. First, you should visit a dermatologist, take tests. If the cause is allergies, then you will need to consult an allergist. If - in diseases of the endocrine system, then the endocrinologist. Also, acne on the head in women can be caused by gynecological problems.

Treatment is complex with the obligatory observance of a diet, the rejection of fatty, sweet, smoked, canned foods. It is worth equipping the diet with sour-milk food, fruits, vegetables, cereals. It is important to abandon the use of artificial decorative cosmetics, other irritating compounds.

If pustules appear, itching bothers you in severe irritation on the head, then in order to get a quick proper effect, it is better to have an effect using 2-3 compounds at once (masks, rinses, fatty ointments, antibacterial shampoos, special scrubs).

Effective medicines for therapy for acne in the hair on the head:

  • antibacterial agents (Ofloxacin, Dixycycline, Zatrin, Tetracycline, Amoxycycline, Ceftriaxone) in case of localization of pustular rashes on the scalp caused by a bacterial infection;
  • antifungal drugs (Fluconazole, Levorin, Nystatin, Pimafucin) with a fungal infection;
  • sorbents (white coal, Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb) to suppress the vital activity of bacteria, accelerate the removal of allergens and toxins from the intestine to the outside with eczema, dermatitis, acne on the skin;
  • external agents (talker Tsindol, camphor alcohol, salicylic, zinc ointment) to suppress opportunistic microflora, prevent subsequent reproduction of the infection;
  • antihistamines (Erius, Zodak, Tsetrin, Loratadin, Telfast) in case of acne on the head caused by allergies;
  • vitamin complexes in the composition with selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B, E to saturate the dermis with useful microelements;
  • antibiotics (erythromycin, clindamycin);
  • retinoids (Adapalen, Differin, Baziron);
  • special shampoos (Algopix, Nizoral).

In addition, for the complete cure of acne and pimples on the hair on the head, physiotherapy can become effective: galvanization, ultraviolet, vacuum inlay.

Head acne shampoo

Therapeutic shampoo to get rid of acne should match the type of hair, have a mild, gentle hypoallergenic effect on the hair follicles. The TOP 5 best shampoos that have earned recognition and respect among users include:

  1. Nizoral is an antifungal shampoo that is effective for use at an early stage of the appearance of comedones, acne against the background of a bacterial (fungal) infection.
  2. Skin cap for acne on the head caused by allergies with an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect.
  3. Sulsen to remove acne or prevent their reappearance. The composition of the active ingredient is selenium disulfide, which suppresses the bacterial flora, accelerating the process of removing subcutaneous fat. The drug can be used as monotherapy. Pimples and rashes disappear after 10-14 days.
  4. Sebozol in the composition with ketoconazole, which perfectly suppresses a fungal infection. Indications for use - acne of various origins, psoriasis, seborrhea.
  5. Tar 911 is a shampoo with birch tar in its composition, which has earned recognition from consumers, quickly eliminates a specific rash (dermatitis) on the scalp, regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat, and prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora to healthy areas of the body.

Ointment for acne in the hair

Ointment - the most convenient form of release with application to the scalp with a drying, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. It will quickly relieve itching and irritation, activate the sebaceous glands, cleanse the pores of accumulated toxins and toxins. The best preparations, despite the presence of a greasy base, after which you have to wash your hair more often:

  • gentamicin with an antibiotic effect to combat various strains of bacterial infection (streptococci, staphylococci);
  • synthomycin - an excellent antibiotic for suppressing pathogenic microflora with spot application to pimples, thereby preventing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora;
  • salicylic to relieve inflammation with application locally, daily 1-2 hours before shampooing;
  • ichthyol with rapid elimination of pustular lesions, providing an antibacterial effect, despite the specific smell. It is necessary to treat the skin integuments shortly before washing the hair (1-2 hours).

Before using any other drug, it is wise to test it first for allergies by applying a little on the wrist, waiting 15-20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can treat the scalp with a solution of salicylic acid or camphor alcohol, rubbing it into the affected areas with massaging movements. Withstand 2-3 hours, then wash your hair using a natural natural antiseptic (tar) to normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands, suppress pathogenic microflora.

Acne on the head, treatment with folk remedies

The people know many different recipes for getting rid of acne, cleansing the dermis from comedones. Of course, folk remedies are best used in consultation with the doctor and only for uncomplicated rashes at the initial stage. To help - masks, talkers, solutions (water, alcohol) for rinsing hair in the composition of vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants. Best Recipes:

  1. Mask, lemon juice (2 tsp) mixed with olive oil (2 tsp). Lubricate the affected areas, cover the head with polyethylene, hold for 1 hour, rinse with water using shampoo.
  2. Grate the cucumber, rub the gruel into the scalp, cover with cellophane on top. Keep in the form of a compress for up to 30 minutes, then rinse your hair with warm water without using shampoo.
  3. Pour anise seeds (100g) with warm water, soak for 12 hours, grind into a paste. Treat the integument of the skin, covering it with a film on top. Leave on for 1 hour, then rinse with water. Apply masks after 1-2 days. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  4. Dandelion, prepare a decoction. Rinse after each shampooing, alternating with a decoction of chamomile, sage, yarrow.
  5. Homemade shampoo. Mix colorless henna (2 tablespoons) with water (2 tablespoons), beat in 1 egg, mix. Apply to the hair with massaging movements, hold for 1-2 hours, then rinse with warm water.
  6. Kalina - crush the berries, squeeze the juice. Treat problem areas, holding up to 40 minutes, then wash off with a decoction of chamomile.
  7. Vinegar mixed with water (100 ml) applied to washed hair, hold for 5 minutes, then rinse well without shampoo

As rinses, you can use a decoction of yarrow, calendula, St. John's wort, sage, hop cones, celandine or chamomile, alternating them to enhance the effect.

In order for the scalp to always remain in a healthy state, and acne does not bother, it is important to follow simple daily preventive measures:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • use natural scrubs when caring for hair and scalp;
  • stop stress, overexertion;
  • use proven shampoos, taking into account the type of hair;
  • wash your hair no more than 2 times a week;
  • follow a diet;
  • undergo regular examinations by doctors at least once a year;
  • wear caps made of natural, breathable materials.

The rules are simple, they will prevent the appearance of discomfort in the hair on the head. If the first signs of acne could not be avoided, then it is important to choose the best proven remedies and, of course, visit a specialist. Acne in the hair on the head is not always a harmless cosmetic defect. Often a sign of the development of internal, and serious pathology.

For many years, medicine has been studying the causes of acne and ways to deal with them. This defect is equally found in the fairer sex and men. Children are no exception either. Acne is not a typical violation of the aesthetic appearance, but a serious disease. The appearance is accompanied by redness, pain occurs.

Pimples on the head are common in women and men

Acne appeared on the head, neck and back: treatment methods for women and men

If you do not take medical measures in time, up to a complete loss. Because of this, you need to take immediate action as soon as you notice small pimples on your head under your hair. And this can only be done with the right and comprehensive approach, which begins with finding out the cause.

If time does not take measures to eliminate acne, then you can lose hair

What to do if small formations on the scalp itch?

It is noteworthy that acne appears regardless of a person's age. Patients who have encountered a problem claim that acne appeared on the scalp unexpectedly, and the treatment was long. When the skin of the scalp is covered with such defects, a person falls into despair. There is a feeling of pain, itching and burning. Hair is difficult to care for, and the use of restorative or exfoliating cosmetics is prohibited.

There is a feeling of itching and burning

This causes discomfort, lowers self-esteem and negatively affects the psychological state.

7 causes of painful blisters on the skin in curls

Cosmetologists know a large number of reasons, as a result of which pustules form on the head in the hair. If we highlight the common etiological factors, the list will be as follows.

Will shampoo help when there are a lot of sores?

Daily use of the wrong composition for washing your hair. Shampoo is one of the main culprits. Moreover, it can be a favorite tool that you trust and have been using for a long time. Doctors and masters of the beauty industry strongly recommend using only professional or medical cosmetics. You can buy products in pharmacy chains or specialized stores. It is also worth noting that daily shampooing leads to a decrease in the protective function and poor functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is better to carry out hygiene procedures with an interval of two days.

One of the good reasons for the appearance of acne is poor-quality shampoos.
  1. Disruption of balance and diet. When a person notices that he has acne on his scalp, this is a serious reason to reconsider his daily diet. Poor nutrition can also cause hair problems.

    Often the problem occurs due to the use of a large amount of carbohydrates: sugar, sweets, and so on. It is necessary to make adjustments and diversify the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. The most important vitamins that are responsible for hair health are A and E. They should also be included in the daily diet in pure form or by taking a multivitamin complex.

  2. stressful situations. The next culprit in the disruption of the sebaceous glands and the development of the inflammatory process is stress. Thus, the body signals its fatigue or tension, first a rash appears on the scalp under the hair, and then the problem worsens. Doctors recommend less stress and more rest. In severe situations, you may need to undergo treatment with a neurologist. Constant stress is the culprit of many diseases.
  3. Medications. Have you noticed long lists of side effects in some groups of drugs? Quite often, they indicate that there is a possibility of a rash and the appearance of acne of various localization. Anabolics and antibiotics have a similar effect. If the medication is prescribed by a doctor and its cancellation is impossible, then you will have to wait for the completion of the course of treatment. Hair problems may be side effects of medications

    But, a long course of an adverse reaction can lead to the fact that the patient will have, not just acne, but blisters on the head in the hair.

  4. Bad habits. If a person is addicted to alcohol or smoking tobacco, then he often encounters acne on his head. In this situation, you should seek help from specialized specialists or give up bad habits on your own. Quit smoking
  5. Synthetic materials. Pay attention to the material from which your bed linen and towels are made. Very often, acne appears due to irritation from exposure to synthetics, for example, when you sleep on such a pillowcase for a long time or dry your head with a towel made of non-natural fabrics. If this is the reason, then it will be easiest to solve the problem.
  6. Low temperatures. Very often, pimples appear on the scalp in people who are accustomed to walking in winter or in the cold season without a hat. Exposure to low temperatures adversely affects the skin of the head. Also, under their influence, dandruff appears. Seemingly harmless symptoms can lead to complete hair loss.

Properly selected cosmetics will not only protect the scalp, but also give health and shine to your hair, purchase only proven products.

If purulent and painful acne appears on the body of the head

If you notice in time that you have purulent acne on your head in your hair, and the problem has not yet become acute, then there is no need to see a dermatologist. The problem is easily solved at home.

If pimples appear, consult a doctor

Large red and white blisters: analyzing the symptoms

The location of acne does not matter: at the edge of hair growth or on the scalp, the measures are identical. Stage one - a comprehensive analysis:

  • harmful products can provoke pimples on the head under the hair. Take a piece of paper and a pen, and now write down everything you eat. See if this list includes: chocolate, alcohol, smoked foods, pickles. If there is, then it is necessary, even if not completely eliminated, but at least minimized. Also add regular multivitamin intake; Eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet
  • then study the cosmetic product that is used for washing. Determine your skin type and if there is a conflict, then purchase a product that suits your hair.
Find out if a cosmetic is compatible with your skin

And if the problem has already developed, then you need a shampoo for acne on the head (sold in a pharmacy);

How to get rid of the problem for adults and newborn babies

Stage two - troubleshooting

  • when a thick rash appears, regular shampooing with tar soap (sold in a pharmacy and household chemical stores) will help solve the problem;
  • red acne on the head in the hair is an inflammatory process, it must be stopped. Only medical suspensions and ointments can cope. Application is carried out only on clean and dry hair, you can use ichthyol ointment; Ichthyol ointment
  • but if you have a pimple on your head in your hair that hurts, then you need a serious remedy. Previously, this was helped by taking a hot sulfur-salt bath. Now cosmetics manufacturers offer special preparations that contain sulfur;
  • so that the disease does not spread throughout the head, it is recommended to apply camphor oil or salicylic oil to the affected area. They act as an analgesic and antiseptic; Camphor oil
  • be sure to look at the composition of the purchased products - this will help identify the substance to which you may have an allergic reaction.
Get tested at the hospital for allergies

Advice! If abscesses on the head in the hair are treated, in no case should they be squeezed out, otherwise serious infection of the blood and skin may occur.

Prevention of disease in a child

You will never be bothered by painful pimples on your head in your hair if you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wash your hair no more than once every two days;
  2. Choose a shampoo according to your hair type;
  3. Give up bad habits;
  4. Take vitamins;
  5. Balance your diet.


The key to beauty and health of hair is proper care.

Acne on the head, although not visible to others under the hair, but its owner delivers a lot of inconvenience. They itch, itch, and in the process of using the comb, they also cause severe pain. To get rid of unpleasant inflammation on the skin, many seek to find a radical and reliable way to eliminate acne on the head in the hair. But before you apply any of the remedies advised to you, you should find out what is the cause of this unpleasant problem.

Why do they appear

Painful acne on the head can be caused by various factors:

  • Age-related or monthly fluctuations in hormone levels often cause unpleasant inflammation on the skin. Adolescents and women bearing children can suffer from such a problem. Hormonal swings of the menstrual cycle also often provoke the appearance of rashes on the head. In men, inflammatory processes on the skin appear when testosterone levels decrease.
  • Too active work of the glands that produce sebum leads to the fact that very painful acne appears on the head under the hair. Due to the large amount of secretion, the ducts become clogged, and an inflamed area forms on the dermis. But if such pimples on the face practically do not bother their owners, then under the hair they become very painful, and it's not just about injuring inflammation through a comb. The skin, covered with abundant vegetation, does not breathe fully, which only aggravates the situation. Hair follicles also contribute to blocking pores and the formation of acne on the head.
  • Reduced body defenses can let infection into the upper layers of the skin, which will provoke the formation of rashes on the scalp. In addition, bacteria can also enter the sebaceous ducts, causing extensive and painful inflammation.
  • Steroid drugs cause a restructuring of the hormonal balance in the body, against which acne occurs on the head in the hair.
  • Improperly built hair care can cause acne on the head. The wrong shampoo can dry out the skin, cause itching and lead to excessive production of sebaceous glands. Too rare or, conversely, too frequent hair care with detergents also cause inflammation in the upper layers of the epidermis. If you use shampoo every day, it will wash away the functional protective layer from the surface of the head, which will start the active work of the sebaceous glands. Over time, the ducts become clogged with secretions and become inflamed.
  • Too much chlorinated water that you wash your hair with can dry out the skin and thereby cause increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, the excessive production of which can clog the ducts and lead to the appearance of unpleasant and painful acne on the head.
  • Bedding or hats made of synthetic material do not allow the scalp to breathe and lead to clogged pores and acne on the back of the head.
  • An improperly formed diet with a large amount of sweets or junk food leads to acne on the scalp. If you are a fan of fried foods, smoked meats and love to eat cakes and pastries, this can seriously harm your internal organs and metabolism. All this is guaranteed to affect the condition of your skin.
  • Stress significantly reduces the protective properties of the body and leads to hormonal imbalance, which often results in rashes.


Depending on the cause of the appearance and nature, acne on the head can be divided into 3 subspecies:

  • Comedones or common acne that occurs due to clogged ducts of the sebaceous glands. Such pimples on the head are dense, non-inflamed nodules, which, as a rule, do not cause discomfort.
  • Inflamed pimples on the head are comedones in which pathological processes have begun. Such eels already have a white head and cause some pain.
  • , forming in the deep layers of the skin, can also occur on the head and cause discomfort to its owner.

How to treat

Before embarking on self-medicated elimination of acne on the head, you need to find out the cause of the formation of these unpleasant inflammations on the skin. A dermatologist will help you with this (if acne appeared due to bacteria or blockage of the ducts) or an endocrinologist (if it is a matter of hormonal disruptions). Specialists will prescribe the appropriate medication for you.


Review your hygiene routine. If you wash your hair too often, you wash off the protective layer from your head. Dry skin needs quick hydration, and therefore the glands that produce sebum begin to function with double strength. This leads not only to the fact that the hair becomes greasy and stale-looking ahead of time, but also to clogged ducts. The sebaceous glands become clogged and painful pimples form on the head.

Washing your hair too infrequently also leads to the formation of acne on the back of the head and head. The skin is covered with a dense film of fat, which does not allow the dermis to breathe.

Try changing the shampoo you wash your hair with, perhaps acne on your head occurs because your cosmetic product does not suit you, causes allergies, or dries out the skin.

Medical treatment

If the dermatologist reveals that acne on the back of the head is of a bacterial nature, he will prescribe the necessary therapy for you:

  • Antibacterial ointment is applied to the washed and dried head, and then washed off.
  • It is recommended to wipe the skin around inflamed acne on the back of the head or forehead with camphor or salicylic alcohol.
  • A course of antibiotics will allow you to defeat the problem dramatically, at the end of taking the prescribed drugs, you will forget that you were once worried about acne on your head.
  • An antibacterial shampoo will help relieve inflammation in problem areas of the skin.

The endocrinologist will prescribe you tests to detect the level of hormones in your blood, and select drugs to equalize it.

But drug treatment is often not enough to keep you from getting acne on the back of your head under your hair. The doctor will definitely recommend that you follow a special diet, devoid of spicy, fried and sweet, and also prescribe to maintain the body. Work to rid the skin of unpleasant inflammatory formations should take place in a complex. You must not only treat acne locally, but also eliminate the causes that provoked their appearance.


Traditional medicine also offers a lot of methods to cure acne on the head. You should not use them without visiting a dermatologist or endocrinologist. These methods will help you slightly dry and soothe inflamed skin, they should be used in combination with specialist prescriptions. After all, if you have not given up harmful foods or have serious problems with the balance of hormones, no local use of folk methods will bring you relief. Painful inflammation will continue to appear on your scalp.

  • 100 grams of apple cider vinegar is diluted with the same volume of water. After washing, you need to treat the scalp with this solution and rinse thoroughly after 5 minutes. Carrying out a similar procedure once a week, you will notice that acne on your head has ceased to cause you inconvenience.
  • To rid the skin of unpleasant inflammation, you can use a reliable natural antiseptic. Tea tree oil helps to cleanse the surface of the skin and reduce the production of sebaceous glands. It is necessary to point the product on acne on the back of the head and on other areas of the scalp. Inflammatory processes will stop, the skin will calm down and begin to heal.
  • Mask of cinnamon and thick honey, mixed in a ratio of 1:2.

Many people have experienced acne on their body, but not everyone knows that acne can also appear on the head and hair. A person can detect them while combing the hair in the form of painful sensations. You should not delay the treatment of this ailment, otherwise then it can drag on for a long time and cause a lot of trouble.

As a rule, the appearance of acne on the head is the first alarm signal about the disease inside the body. In order to be cured, you need to understand what acne can be on your head, and only a doctor knows this.

A trichologist, a doctor specializing in hair problems, a dermatologist and a gastroenterologist, can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Causes of acne on the head

  • One of the most common causes of scalp acne can be the use of inappropriate hair and scalp care products. You can not wash your hair too often and very rarely, this also leads to a problem with acne on the head. On average, the head is washed every 3-4 days.
  • The next reason is the wrong diet. As a rule, the abuse of sweet foods, fatty, fried foods, and of course alcohol can lead to acne on the head. If this is the reason, then you should follow a diet, it really helps.
  • Disruptions in the hormonal system in women, how can they be accompanied by rashes.
  • Headwear made of artificial fabrics.
  • Severe stress or regular stressful situations.
  • Malfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  • Pimples appear on the head after shaving hair, blunt blades, or after injuries.
  • Infections caused by bacteria or fungi.
  • Chronic sleep deprivation.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of acne on the head

Acne on the head, as well as on the whole body, can be divided into two types:

  • Black acne. It is formed due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a rule, they are not noticeable and do not bring discomfort to a person.
  • Purulent inflammation. These are pimples filled with pus, and the skin around it has a red, inflamed color.

Treatment of acne on the scalp

Pimples cannot go away on their own and must be treated. A competent doctor will diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

In some cases, acne still goes away on its own, or rather, after the elimination of the main cause of their appearance.

If there are no serious reasons for concern, then the treatment and prevention of various types of acne can be carried out at home on your own. It can be decoctions of herbs, medicated shampoos and masks.

Folk recipes for the treatment of acne on the head

To achieve a faster and more fruitful result in the fight against acne on the head, it should be treated in combination. That is, the doctor prescribes medications, and traditional medicine can be added to them.

People who have encountered this problem at least once know how to quickly get rid of acne on their heads with henna. Henna is an excellent antiseptic, but it should not be used more than once a week. You should not worry that from henna the hair will acquire an undesirable shade; for this purpose, special colorless henna is sold in pharmacies.

With the help of tincture of calendula, you can organize the productive work of the sebaceous glands. And a lot of important factor in choosing this tool, it is worth noting its low price.

Kills harmful bacteria and disinfects the wound with tea tree oil. The oil is not used in its pure form. It needs to be injected a few drops into the shampoo.

Aloe juice can be a real helper in the fight against acne on the head. It not only relieves inflammation, but also helps to quickly heal wounds on the head.

In fact, examples of only some traditional medicine are given here, but in fact there are many ways to solve problems.

Preventive procedures

Often, when people see photos of acne on their heads, they are afraid of their appearance in themselves. To do this, in order to avoid the appearance of acne on the skin, preventive measures should be taken. They are as follows:

  • you should not wash your hair more often than the average norm, that is, 1 time every 3-4 days;
  • the head wash should not cause allergic reactions. Before use, you should study the composition of the product, its contents should exclude oils;
  • the comb should be washed regularly and treated with antiseptics or alcohol;
  • regularly change bed linen and wash the pillow itself;
  • even with severe itching, it is forbidden to comb acne. Thus, an infection can be introduced and treatment may be delayed.

An important factor in preventing the appearance of acne on the head is proper nutrition, or rather, do not abuse products that provoke the appearance of a rash, such as alcohol, fried foods, sweets, smoked meats, salt, dyes contained in foods, tea, coffee.

It is worth introducing a lot of fruits, juices, fruit drinks, fresh vegetables, cereals, dairy products, green tea into the meal. And it is very important to drink water properly. Rather, in the right amount, it is at least 2 liters per day for an adult.

Photo of acne on the head