Features of the modern speech situation. Types of speech culture

  • Date: 11.12.2020

The concept of "speech situation" is a basic concept of linguistic pragmatics - the science that studies how a person uses language to influence the addressee (who perceives speech) and how he behaves in the process of verbal communication.

What does the peculiarities of speech and speech behavior of a person depend on? As it turned out, from many reasons and factors. The combination of these factors is called the speech situation. Its main components are external and internal conditions of communication, participants in communication, their relationships.

The general scheme of a speech situation can be represented as follows.

In addition to the main factors highlighted in this scheme that affect the features of business speech and speech behavior of communicants, it is possible to single out such factors as the degree of acquaintance, the degree of distance between the communicants, the presence of observers, etc. However, these factors determine the quality of business speech not to the same extent as the main factors, or components of the speech situation.

Let's consider them. The formal setting presupposes the particular legal significance of business communication. This is due to the fact that specific people - individuals - not only represent the interests of legal entities (firms, enterprises), but also act on behalf of legal entities in business negotiations, in the process of business meetings.

Official communication takes place in the office space - office, reception, conference room, etc.

Official communication can also be intracorporate, for example, protocol business communication, represented by the genres of meetings, meetings, councils of leaders.

The formal setting requires compliance with the appropriate etiquette standards of speech behavior:

Obligatory two-way you-communication in relation to the interlocutor of any age group and any social status;

Strict adherence to the etiquette framework of communication (words of greeting and goodbye);

Using etiquette standard courtesy formulas ("be kind", "be kind", "let me ..." etc.).

The official environment imposes requirements on the lexical composition of speech, which should not include abusive, slang, colloquial words and dialectisms.

There are requirements regarding the pronunciation of words. The official setting determines the choice of a literary type of pronunciation, and not mumbling, tongue twisters or careless phonetic design of speech. Not [hello "], but [hello" e], not [kada], but [kagda].

The main tone in strict official relations is calm, restrained, in less strict official relations - calm, benevolent, affable.

In an informal setting, presentations, anniversaries, business meetings outside the walls of an institution or office, for example, in a restaurant, at home, and everyday communication in a work collective are held. In such an environment, the interlocutors feel much freer in the choice of speech means than in an official setting. This means that speakers are guided by the same rules and norms of speech behavior as in everyday life:

The choice is You - or You - communication, depending on the degree of acquaintance, age and position of the interlocutor;

Words of greeting and goodbye are used;

The use of etiquette formulas can be minimized.

Less stringent requirements for lexical selection do not exclude, however, the undesirability of using the same lexical layers that are undesirable in official communication.

The same can be said for pronunciation norms.

The determining factor in an informal setting is the degree of familiarity. A conversation with a stranger or unfamiliar person imposes essentially the same etiquette requirements as official communication. Even the presence of an "outsider" person (visitor, client) requires people who are in the same room with him to switch to the rules of official communication.

The exception is municipal employees of all ranks, employees of ministries and departments. For employees of the listed specialties, formal communication is the only type of business communication. The corporate culture of government officials, law enforcement agencies and ministries does not provide for an informal environment for business communication as a working environment. The severity of hierarchical relations does not provide for the possibility of using You-communication during working hours.

Factor addressee v business communication is no less important than the communication environment. Destination - the person to whom the speech is addressed (addressed). The communicative tactics and the choice of etiquette means will depend on what role and communicative relationships the speaker or writer (addressee) enters into with him.

The areas of implementation of management involve the performance of various social roles by the manager, which are determined by:

External industrial relations of the firm (organization);

Administrative activities;

Commercial relationship.

Entering into the relationship "producer" - "consumer", "leader" - "subordinate", "partner" - "partner", the manager, the leader determines for himself the principles on which the relationship is built, and, depending on them, develops a communication strategy ...

Target settings determined and grouped depending on how the leading principle of communication in a particular area (professional management) is selected. Currently, the priority is the principle consensus in partnership, responsiveness in market relations and equality in corporate relations.

The general principle of politeness does not exclude the richness of specific situations in which it is necessary to differentiate speech means. When choosing an appeal, for example, the most important criterion is the addressee's social status.

Dear Nikolai Stepanovich!

Dear Mr. Kutyu!

Dear Alexander Sergeevich!

The designation of the social status of the addressee can be verbal and non-verbal (indicated by intonation).

The indices of social status are official position, social position, financial position, merit. According to the Russian tradition, in business communication, gender differences are not emphasized, i.e. a woman has the same advantages as a man with equal social status.

During the years of Soviet power, a tradition of respectful attitude to the "bosses" has developed. A high official position ensured ingratiation and even servility on the part of subordinates or people of a lower position. The official position is still the main one in determining social status, but the tone of the attitude towards high-ranking officials is changing today. Of course, the personal merits of the addressee pe chi are also taken into account.

The social status and social role of a person may not coincide. In the era of market relations, organizations in hierarchical relationships, such as parent and subsidiary firms, are often partners.

The social role largely determines the nature of the communicative expectation of the interlocutor, which cannot be ignored. If you are a boss, a subordinate, while communicating with you, expects correctness, politeness, solicitude, sometimes patronage and always respect from you. Aggression, the desire to attribute miscalculations and mistakes to the account of a subordinate is a violation of the norm of the manager's speech behavior. Unfortunately, such symptoms of not mastering the social role of a leader have not yet been completely eliminated.

Communication "on an equal footing" with a subordinate is a prerequisite for creating a close-knit team that is able to survive in a competitive environment.

Communicative roles, unlike social ones, are changeable. One and the same person in the process of dialogue (polylogue) acts as an addressee, addressee and observer.

Addressee - initiator of the dialogue, speaking, writing, active communicant. This is definitely a tactically winning role. The addressee sets the tone, pace and thematic program of communication. It is not for nothing that the speech activity of managers, the ability to direct the conversation and regulate, which is especially important, its time frame, are valued all over the world.

The initiator of the speech has the undeclared rights of the "director" of communication. As a rule, he finishes it. This does not mean, however, that the position of the addressee is a passive position in the dialogue. Business communication presupposes not only increased attention to what is being reported, but also a number of compulsory verbal and cogitative operations in the process of speech perception: 1) control of the volume of what is communicated; 2) control of understanding; 3) summary; 4) definition; 5) adjustment of positions. All these operations are implemented using reactive cues: - Yes; - Well well; - Of course; - If I understood you correctly ...; - What do you have in mind?; - In other words, do you think that ...? etc.

With the help of the same reactive remarks, obligatory in the dialogue, the addressee can intercept the speech initiative, changing the communicative role to the role of the addressee. More on this in chapter IV of the book.

The position of the observer is also the position of an active participant in communication. Even without participating in the dialogue, the observer influences its course.

So, the presence of a visitor in the office suggests that internal corporate issues are resolved quickly, without excessive detail.

Thus, passive participants in the communication process in business communication simply do not exist. Hearing, according to psycholinguists, is a more intellectually intensive process than speaking. Therefore, the lecture schedules provide for breaks, and an experienced lecturer knows that after fifteen minutes during the lecture itself, it is necessary to do "relaxation" so as not to lose contact with the audience.

Speaking about communicative relations, one cannot fail to note the importance of the personal-subjective factor. When communicating, we convey not only objective information, but also our attitude towards it and the interlocutor. This latter, to a greater extent, determines the reaction of the interlocutor to certain speech actions. The demand for sociable, pleasant-to-talk managers, advertising agents is an economic strategy and policy in modern business.

Factor goals connects the positions of the speaker and the listener in a single communicative process.

In business communication, goals can be urgent and promising, implemented in plans for long-term cooperation.

Maintaining business contacts, informing and influencing the addressee in order to make a specific decision - these are the main types of goals pursued by addressees in the spheres of business and management.

Maintain business contacts, i.e. constructive business relations, it is possible only on the basis of positive mutual emotions - trust, sympathy, goodwill, respect, etc. For this purpose, congratulations, condolences, invitations to celebrations, letters of thanks, etc. are sent.

Informative letters, calls, faxes, sending catalogs, price lists, product samples, reports realize the second type of goals - to inform the addressee about the state of affairs, about the possibilities and conditions of the transaction, etc.

Instructions, rules, orders, orders, demands, complaints, requests, both in writing and orally, realize the goal of influencing the addressee and encouraging him to commit this or that act.

Often, the listed goals are combined within the same text, for example, a letter of request, which begins with a description of the state of affairs, i.e. with informing, but ends with a request.

There can be an infinite variety of specific speech situations, but there are their typical features, knowing which you can easily navigate in any of them and choose the necessary speech means to achieve the goal of communication.

Features of speech situations in the field of business relations are assigned to the genres of oral speech (business negotiations, a workshop, telephone messages, etc.) and to the genres of written speech (contract, business letter, license, rules, etc.). In each of the genres, the use of language has its own characteristics, but cardinal differences are associated with a change in the form of linguistic expression, therefore we believe that the information of written business speech needs to be "translated" into oral speech.

Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association

Universities of Russia by directions

teacher education,

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

As a textbook for students

Institutions of higher education

Moscow "Higher School" 2002

BBK 81.2 Rus-5y73

The authors of the tutorial: Cand. philol. sciences A. And. Dunev(VI.8, VII. 1), Dr. philol. sciences M. Ya. Dymarsky(VI.9), Cand. philol. sciences A.Yu. Kozhevnikov(III.8,1V.4, VI.5, VI.6), cand. philol. sciences N. V. Kozlovskaya(III.1, III.2, III.4, III.5), Cand. philol. sciences I. N. Levina(IX, IX. 1, X), Dr. philol. sciences I. A. Martyanova(XI), Cand. philol. sciences E.V. Sergeeva(V, VIII), Dr. philol. sciences K.P. Sidorenko(III.6, III.7) , Cand. philol. sciences HER. Silantyev(IV, VI.3, VI.7 Candidate of Philological Sciences M. B. Khrymova(VI. 1, VI.2), Dr. philol. Sciences of VD. Chernyak (general edition of the textbook, I, II, III.1, III.3), Dr. philol. sciences N. L. Shubina(VII.2)

R 88 Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. for universities / A. I. Dunev, M. Ya. Dymarsky, A. Yu. Kozhevnikov and others; Ed. V.D. Chernyak.

- M .: Higher. school; S.-Pb .: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2002.

ISBN 5-06-004205-7 (High School)

ISBN 5-8064-0483-8 (Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen)

The textbook is built in accordance with the new functional orientations of the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" and sets the task not only to develop students' speech competence, but also to expand their ideas about the Russian language, about the modern speech situation, about the speech portrait of our contemporary. The book contains theoretical material and a large number of practical tasks for classroom and independent work of students. The authors consider aspects of the existence of the Russian word that are relevant for speech behavior, the norms of Russian speech, stylistic aspects of speech culture, the basics of speech communication.

The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions in the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech." The book can be useful to everyone who is interested in the current state of the Russian language and wants to actively improve the quality of their speech.

BBK 81.2 Rus-5y73

ISBN 5-06-004205-7 © FSUE "Higher School" Publishing House, 2002

ISBN 5-8064-0483-8


The introduction of the new discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" into the educational standards of higher educational institutions is a significant and logical fact. A society in which freedom of speech has come to be recognized as one of the highest values ​​has come to understand that mastery of the native language, the ability to communicate, conduct a harmonious dialogue and achieve success in the communication process are important components of professional skills in various fields of activity. In whatever field a specialist with a higher education works, he must be an intelligent person who can freely navigate in a rapidly changing information space. The culture of speech is not only an indispensable component of well-trained business people, but also an indicator of the culture of thinking, as well as the general culture. The well-known linguist TG Vinokur very accurately defined speech behavior as "the hallmark of a person in society."

For a long time, the culture of speech was considered only in the aspect of mastering the norms of the Russian literary language. Many textbooks on the culture of speech are built in these orientations. On the other hand, the revival of interest in rhetoric and the inclusion of this discipline in university programs contributed to a shift in emphasis towards the study of speech genres and speech behavior.

The characteristic of the culture of speech, given in the collective monograph “Culture of speech and the effectiveness of communication” (Moscow, 1996), reflects the multifaceted nature of this concept and determines the guidelines for the content of the academic discipline: “The culture of speech is such a set and such organization of language means that a certain communication situation, while observing modern linguistic norms and communication ethics, can provide the greatest effect in achieving the set communication tasks. "

The university course "Russian language and culture of speech" is unique: it is studied by students of different levels of general cultural and language training, receiving education in different specialties. The tutorial is structured taking into account the various requests of potential addressees.

The authors of the textbook proceed from the principle of variability in the content of the course. It is fundamentally important that in all sections of the textbook materials are presented that allow you to build work both with students of a high level of language and speech competence, and with those who have difficulties either in following the norms of oral and written speech, or in the implementation of effective communication in different areas. The textbook should help to implement this principle and contribute to:

- a qualitative increase in the level of speech culture;

The formation of communicative competence, which means the ability of a person to organize his speech activity using linguistic means and methods that are adequate to situations of communication;

Expansion of the cultural level, enrichment of ideas about the language as the most important component of the spiritual wealth of the people;

The formation of skills to evaluate speech behavior and speech works in different areas of communication.

The content of the textbook ensures the performance of its various functions: informing, teaching, developing, reference. Each section of the textbook contains informative and educational parts, assignments and literature for discussion in the classroom (mainly, these are publications of the popular scientific journal "Russian Speech", in an accessible form covering the most relevant phenomena of the Russian language and Russian speech). At the end of the textbook, there is a list of recommended literature that will help deepen and expand knowledge on the topics studied. Much attention is paid to the formation of the need and skills to use dictionaries. Dictionaries recommended for active use should certainly accompany the work with the textbook.

A distinctive feature of the textbook is its appeal to the modern language situation, to the language of today with all its advantages and disadvantages.

The compilers of the textbook will consider their task completed if the students studying on it become more attentive to the purity and correctness of their speech, will enjoy the language game, will be able to feel like a creative linguistic person, for whom the native language is also a reliable tool in various fields. activities, and a faithful assistant, and a good friend.


Language is a powerful means of regulating the activities of people in various fields, therefore, the study of the speech behavior of a modern person, understanding how a person owns the wealth of the language, how effectively he uses it, is a very important and urgent task. The poet Lev Oshanin, in a lyrical miniature, conveyed those emotional sensations that arise during speech "failures" (one of the most typical speech errors is played out in the poem):

I dialed the number

But so deep

Unusual, personal -

It seemed

All my life I dreamed of this.

It's quiet, but it's about to sound

Just touch ...

And suddenly I hear:

"Where are you calling !?"

And immediately, like hail through the window,

Like I was robbed of a movie.

- Ah, girl, I'm sorry -

Do not call, call! -

And she answered: "Does it matter?"

She does not care. She left. Broken off.

Every educated person must learn to evaluate speech behavior - his own and those of the interlocutors, to correlate his speech actions with a specific communication situation.

Today, the speech of our contemporaries attracts more and more attention of journalists, scientists of various specialties (linguists, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists), writers, teachers, it becomes the subject of heated discussions of ordinary Russian speakers. Feeling speech trouble, they are trying to answer the question of what is connected with the state of speech culture that worries many. The age-old Russian questions "what to do?" and "who is to blame?" quite natural in relation to the Russian language and to the Russian speech.

In an in-depth study "Russian language at the end of the 20th century (1985-1995)", an attempt is made to highlight the most significant features of the Russian language at the end of the century. It notes:

“The events of the second half of the 80s - early 90s are similar to a revolution in their impact on society and language. The state of the Russian language of our time is determined by a number of factors.

1. The composition of participants in mass and collective communication is sharply expanding: new strata of the population are joining the role of orators, the role of writing for newspapers and magazines. Since the end of the 1980s, thousands of people with different levels of speech culture have received the opportunity to speak in public.

2. In the media, censorship and auto-censorship, which previously largely determined the nature of speech behavior, are sharply weakened.

3. Increases personal beginning in speech. Faceless and addressless speech is replaced by personal speech, acquiring a specific addressee. Increasing biologicality communication, both oral and written.

4. Expanding the scope spontaneous communication not only personal, but also oral public. People no longer speak or read pre-written speeches. They say.

5. Important parameters of the course of oral forms of mass communication are changing: it creates the possibility of direct appeal of the speaker to the listeners and the feedback of the listeners with the speakers.

6. Situations and genres of communication are changing both in the field of public and in the field of personal communication. The rigid framework of official public communication is loosened. Many new genres of oral public speech are being born in the field of mass communication. The dry radio and TV announcer was replaced by the presenter, who reflects, jokes, expresses his opinion.

7. The psychological rejection of the bureaucratic language of the past (the so-called Newspeak).

8. There is a desire to develop new means of expression, new forms of imagery, new types of addresses to strangers.

9. Along with the birth of the names of new phenomena, there is a revival of the names of those phenomena that are returning from the past, prohibited or rejected in the era of totalitarianism "(Russian language of the end of the XX century. M., 1996).

Freedom and emancipation of speech behavior entail a loosening of linguistic norms, an increase in linguistic variability (instead of one permissible form of a linguistic unit, different variants are permissible).

G. N. Sklyarevskaya gives an accurate description of the current state of the Russian language from the standpoint of a lexicographer (compiler of dictionaries), for whom it is always fundamentally important to separate the singular and the random from the natural and promising for the language: “We have a unique opportunity to observe and study the language at the time of its rapid and, as it seems, catastrophic changes: all natural processes in it are accelerated and mismatched, hidden mechanisms are revealed, the action of language models is exposed, in the mass consciousness the observed language processes and facts are assessed as destructive and disastrous for the language. Such dynamics and such tension of all linguistic processes give the impression of linguistic chaos, although in reality they provide precious and rare material for linguistic discoveries. " (Sklyarevskaya G.N. Russian language of the late XX century: a version of the lexicographic description // Dictionary. Grammar. Text. M., 1996).

Mass media have a special influence on the state of speech culture. Every person experiences the powerful impact of speech every day on television, on the air or on the pages of newspapers and magazines. The quality of this speech elicits an immediate emotional response. It is newspapers and magazines, radio and television that for many native speakers serve as the main source of ideas about the language norm, it is they that form the language taste; many diseases of the language are rightly associated with the mass media.

Linguistic emancipation, at times turning into licentiousness, the replication of linguistic mistakes that do not meet the proper rebuff, dull the feeling of linguistic responsibility. Speech sloppiness, adherence to cliches, the desire to cover up the banality of thought with "prestigious" words and phrases are found in numerous statements that sound on radio waves and from TV screens. Many programs, primarily directed at young people, undermine the idea of ​​what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in public speech.

Modern periodicals are replete with unmotivated borrowings, ineptly formed occasional words (single author's neoplasms), slang vocabulary. The removal of ideological prohibitions, the desire to update the lexical and stylistic resources of journalism determine a high degree of relaxedness of the mass media. "The constant presence of jargon in written texts leads to their" freezing ", as it were, stabilizes them, oliteraturing and, of course, reducing their jargon" (Kostomarov V.G. Linguistic taste of the era. M, 1994).

Twenty years ago, D.S.Likhachev first used a concept that was quite new at that time ecology in an unusual context - "ecology of culture", "moral ecology". He wrote: “... Ecology cannot be limited only by the tasks of preserving the natural biological environment. For a person's life, the environment created by the culture of his ancestors and himself is no less important. The preservation of the cultural environment is a task no less important than the preservation of the surrounding nature. " In recent years, the question of the ecology of language, directly related to the consciousness of a person, with the defining properties of his personality, has been increasingly raised; the ecology of the language is an integral part of the ecology of culture.

"Pollution of the language environment", which occurs with the active participation of the media, cannot but have a detrimental effect on the speech culture of a native speaker. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of S. M. Volkonsky, who wrote back in the 1920s: “The feeling of language (so to speak, the feeling of purity of the language) is a very subtle feeling, it is difficult to develop and very easy to lose. The smallest shift in the direction of sloppiness and irregularity is enough for this sloppiness to become a habit, and, as a bad habit, as such it will flourish. After all, it is in the nature of things that good habits require exercise, and bad ones develop themselves. " (Volkonsky S.M.O Russian // Russian speech. 1992. No. 2).

Today, the ability to conduct a dialogue is becoming one of the most important characteristics of the individual as a social phenomenon. A significant increase in the role of oral speech in the structure of communication, the expansion of its functions have significantly changed the idea of ​​the standard qualities of the speaker. Orientation towards oral (hence more free) speech communication determines many of the qualities of speech that are found at different levels.

The well-known linguist academician Y.D. Apresyan writes that the level of speech culture of a society (and, consequently, the state of the language) is determined by the relative weight of different types of language proficiency:

1. The high art of speech, represented in first-class literature. This level of language proficiency can be viewed as an aesthetic ideal.

2. Good craft (ie professional) language skills, represented in good journalism and good translations.

3. Intelligent language proficiency, dominated by a healthy conservative beginning.

4. Semi-educated language proficiency, "combined with poor command of thought and logic."

5. Urban vernacular, youth jargon (Apresyan Yu.D. On the state of the Russian language // Russian speech. 1992. No. 2).

The author emphasizes that it is the fourth type, which embodies the “speech inferiority” complex of a native speaker, his attempts to imitate cultural speech, attachment to ideological clichés, is fraught with a destructive beginning.

The speech portrait of a linguistic personality is largely determined by the richness of its vocabulary. It is this that ensures freedom and efficiency of speech behavior, the ability to fully perceive and process information coming in verbal form. The speech situation at the turn of the century is characterized, on the one hand, by the active enrichment of the vocabulary (the flow of borrowings, the adaptation of terminological vocabulary by the ordinary consciousness, the advancement of jargon units into the literary language), and on the other hand, the impoverishment of certain fragments of the vocabulary, largely due to a change in the reading circle, deverbalization of culture ...

Understanding the linguistic environment is naturally associated with the place that a book and, more broadly, a written text occupy in modern society. The range of readable and studied texts has a great influence on the formation of personality. In the process of reading, we do not just perceive texts. Their fragments are assigned by the individual, the words and phrases being processed form the lexicon. The quantity and quality of the texts read are directly reflected in those speech works that are created by a native speaker in different spheres of communication.

Philosophers and psychologists today speak with great concern about the expansion of screen culture, supplanting the culture of reading. As you know, a person who reads thinks differently, has a large stock of words, but the traits of a linguistic personality are determined not only by the quantity, but also by the quality of what he read; the properties of the created speech works depend on the properties of regularly processed texts and are the result of their processing. The outstanding literary critic and philosopher MM Bakhtin wrote that "the individual speech experience of every person is formed and develops in continuous and constant interaction with other people's individual statements."

The questionnaire to which the tenth graders of three Moscow schools answered, testifies to the sad fact: dozens of names that create a multidimensional field of culture mean nothing to today's schoolchildren, since they are simply not familiar to them. A crack is growing in mutual understanding between generations. This cannot but affect the ability to communicate and conduct a constructive dialogue. The common language of culture is created on those texts that have already formed the linguistic consciousness of generations.

The writer I. Volgin notes with alarm: “There is some kind of secret connection between the weakened grammar and our decayed life. Confusion in cases and a monstrous confusion of stress signals a certain flaw in life. Behind the flaws in syntax, flaws in the soul are suddenly revealed.<...>Damage to language is, among other things, damage to life, unable to express itself in clear grammatical forms and therefore always ready to retreat into the zone of the accidental and lawless. Language is an unwritten constitution of the state, non-observance of the spirit of which leads to destruction of all (including spiritual) power ”(Lit. Gazeta. 1993. No. 34). According to the author, many native speakers of the Russian language, including “future intellectuals” who are getting higher education, have lost their natural feeling of shame for gross errors in written texts; those who, by the nature of their activity, should defend the ideals of Russian verbal culture, also participate in the general "holiday of verbal freedom".

In different spheres of speech, there is a noticeable impoverishment of speech at the lexical level, its truncation at the level of constructing an utterance, and negligence at the phonetic and morphological level. There is a clear decline in the general level of speech culture in the media, in professional and everyday communication. N. G. Komlev writes about this more categorically: “People use a variety of linguistic means on a microscopic scale. The culture of speech impact fell to its lowest point. Russian speech is catastrophically lagging behind the high canons of Russian literature. She is becoming more and more primitive, stylistically helpless and often vulgar ”(Lit. Gazeta. 1997. October 8).

The intensive growth of borrowings in the last decade largely determines the speech portrait of a young Russian at the end of the 20th century. On the one hand, this manifests itself in the natural internationalization of the terminological apparatus of modern science being mastered, in the introduction to modern technologies (the rapid enrichment of that part of the vocabulary that is associated with computer technology is especially indicative), on the other, in the unjustified Americanization of everyday speech.

Yu. N. Karaulov emphasizes that “the introduction of foreign words comes from the laziness of the mind, the conservatism of thinking of the speaker and the writer, from the unwillingness to“ stir up ”the resources of the native language and look into its storerooms, and sometimes, it is true, from the desire for elitism in the text, from the pride of a person who knows foreign languages ​​in front of those who do not know them. All these are minor human weaknesses that lend themselves to educational and explanatory influence " (Karaulov Yu. N. On some features of the current state of the Russian language and the science of it // Russistics today. 1995. No. 1). These words are quite applicable to the speech behavior of a modern linguistic personality and characterize, first of all, the "semi-educated" type of language proficiency. The socio-psychological factors explaining the widespread use of borrowings include the perception of a foreign language word as more prestigious, its connection with the elite culture. The incomprehensibility of a foreign language word, the opacity of its internal form often weaken the mechanisms of speech control and lead to communication failures.

So, our contemporary, free and liberated in his speech, should not forget about linguistic responsibility: it is with the help of language that cultural and intellectual riches are transmitted from generation to generation, it is a good command of the native language that gives an individual the opportunity to fully realize himself in the profession and in creativity; the quality of the linguistic environment testifies to the spiritual health of society.


Justify and confirm with specific examples the factors identified by linguists that characterize the current state of Russian speech.

Read reflections on the state of the Russian language by our contemporary writers. What characteristics can you agree with, what are you willing to argue with? Give examples from modern media, mainstream literature, advertisements, and other types of text that would support your point.

1. A simple-minded news giver, without any irony, recently reported from television: “During his visit to the Island of Liberty, the Pope announced ...” - he meant a visit to Cuba. From the continuation of the phrase, it followed that the pope protested against the infringement on the island of freedoms and rights. The oxymoron turned out. But completely involuntary. If you ask the commentator, it turns out that he is not in the least mistaken about the freedoms of citizens under the endless dictatorship of Pope Castro, but such a nickname stuck to Cuba at other times and does not stick to this day, despite all the changes in ideological milestones. The habit is a straightforward trash.

Employees of the Russian special services are thoughtlessly called "chekists". Most of the users of this term do not approve of the Bolshevik terror in the least - they just do not hear the ominous connotation of this word.

It is now customary to call the state of nature "ecology". A completely competent TV presenter reports with a sympathetic intonation: "Our reportage is from a village where ecology is a mortal danger." In this case, in view of a possible collision with an asteroid, "astronomy" poses a mortal danger, and for our modern language the mortal danger undoubtedly lies in "philology." The era of catastrophes affects the representatives of the most meek specialties. And so the music critic reported on the radio with her indescribable intelligent intonation: "At the epicenter of the concert was Bizet-Shchedrin's Carmen Suite." And as for the party and state leaders, God himself ordered them to constantly be in the "epicenter" of events ...

Applicants for elective vacancies have to show voters a slightest "charisma" - from a simple Russian word ... from the word "person". And it is understandable: they meet on the face, in Russia they always knew this, and dear charisma look on all screens quite well, thanks to the make-up artists and um ... image makers. And if you hopelessly did not come out with charisma, then there is no need to meddle in a Kalash row. Even more so in Okhotny.

Modern reality has pretty much shattered the nerves of citizens, and therefore every sensitive person is constantly "in shock." There was even, if I may say so, a positive shock, for example: "After the victory of their national team, the fans are in shock." It is understandable for joy.

“Genocide” does not positively threaten us, but even the most moderate troubles are easily elevated to “genocide”. Impressive Russian patriotic leaders called "genocide" the difficulties experienced by the local "non-citizens" in Latvia. Difficulties, of course, are observed, but still the denial of citizenship should not be equated with mass murder. The memory of the victims of the Stalinist or Hitlerite genocide is offended, of course, by such a devaluation of fascist crimes, but perhaps this is also included in the calculation ...

Fashion for words is much more sticky than for dresses, because it will be expensive to change wardrobe, and fashionable words are acquired for nothing. Nowadays the word "elite" is fashionable in the sense in which it is used in English. And now they include in the "elite" politicians and businessmen, that is, people who are rich and successful in their careers; political scientists are important in interpreting the relationship between the "local elites", which includes frankly dark personalities. But in Russia, the bearers of higher culture and spirituality have always been called the elite - just in contrast to ministers and millionaires. The loss of this shade, the transformation into an elite of vulgar upstarts means a disregard for spiritual values, even if the zealous repeaters of the popular word do not think of anything like that.

In the same way, the word "problem" has acquired an English content. In Russian, it invariably meant a deep question of universal human or national significance: "the problem of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations" excited the imagination for centuries, "problems of agriculture" were chronically insoluble, as were the "problems of youth." Now the English tracing-paper is still on the books: "what are the problems?", "No problems", "this is your problem", "I have problems with the refrigerator" ...

The expression - figuratively, of course - "public flogging" has become very common. Either, according to a political observer, the president is going to arrange a "public flogging" for the government, then the Duma, and the minister himself, sometimes does not mind declaring in the first person: "I was whipped" ... (M. Chudaki. The style of today // Lit. newspaper. 1998.15 July).

2. Pushkin is hard to read by the new generation - this is almost not their language. But just a decade ago, the language of "Belkin's Tales" and "The Captain's Daughter" was "the norm of life." There has been a tremendous infusion of Americanisms and technicisms into our speech. Our television spoke with an American accent. But the point is not in specific words, but in style - this is now a very recognizable style of sketches, chopped-up business speech that sounds like a literal translation from English.

Another huge poisonous infusion is camp lingo. Over the past fifty years of our history, millions and millions of people have passed through the camp system, every second our citizen in one way or another came into contact with this prison-camp system. Camp jargon has already become the basis of modern vernacular, it penetrated into literature and even more into culture.

Thieves' speech, coupled with Americanisms - this is the new business Russian language, in which we do not read, but live and work day after day, is the prototype of social thinking. Language is an ideal tool for controlling the consciousness not of an individual person, but of the entire society. The criminal world is trying to really control our consciousness, society, and the most vital interest of this world is the destruction of the cultural layer, because only an uncultured people can be controlled by all these thieves in law, authorities and plowmen. But, who spoke them in terms of concepts, got drunk with this thieves' poison, we will not be "brothers" for them and not even people, but "fraera", "six" (Oleg Pavlov // A twinkle. 1998. No. 7).

3. A special language, as a means of creating a new context, is widely used in various fields of human activity, forming, first of all, a new ethical environment, freeing one from traditional obligations and forcing one to master new ones.<...>

Why do criminals use their own special vocabulary?

For conspiracy? But the "fenya" just does not hide, but betrays the criminal. So, to recognize "ours"? It is rather. "Thief's Fenya" is stable and conservative almost more than the language of politicians.

The word in the national, natural language carries not only everyday meaning, but also fixes the moral experience of the people.

Killer. Rapist. Robber. Bandit. Scammer.

This is not just a designation of persons and the nature of the activity, but also an assessment and a judgment. That is why there are hundreds of synonyms for the word “murderer” in the thieves' dictionary. And how many synonyms do the words “kill”, “steal”, “deceive”, “thief”, “prostitute” have ... These synonyms take the criminal fraternity out of the traditional moral context for our people, free them from moral judgment.<...>

How amazing our great writers have heard all the shades that reveal the ethical diversity of seemingly similar tautological concepts. The stranger said to Raskolnikov of a strange appearance and habits: "The murderer." Not a "killer" but a "killer". And if the terrible word "murderer" bears like a uniform of a judicial-protocol, newspaper-reporting guise, then "murderer" is the word "in life", this is already a stigma, a curse, a verdict of conscience. All the endless, almost brilliant verbosity of Porfiry Petrovich in conversations with Raskolnikov, the incrimination and denunciation of the murderer is not able to outweigh the ethical weight of the sentence - the "murderer".

Why are we so persistently offered to call hired killers "killers"? Fashion? Of course, the fashion too, but the fashion for shamelessness, for cynicism, for taming to the new morality: "in the entire civilized world, they kill." In this foreign word there is no assessment, it is, as it were, on a par with such neutral, not carrying a moral connotation of the words "dealer", "color", it seems to be official terminology: janitor, painter, carpenter

Moving to a new context, to emigration, begins first of all with immersion in a new vocabulary, and this is where the “reassessment of values” begins ...

It is very convenient - to put the inhabitants of your country, your city in the position of emigrants, staring at incomprehensible signs, hearing foreign language, not knowing how to ask what, what to call what. City halls, prefectures, municipalities, killers, dealers, racketeers ... This is a dusty bag, which is primarily used by those who do not want, and perhaps even fear, that its activities are called simply and clearly in a language that has absorbed experience nation, including moral (Kuraev M. Travel from Leningrad to St. Petersburg. SPb., 1996. S. 127-132).

4 ... Language (as a way of communication) is a living phenomenon. It is constantly changing - well, right before our eyes. The only bad thing is that linguistic innovations at first cut the ear, pampered by the literary norm, like a fork on glass!

Literally over the past year, the modest prepositional form "about that" has begun its triumphant march. So, in conditions of pollution, blue-green algae that were previously unnoticeable begin to multiply in water bodies.

- I do not exclude the possibility that prices will rise.

Although it is so convenient not to exclude the possibility that prices will still remain at an accessible level.

- Intimidation that ...

Although before they preferred to intimidate with whom and with what.

- No information confirming that ...

- I hid about that ...

Illiteracy carries with it some kind of mysterious temptation. Someone was the first to dare to simplify grammar: why, indeed, indulge the intelligibility, even the finickyness of Russian verbs: “stated that” is correct, and “proved that”, you see, no. And the people in one impulse rushed after the brave leader, widening the breach in the wall of rules, erected by pedants!

But for some reason, there has never been an epidemic spread of the Maly Theater norm. "Curd" is unable to squeeze out "curd".

Political illiteracy stands apart. A Ukrainian patriot and just a politician, speaking as if in Russian, never admits that he lives “in Ukraine”. No. he is “in Ukraine”. The patriot is offended: “in Russia”, “in Belarus”, even “in Moldova”, although it is very small, and discrimination against Ukraine is carried out through the preposition “on”. And now I anxiously expect that this charming subtlety of language will be erased, confirming (but not "about") that the language is becoming large-block or something like modern construction, in which small charming architectural details are unprofitable - cast gratings, stucco molding, skates roofs ...

After all, what is typical. When I heard for the first time:

- We will be able to prove to the Russian authorities that ... - I was just thrown up - as if on a language bump.

And after the hundredth repetition in the same way:

- We are indignant that ... - I almost do not even indignant. I'm getting used to it.

It looks like a new norm is being born.

And maybe it's even good. Because if you want and have a certain taste, you can arrogantly follow the old norm, discarded by the masses - and thereby move away from the surrounding rough life, shutting yourself up in your own stylistic shell. Much less expensive than an ivory tower (Mikhail Chulaki.“Indignant about what is said” // Lit. newspaper. 1999. No. 11).

5. The Russian language is one of the richest in the world. A misfortune has happened: he becomes impoverished and dies before our eyes (and in our ears). If he enriches himself with anything alive, it is only with well-aimed thieves or semi-obscene words, and besides them - with dry, dead political terms. (The term is a mortified word, devoid of shades, smell, taste, devoid of expressiveness and strength, suitable only for Esperanto.) The very foundation is crumbling: additions die off, for some reason the names of localities and numerals do not decline. Why did they begin to say: “they have five children”, and not “five”? - Why: “I did not have one hundred and twenty-three rubles,” and not “one hundred twenty-three”? Schoolchildren, when teaching literacy, are not taught, apparently, the names of letters - hence "ne", "me", "se", "sy", "fe". (By the way: I first heard these "ne" and "me" from the prison window in 1937. The jailer asks: "Ne" or "Me"? "Instead of" accept "," deepen "instead of" deepen "," aggravate "instead of" aggravate "," begin "instead of" begin ", etc., etc., without end. "Lighten" instead of "lighten", "intention" instead of "intention" ... "Dogma" instead of "dogma", "community" instead of "community", "sign" instead of "sign".

There are more than enough foreign words pouring into the Russian language. Essentially, there is nothing wrong with that. The Russian language has long cultivated foreign roots next to its roots. Pushkin did this too. But at the present time it is already just a stream, a flood. Among the newly acquired terms there are those that certainly meet the requirements of the new social reality: for example, the concept of "sponsor" could not exist under socialism, under Soviet rule, there was no need for it, but now such a concept has arisen, it is not in the language - why would not take? - but many, many foreign words we do not need at all. The speaker thinks it is more intelligent to say “exclusive” or “consensus” instead of “exclusive” or “consent”. And the intelligentsia, observing this deadening stream, themselves choke on it. (She does not fulfill her cherished duty: to make a selection.) But the trouble is not only in foreignism. The trouble is deeper. They jumped up from the place of the attachment and rushed out of place at innocent nouns and verbs. The prefix "by" triumphs: "wash", "wash", "iron", "change" (instead of "wash", "wash", "iron", "exchange", "exchange", "replace", "change "," Exchange "," change "). Why, instead of “I didn’t think it was possible,” they began to say “I didn’t think it was possible”? Why, instead of sorting out "this matter," they began to speak "with this matter" ... And declensions, I repeat, declensions! “I live in Odintsovo”, “I live in Kratovo” - why not in “Odintsovo”, not in “Kratovo”? "Shelling of Sarajevo continues." Why not Sarajeva? (With the declensions, it's just a disaster: "arms control" says "arms control"; instead of "drug smuggling" - "drug smuggling" ...).

“God, God, what happened? / Why is everything around / Spinning around, spinning / And rushed like a wheel? "- Asked in a children's fairy tale and on a completely different occasion Korney Ivanovich.

K. Chukovsky did not live to see this crash, although he named the name of the main disease of the bureaucratic state: the office. (From the word "office" by analogy with "diphtheria", "appendicitis", etc.). He laughed sadly at such turns of speech: “we are planning for the summer in the Crimea "instead of" we are going to the Crimea. " (“Does every family have its own State Planning Committee?” He asked). He laughed bitterly when people in his presence flaunted unnecessary foreign words and, using them, thought that they were joining in education. (What would he say now: "image", "summit"? After all, we have Russian words for these concepts.) Maria Stepanovna comes to my mind, our dear, glorious worker, an illiterate Russian village woman from near Orel. How beautifully, picturesquely she spoke, she told! But now, seeing one day doves swarming among the flowers, Maria Stepanovna uttered the immortal phrase: “We need them canceled "...

The phrase is very typical for modern speech. To "drive out", "drive out" is too simple, in a village way, but if you say "cancel" - and you are already educated.

And the words stuck together, and the confusion in the very meaning of the word: "painting" (that is, wall painting, frescoes) got mixed up with "signature" and "receipt" ... any institution. The meanings of the words "humanitarian" and "humane" are completely confused - and yet they have different meanings. The words "graceful", "grace" used to mean "graceful", "grace", and now they mean "thin", "thin". The word "get better" meant "get well" and now means "put on weight."

And the hairdresser's obsequiousness! "Put your purse on the windowsill." "Can you tell me what time it is?" instead of "Please tell me what time it is?" (This makes them seem polite.)

The intelligentsia, I repeat, has lost its immunity. Does not select. In a hurry to "accept" that swill, which day and night the street, the radio, the newspaper, the TV are serving us all. (At the time of publicity, brilliant and fearless publicists appeared in our country, but I'm not talking about them.) “After the third round voting agreed for an introduction to agreement clause on the cancellation of this proposal from there "... (Why not" otted "?) Or:" During the day, there were fierce battles on the border, but by the evening the situation had calmed down. " Listen to your speech, the broadcasters! How can the situation calm down? Is the situation a machine gun burst?

I am far from thinking that drastic changes in language occur by accident or "by mistake." Well, of course, a lot comes from elementary illiteracy. But in general, this is a complex process, subject to research not by such an amateur as I am, but by the community of sociologists and linguists. Especially sociologists. (How, for example, to reconcile pronouns and verbs with masculine nouns in some cases? "My doctor ordered" ... It sounds unbearable to me - like "my rook has flown." and “flew in?” Well, “my doctor said,” why is that better? Isn't that just as unnatural? , Nina Mikhailovna, told me "... Here all the words are coordinated. I don't see any other way to get out of this pit. To say:" doctor "is for some reason a shame; to say" doctor "would mean" doctor's wife ").

I can lengthen and lengthen the list of my pressing questions ... Why, for example, people who inherited the surname "Ivanov" from their ancestors suddenly and all at once chose to call themselves "Ivanovs"? I do not find anything bad in this, but why is every Ivanov now Ivanov? Or: why were all the translators, leaders, chairpersons turned into translators, leaders, chairmen? Why did all the correspondents become correspondents? It is easy to understand: over the past decades, many professions that were previously owned only by men, have also been mastered by women. There were women engineers, women architects, women economists, women doctors. It was: "the translator Vera Zvyagintseva." It became: "translator Vera Zvyagintseva." This makes the translations themselves no better and no worse, but why?

I shut up. I will wait until "actress" becomes "actor", "singer" becomes "singer", and "dancer" becomes "dancer." I still have one question: are you alive - as alive as life? (Chukovskaya Lydia. My rook has arrived ... // Nevskoe time. 1996.10 January).

Similar information.

As a result of studying this chapter, the student should: know

  • the main characteristics of the modern speech situation;
  • the main provisions of the modern concept of the culture of speech; be able to
  • classify different types of language proficiency;
  • evaluate speech behavior; own
  • the skills of analyzing the modern speech situation;
  • the skills of correlating their speech actions with a specific communication situation.

Language is a powerful means of regulating the activities of people in various fields, therefore, the study of the speech behavior of a modern person, understanding how a person owns the wealth of the language, how effectively he uses it, is a very important and urgent task. Many years ago, the songwriter Lev Oshanin, in a lyrical miniature, conveyed the emotional sensations that arise during speech "failures" (one of the most typical speech errors is played out in the poem, which remains relevant today):

I dialed the number And made the wrong call -

But so deep

Unusual, personal -

It seemed

All my life I dreamed of this.

It's quiet, but it's about to sound

Just touch ...

And suddenly I hear:

"Where are you calling !?"

And immediately, like hail through the window,

Like I was robbed of a movie.

  • - Ah girl sorry
  • - Do not call, but call! -

And she answered: "Does it matter?"

She does not care. She left. Broken off.

Every educated person must learn to evaluate speech behavior - his own and those of the interlocutors, to correlate his speech actions with a specific communication situation.

Today, language is recognized as the most important component of national culture, which determines the unity of the nation. The speech of our contemporaries attracts more and more attention of journalists, scientists of various specialties (linguists, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists), writers, teachers, it becomes an object of legislative activity, the subject of heated discussions of ordinary Russian speakers. Feeling speech trouble, they are trying to answer the question of what is connected with the state of speech culture that worries many. Symptomatic is the title of the book by the famous linguist M. A. Krongauz, dedicated to current processes in Russian speech, - "Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown."

The age-old Russian questions "what to do?" and "who is to blame?" quite natural in relation to the Russian language and to the Russian speech.

Freedom and emancipation of modern speech behavior entail a loosening of linguistic norms, an increase in linguistic variability (instead of one permissible form of a linguistic unit, different variants are permissible).

Today the mass media have a special influence on the state of speech culture. Every person experiences the powerful impact of speech every day on television, on the air or on the pages of newspapers and magazines. The quality of this speech elicits an immediate emotional response. It is newspapers and magazines, radio and television that for many native speakers serve as the main source of ideas about the language norm, it is they that form the language taste; many "diseases" of the language are rightly associated with the mass media.

Linguistic emancipation, at times turning into licentiousness, the replication of linguistic mistakes that do not meet the proper rebuff, dull the feeling of linguistic responsibility. Speech sloppiness, adherence to cliches, the desire to cover up the banality of thought with "prestigious" words and phrases are found in numerous statements that sound on radio waves and from TV screens. Many programs, primarily directed at young people, undermine the idea of ​​what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in public speech.

Internet communication has a tremendous impact on modern speech, especially the speech of young people, which has determined the emergence of new speech genres (e-mails, chats, blogs, etc.).

Modern speech, both oral and written, is replete with unmotivated borrowings, ineptly formed occasional words, slang vocabulary. The desire to update the lexical and stylistic resources of journalism determines a high degree of relaxedness of the mass media.

In the 80s. XX century Academician DS Likhachev was the first to use the concept of ecology, which was quite new at that time, in an unusual context - “ecology of culture”, “moral ecology”. He wrote: “... Ecology cannot be limited only by the tasks of preserving the natural biological environment. For a person's life, the environment created by the culture of his ancestors and himself is no less important. The preservation of the cultural environment is a task no less important than the preservation of the surrounding nature. " In the last two decades, the question of the ecology of language, directly related to the consciousness of a person, with the defining properties of his personality, has been increasingly raised; the ecology of the language is an integral part of the ecology of culture. Even a special area of ​​the science of language - linguo-ecology - was formed.

"Pollution of the language environment", which occurs with the active participation of the media, cannot but have a detrimental effect on the speech culture of a native speaker. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of S.M. Volkonsky, who back in the 1920s. XX century wrote: “The sense of the language (so to speak, the sense of the purity of the language) is a very subtle feeling, it is difficult to develop and very easy to lose. The smallest shift in the direction of sloppiness and irregularity is enough for this sloppiness to become a habit, and, as a bad habit, as such it will flourish. After all, it is in the nature of things that good habits require exercise, and bad ones develop themselves. "

Today, the ability to conduct a dialogue is becoming one of the most important characteristics of the individual as a social phenomenon. A significant increase in the role of oral speech in the structure of communication, the expansion of its functions have significantly changed the idea of ​​the standard qualities of the speaker. Orientation towards oral (hence more free) speech communication determines many of the qualities of speech that are found at different levels.

The speech portrait of a linguistic personality is largely determined by the richness of its vocabulary. It is this that ensures freedom and efficiency of speech behavior, the ability to fully perceive and process information coming in verbal form. The speech situation at the turn of the century is characterized, on the one hand, by the active enrichment of the vocabulary (the flow of borrowings, the adaptation of terminological vocabulary by the ordinary consciousness, the advancement of jargon units into the literary language), and on the other hand, the impoverishment of certain fragments of the dictionary, largely due to the reduction and simplification of the reading circle, deverbalization of culture.

Understanding of the linguistic environment is naturally associated with the niche occupied in modern society by the book and, more broadly, by the written text. The range of readable and studied texts has a great influence on the formation of personality. In the process of reading, we do not just perceive texts. Their fragments are assigned by the individual, the words and phrases being processed form the lexicon. The quantity and quality of the texts read are directly reflected in those speech works that are created by a native speaker in different spheres of communication.

Philosophers and psychologists today speak with great concern about the expansion of screen culture and various forms of Internet communication that are replacing the culture of reading. As you know, a person who reads thinks differently, has a large stock of words, but the traits of a linguistic personality are determined not only by the quantity, but also by the quality of what he read; the properties of the created speech works depend on the properties of regularly processed texts and are the result of their processing. The outstanding literary critic and philosopher MM Bakhtin wrote that "the individual speech experience of every person is formed and develops in continuous and constant interaction with other people's individual statements."

Today, hundreds of names that create a multidimensional field of culture do not mean anything to school graduates, since they are simply not familiar to them. A crack is growing in mutual understanding between generations. This cannot but affect the ability to communicate, conduct a constructive dialogue, since the common language of culture is created on those texts that have already formed the linguistic consciousness of generations.

In different spheres of speech, there is a noticeable impoverishment of speech at the lexical level, its truncation at the level of constructing an utterance, negligence at the phonetic and morphological levels. There is a clear decline in the general level of speech culture in the media, in professional and everyday communication.

The intensive growth of borrowings in the last decade largely determines the speech portrait of a young Russian at the beginning of the 21st century. On the one hand, the ego manifests itself in the natural internationalization of the acquired terminological apparatus of modern science, in familiarization with modern technologies, on the other, in the unjustified Americanization of everyday speech.

Starting to study the "Culture of Speech" discipline, a modern student, free and relaxed in his speech, should not forget about linguistic responsibility: it is with the help of language that cultural and intellectual riches are transmitted from generation to generation, it is a good command of the native language that gives an individual the opportunity to fully realize yourself in the profession and in creativity. The quality of the linguistic environment, formed by the combined efforts of society, testifies to its spiritual health or ill health.

  • 1. Justify and confirm with specific examples the factors identified by linguists that characterize the current state of Russian speech.
  • 2. Read reflections on the state of the Russian language by our contemporary writers. What characteristics can you agree with, what are you willing to argue with? Give examples from modern media, mainstream literature, advertisements, and other types of text that would support your point.

in the same way, we, to the extent of our capabilities, taste, habits, climate, form our wardrobe, using certain items, putting them on daily or only in exceptional cases. The composition of "storage units" and the rules for manipulating them are constantly changing, as the rules for using clothes change under the influence of fashion. The most dynamic changes occur with words. Some of them disappear, or rather, if we continue the above comparison, they are forgotten, they stop taking from the shelf, they become covered with a thick layer of dust, and die for the visitors of the warehouse. More conservative are those of its departments where phonemes and morphemes are stored, there changes occur much more slowly, the same can be said about the rules for operating with these units. This, by the way, explains why those who talk about the damage or development of the language turn exclusively to vocabulary, arguing about borrowings, argotisms, changing the meanings of words, etc.

This warehouse is huge. It is not given to anyone to know everything that is stored on it, but the more units are involved by its visitors, the more fulfilling both their life and the existence of the warehouse itself. If, of the whole variety of units, rules and methods of working with them, only a limited set is used, this leads to a serious simplification, primitivization of speech products, to the degradation of the very warehouse-language. Its space is reduced, significant areas are "conserved", cease to exist for users, die for them. Who wants to wear the same suit all their lives? Or maybe not a suit at all, but a loincloth and a skirt made of palm leaves? The fundamental difference is that, while shaping our wardrobe in order to look decent, appropriate, dignified, to meet certain rules of behavior in society, we cannot always afford to dress as we would like - the wrong means, the wrong climate, the wrong figure, etc. But nothing limits us in speech. You don't need to have superpowers to use all the resources of your native language, to form a rich, beautiful, interesting speech.

2. ... Much of what we hear not only on the street, but also in an official setting, on radio and television, much that has to be read in newspapers and on billboards, it is disgusting to hear and read - because of rudeness, annoying obscene hints, wretched idle talk, illiteracy and irresponsibility of speech.

However, such nasty things do not indicate the properties of the language, but the properties of people. "The linguistic taste of the era" (this is the name of the book of the linguist V. G. Kostomarov) is made up of the tastes of different strata of society, different generations, it is determined by people with different characters and temperaments, life values ​​and morals. Those groups that are perceived as the most prestigious, and are trendsetters for the type of speech, for some especially expressive or especially meaningless words and phrases.

Everything will be fine with the morality and language of the media when people with a high level of culture and good taste become rich customers of the texts. And also when the consumers of the advertised products are wealthy cultured people - in this case, the speech from the TV screen and from newspaper pages will be focused on them.

It is curious how the proliferation of a synonymous series of words denoting the highest praise reflects a person's reorientation from one reference values ​​to others: “divine”, “charming”, “charming”, “magical”, “wonderful”, “magnificent”, “beautiful”, "Excellent", "great", "valuable", "iron", "legal", "worldly", "chic", "excellent", "amazing", "not weak", "hippie", "pop", " awesome "," cool "," cool "," awesome "," high "," cool "...

Language turns out to be capable of mercilessly showing the state of consciousness of an uncultured and morally wretched person. And we still, like wild people, repeat about bad words, not distinguishing between the signifier and the signified.

It is not words that are bad, but intentions: to offend, humiliate, carry out psychological violence in any form. For me, for example, it is offensive when, when demonstrating new products in department stores, my question is not answered for me, but a memorized text is shouted into the entire space of the room. There seems to be not a single "bad word", but it is insulting. This is where the communicative function of language breaks down. However, there is a message in these situations, its content is as follows: "Yes, I'm not going to notice you and talk to you."

3. You can safely kill the conductors who say "PAY FOR THE FACE"! You can either "pay for travel" or "pay for travel"! This is how the list of "deadliest mistakes" begins, posted on one portal. The usefulness of such work on errors is not in doubt. But...

I remember a chilly March day in St. Petersburg, a decrepit trolleybus somewhere between the Admiralty and St. Isaac's Square. A wretchedly dressed conductor, in response to someone's rudeness, suddenly bursts out with a "Dostoevsky and possessed" monologue: the work is hard, the wages are beggarly, there is no traveling housing - in general, complete hopelessness. In what words she had previously demanded payment of the fare - really, I do not remember. It was not up to the culture of speech at that moment. And maybe, in the struggle for culture, we should be a little calmer, more tolerant ... Do not keep people in constant fear about their level of literacy ...

Once upon a time there was a folklore "dictation" in the parod, with which some bores pestered their acquaintances: a long phrase about a widow who, on a terrace covered with ivy, regaled the collegiate assessor. Now this tradition is being renewed in “total dictations”, which are not to my liking either. This is an intimate business, not a public one - improving spelling and punctuation literacy. Control and police measures alone do not help here. Better - to interest, involve people from childhood in the world of language and its cultural and historical context. Let's remember: the rank of collegiate assessor gave nobility (Silent in "Woe from Wit") and corresponded to the military rank of major (Kovalev in Gogol's "Nose"). Those who were told this in time, maybe they will figure out where and how many "s" in the notorious "assessor". Letters - they are alive! It's fun to follow their games and dances.

A test has appeared on the Internet, which today certified philologists and writers are solving with nervous excitement: well, how can we not get the required fourteen points! Those who have typed, however, are greeted very tenderly: "After a long search, we have found you - a Person (with a capital letter), fluent in Russian!" This is correct: people should be encouraged. But I look at the quality of the tasks themselves. It is proposed, for example, to place commas in the following phrase: "The first exhibition of the Itinerants, which opened in 1871, convincingly demonstrated the existence of a new direction in painting that was taking shape during the 60s."

The methodological concept is clear: one participial phrase is after the noun, the other precedes it. But let's look at the phrase from the point of view of stylistics, let's try to read it aloud. The same inarticulate clerical: two participles, and even a verbal noun between them! You shouldn't write or say that. So what happens? We treat one thing and cripple the other. Correcting punctuation - disfiguring the style.

Oh, this testomania! Contagious thing! So at parting, I wanted to scare the readers. But not much - only three questions.

1. How do you spell and pronounce the word “competitive”?

Do you not insert an extra "n" between "t" and "o" for an hour, as, unfortunately, some radio hosts, and sometimes leading economists of our country, do?

  • 2. Are you using the terms “in power” (singular) and “in power” (in plural) correctly? Do you replace it with the erroneous "those in power"?
  • 3. Do you know that the often sounding combination "takes place" is a sign of a low speech culture of the speaker? This is a ridiculous and unnecessary hybrid of the expressions "takes place" (that is, "is") and "has to be" (that is, "will", "to be").

Congratulations to those who prove to be flawless on all three counts. And we will not kill the conductors.

4. On the whole, I have a good attitude to slang and all sorts of jargons. Active word-creation takes place in them, which the literary language cannot always afford. In essence, they are testing grounds for all kinds of language experiments. The use of slang in ordinary conversation creates a special effect and makes speech quite expressive. And I even envy all these "sausage is not childish", "stopudovo" and "atomio" (I myself do not use them very much), because speaking Russian means not only "speaking correctly", as it requires from time to time the channel "Culture", but also with pleasure, and therefore, emotionally and creatively (or, perhaps, now it is better to say - creatively?). And slang, of course, is more emotional than literary language.

Sometimes slang words fill some gap in the literary language, i.e. express an important idea for which there was no separate word. These words were, for example, "get" and "hitting". They are very popular and are often found in oral communication, if only because you cannot say more precisely in one word. Ns only in colloquial speech, but in written texts, a lot of slang words are now generally used. Still, I was surprised to read the phrase "act of terrorist lawlessness" in the Foreign Ministry's statement. I was amazed at how easily the word lawlessness, until recently "criminal jargon", which described primarily the situation in the camp, overcame the boundaries of the zone and entered the official language. Perhaps these examples are enough. I think that almost everyone who pays attention to their native language will have complaints about its current state - similar or, perhaps, some other (after all, we all have different tastes, including linguistic ones).

5. Modern Russian speech is called in every way: tasteless, vulgar, primitive, flat. If we try to do without evaluativeness, then we can say about it that it is a stream of pragmatic naming without any regard for the sacred component of the language. This is something like a "prayer in your own words."

In the 90s, there were quite a few anecdotes about the relationship of the “new Russians” with God, where crimson jackets address the heavenly Pope on a kid's hair dryer. Now "civilized" Russian business speaks in a terrible mixture of English, thieves, party-bureaucratic, interspersed with "sort of" literary. As a result of this eclecticism, the effect is the opposite. Russian “branding-branding-balalaika”, which wants to be effective, “like theirs,” does not even primitivize and vulgarize the Russian language, but rather muddies it.

Reading samples of the Russian capitalist give a damn, you fall into some strange state: funny, sad, and somehow scary.

Why, for example, should the cake be called "Jew"? It turns out that naming and branding experts in their sparkling brsynstorm decided that this name expresses a guarantee of quality. Why then not "Swiss" or "Japanese"?

And in general - "to eat a Jew" - it somehow sounds unsympathetic. And the Teddy Bear cake is no better.

Why call the toilet "Debut"?

What is "Credit for a wonderful moment"? What such a wonderful moment should I give for this very loan? God knows what thoughts come to mind.

"Russian National Show". If "national", then why "show"?

"Low prices - a clear conscience." Whose conscience is clear? Seller? Buyer? If the seller, then what does the buyer care about his conscience?

You can endlessly give examples of cacophony, vulgarity, ambiguity, tastelessness, etc. All these examples are replete with the Internet. Of course, all this "was, was, was." Russian "haberdashery" language of the XIX - early XX centuries. (the language of hairdressers, merchants, salesmen, etc.) is also lurid and ridiculous. In terms of the scale of its distribution, expansion into the Russian "logosphere" these days it cannot be compared to any other. After all, we live in the information age.

We are learning to sell words. We learn to live not “vertically” (as if “praying” through reading Tolstoy with Dostoevsky), but “horizontally”, creating texts for sale, be it a story, a slogan, the name of a toothpaste or a restaurant. We are doing this so far awkwardly, as before, with an involuntary glance at Lev Nikolaevich and Fyodor Mikhailovich, not yet fully daring to sell the mysterious Russian soul that once so amazed the pragmatic West. We have not yet left the sacred, we have come to the profane ns - like the Kolobok, which, by the way, was eventually eaten.

Huseynov G. Ch. Zero at the tip of the tongue / G. Ch. Guseinov. - M., 2012.

Klubkov, /7. A. Please Speak Correctly / P. A. Klubkov. - SPb., 2004. Kozyrev, V. A. Modern language situation and speech culture / V. A. Kozyrev, V. D. Chernyak. - M., 2012.

Krongauz, M. A. Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown / M. A. Krongauz. - M., 2012. Levontin, I. Russian with a dictionary / I. Levontina. - M., 2010.

  • Volkonsky S.M.On the Russian language // Russian speech. 1992. N ° 2.
  • The language can be represented as a warehouse, where different "storage units" are located on certain shelves in a certain order, for example, any clothes that exist in nature: ostrich boas and loincloths, silk blouses and quilted jackets, old crinolines and newfangled cardigans, boots and slippers ... To create a speech product, each of us "shore" one or another of these units, builds some combinations of them and carries out other operations prescribed by the rules that exist in this warehouse. Exactly
  • Gudkov D. B. and Skorokhodova E. Yu. About the Russian language and not only about it. Mm 2010.S. 13-15.
  • Zubova L. What can threaten language and culture? // Banner. 2006. No. 10.
  • Language news from Vladimir Novikov // Free Press website. 02/23/2012.
  • Krongauz M. Notes of an angry man in the street // "Notes of the Fatherland". 2005.
  • Elistratov V. Trending-branding-balalaiking // Banner. 2012. No. 2.

Ticket 1.

Types of speech culture:

3. Increases personal biologicality

4. Expanding the scope spontaneous


Ticket 2.

Communication situation

Communication event

Communication strategy






Stylish (stylistic).




Personal and psychological.

Ticket 3.

Ticket 4.

Ticket 5.

Language norm. Main characteristics. Types of norms, variants of norms.

Language norms are the rules for the use of linguistic means in a certain period of the development of a literary language, i.e. rules of pronunciation, spelling, word usage, grammar. The norm is an example of a uniform, generally accepted use of language elements. The following types of standards are distinguished:
1) the norms of written and oral forms of speech; 2) the norms of writing;
3) the norms of oral speech.

· To the norms common to oral and written speeches include:
lexical norms(explanatory dictionary) these are norms that determine the correctness of the choice of a word from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or in form, as well as its use in those meanings that it has in the literary language; grammatical norms these are the rules for the use of forms of different parts of speech, as well as the rules for constructing a sentence. Are divided into derivational(determine the order of joining parts of a word, forming new words), morphological(require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech. Morph dictionary) and syntactic; stylistic norms determine the use of linguistic means in accordance with the laws of the genre, features of the functional style

· Special regulations written speeches are:
spelling norms (spelling dictionary); punctuation norms.

· Only to oral speeches are applicable:
orthoepic norms(include norms of pronunciation, stress and intonation. Orthoep. Dictionary)

Ticket 6.

Ticket 7

Ticket 8

Ticket 9

Ticket 10

Ticket number 11

Ticket number 12

Ticket 13

Difficulties associated with word formation.

Ways of forming words.

New words in Russian are formed on the basis of words, phrases, less often - sentences that are original for a new word.
Words in Russian are formed in the following main ways: prefix, suffix, prefix-suffix, non-suffix, addition, transition from one part of speech to another.

Prefix method.

When words are formed using the prefix method, the prefix is ​​attached to the original, ready-made word. In this case, the new word refers to the same part of speech as the original word. This is how nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs.

Suffix way.

The suffix method is that a suffix is ​​added to the stem of the original word. Thus, words of all independent parts of speech are formed.
Suffixed words are usually another part of speech.
The suffix method is the main one for the formation of nouns, adjectives and adverbs. It is more complex than the prefix method, since the suffix is ​​added not to the whole word, but to its base, and the base of the word is sometimes modified: a part of the base is cut off, its sound composition changes, and sounds alternate.

The non-suffix way.

consists in the fact that the ending is discarded from the word, or the ending is simultaneously discarded and the suffix is ​​cut off.

Addition as a way of forming words.

Addition is the combination of two words in one word. As a result of addition, Difficult words.
Complex words are words that have two (or more) roots. They are formed. as a rule, from independent parts of speech, keeping in its composition the whole word or part of it. In a compound word, there may be connecting vowels o and e between the roots.


1. The following can also act as a connecting vowel: five year old.

2. Compound words can be without a connecting vowel.

Compound words are formed:

1. Addition of whole words: sofa bed, test pilot;

2. Addition of the stems of words without connecting vowels (wall newspaper, sports ground, automobile plant) or connecting vowels o and e (snowfall, diesel locomotive, excavator);

3. With the help of connecting vowels o and e, connecting part of the word stem with the whole word: new building, reinforced concrete, grain procurement, decorative and applied;

4. Addition of the foundations with the simultaneous attachment of the suffix: agriculture, dizzying;

5. By the fusion of words: evergreen, highly esteemed, daredevil, undersigned.

Addition of abbreviated foundations.

Many words are formed by addition of abbreviated stems of source words... As a result, complex abbreviated words are formed.

Compound words are formed:

1. the addition of syllables or parts of words of the full name: collective farm (collective farm), educational program (liquidation of illiteracy), special correspondent (special correspondent);

2. adding the names of the initial letters: Central Committee (Central Committee), VDNKh (Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy);

3. the addition of the initial sounds: university (higher educational institution), Moscow Art Theater (Moscow Art Academic Theater);

4. in a mixed way (addition of a syllable with sound, sound with a syllable, letters with sound, etc.): main board (main committee), district (district department of public education).

Complex and abbreviated words can serve as a basis for the formation of new words: university - university student; collective farm - collective farm - collective farmer.

Ticket 14.

Basic types of dictionaries

The department of linguistics, which deals with the compilation of dictionaries and their study, is called lexicography (Greek lexikos - vocabulary and grapho - I write). There are two types of dictionaries: encyclopedic(for example, Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Great Encyclopedic Dictionary, Literary Encyclopedia, Children's Encyclopedia, Philosophical Dictionary, etc.) and philological (linguistic)... First, concepts, phenomena are explained, information about various events is reported; secondly, words are explained, their meanings are interpreted. Linguistic dictionaries can also be encyclopedic, for example: "Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary" ed. V.N. Yartsevoy came out in 1990, and in 1997 published under the editorship of Yu.N. Karaulov dictionary "Russian language: Encyclopedia".

Linguistic dictionaries, in turn, are divided into two types: dictionaries multilingual(most often bilingual, which we use when learning a foreign language, working on translation, etc.) and monolingual, in which words are explained by means of words of the same language.

Finally, among monolingual dictionaries, the following stand out:

1) dictionaries that include all words of a given language (the so-called thesaurus dictionaries (gr.) - treasury, repository);

2) dictionaries of the modern literary language (the most common type of explanatory dictionary, see below);

3) dictionaries of individual dialects or their groups (regional dictionaries, for example, the Don dictionary);

4) dictionaries of the language of a particular writer;

5) dictionaries of the language of a separate work;

6) historical dictionaries, including words from a certain period of the history of the language;

7) etymological dictionaries explaining the origin of individual words;

8) dictionaries of synonyms;

9) phraseological dictionaries;

10) dictionaries of irregularities, including words, in the use, pronunciation or spelling of which there are often deviations from the literary norm;

11) dictionaries of foreign words;

12) spelling dictionaries;

13) orthoepic dictionaries (dictionaries of literary pronunciation and stress);

14) word-formation dictionaries;

15) reverse dictionaries;

16) frequency dictionaries;

17) dictionaries of abbreviations;

18) slang dictionaries, etc.

From History (not necessary))

The first Russian dictionaries, which appeared at the end of the 13th century, were small lists of incomprehensible words (with their interpretation) found in the monuments of Old Russian writing. In the XVI century. such dictionaries began to be compiled alphabetically, as a result of which they were called "ABCs".

The first printed dictionary, containing already 1061 words, appeared in 1596 as an appendix to the grammar of the famous philologist of that time, priest Lawrence Zizania. Mostly bookish Slavic words and a small number of foreign words were interpreted.

Ticket number 15

Ticket 16.

Ticket 17

Ticket 18

If the verb is in the 1st person form, then the subject of the statement is the speaker: I am reading. If the verb is in the form of the 2nd person, then the subject of the statement is the addressee (interlocutor): Will you go for a walk today? The third person of the verb shows that the subject of the action does not participate in the current speech situation: He knows a lot! Difficulty in the formation of personal forms of the verb may arise due to the alternation of vowels and consonants in the roots of some verbs: to look - I look, I want - I want

The most common mistake in the formation of verb forms is due to the fact that some verbs, when conjugated, are not used in the form of the 1st, less often the 2nd person. Such verbs are called insufficient. The reasons for this are either in the structure or in the semantics of the verb. From the point of view of structure (the appearance of combinations of sounds that are incompatible for the Russian language), verbs with a stem in -д, -т, -з, -с do not form first-person forms: watch, hang, hum, dare, play, protect, win, convince, be convinced, coax, wonder, weird, feel, rustle. The semantic reasons that prevent the formation of the forms of the 1st (and 2nd) person singular can be: lack of subjectness of action, i.e. we are talking about impersonal verbs: dusk, chill, unhealthy, dawn; incompatibility with human action: rust, turn green, warm; synergy of action: sticking, running, accumulating, crowding, scattering.

Also, the verbs do not have first-person forms: obscure, build up, form, find oneself, take shelter, blaze, play the pipe, weird and others. There are verbs that have the 1st person form, but its use in the literary language is undesirable: vacuuming - vacuuming (only in colloquial speech). Some verbs have become entrenched in modern Russian with shades of meaning, without receiving any special stylistic differences: splashes - splashes, moves - moves, drips - drops, throws - flies.

Non-personal and non-conjugated forms of verbs are participles, gerunds, infinitives.


Ticket 20.

Application alignment

1. Applications expressed by nicknames or conventional names do not agree with the defined words, that is, they retain their initial form in all cases, for example: at Vsevolod the Big Nest

2. In combinations like launch vehicle formed by the combination of an inanimate noun and an animate noun, the second part in the accusative case for the purpose of harmonization has the form of the nominative case, for example: observe booster

3. Disagree:

1) word-appended applications by name, surname, nickname etc., for example: signed by a correspondent named Yankovsky; an accident with some boy named Kolya;

2) nouns in combinations known as, wanted as with the value "as", for example: Petrov, who was needed as a witness in this case, was summoned to the court;

H) words after combination whether, For example: Information is contained in various materials, be it correspondence, a selection of letters or a small note;

4) bracketed insertion words referring to the preceding generalizing word, for example: Chekhov proved to be a brilliant master of artistic words in a wide variety of genres (story, short story, humoresque scene, theatrical play).

4. Parts of compound names agree in case and number, for example: in a postcard letter, a trenching machine, on display stands... The same in the presence of numerals: two ice cream cakes, three boarding schools, four dressing gowns(in these examples, the numeral is equally combined with each part of the complex name). In some cases, the second part is inconsistent: hammerhead shark.

Ticket 22 . Rules for the use of participles, participles and nominal phrases.

The use of participial phrases

The participle has: tense, form, voice, which correspond to the same meanings of the verb - the predicate.

For the correct formation of the participles, you need to: take into account the word order when using the priest. Turnover (you cannot put the defined word inside the participial turnover, also the wrong word order can lead to ambiguity)

The participle turnover must completely stand either after the designated noun (a book lying on the table), or in front of it (a book lying on the table), but it must not be torn apart by the defined word (a book lying on the table).

The pile of participles creates dissonance.

Incorrect word order in a sentence with a detached participle:

A few days after the quarrel, Dubrovsky caught Troyekurov's peasants in his forests, stealing firewood.

The use of adverbial turns

The adverbial turnover must refer to the same subject as the predicate verb

It is necessary to form the adverbial turnover correctly

The tense of the verb must correspond to the type of participle

The homogeneity of the adverbial vol. Should be observed. with others

The adverbial turnover cannot be used if the sentence is expressed by a passive construction, because the producer of the action expressed by the predicate and the producer of the action expressed by the verb do not coincide:

Having climbed up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded at the Bykovo pier.

A pile of participles creates cacophony.

The use of nominal phrases (a verbal noun with dependent words)

Example: misuse. The formation of such nouns leads to the appearance of non-existent words (taking - date). Vague statements should be avoided (example: we discussed player substitution)

Ticket 23.

Ticket 24.

Ticket 25.

Ticket 26.

Ticket 1.

Modern speech situation. Actual changes in the language and their assessment.

The modern speech situation is a crisis transitional stage. But the language does not deteriorate, it develops. The question of changes in speech and in the language system is becoming relevant. Features of the modern speech situation:
1. The number of participants in mass and collective communication is expanding dramatically.
2. Censorship is weakening in the media.
3. The personal principle in speech increases.

4. Scientific and technological progress introduces new words into our speech
5. Situations and genres of communication in the field of public and personal communication are changing.
6. There is a desire to develop new means of expression.

Types of speech culture:
1. Fully functional. The most complete knowledge of all the possibilities of the national language. The attitude to one's own speech is critical.
2. Incomplete. Incomplete measure of language proficiency.
3. Average literary. Failed incomplete type. People have an idea of ​​the norm, but do not own it.
4. Literary slang. ignorance of euphemisms - more decent expressions. Demonstrative unwillingness to use them.
5. Everyday. They never reflect on their speech.

Freedom and emancipation of speech behavior entail a loosening of linguistic norms, an increase in linguistic variability. However, it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of the modern speech situation.

1. The composition of participants in mass and collective communication is sharply expanding: new strata of the population are joining the role of orators, the role of writing for newspapers and magazines. Since the end of the 1980s, thousands of people with different levels of speech culture have received the opportunity to speak in public.

2. In the media, censorship and auto-censorship, which previously largely determined the nature of speech behavior, are sharply weakened.

3. Increases personal beginning in speech. Faceless and addressless speech is replaced by personal speech, acquiring a specific addressee. Increasing biologicality communication, both oral and written.

4. Expanding the scope spontaneous communication not only personal, but also oral public. People no longer speak or read pre-written speeches. They say.

5. Important parameters of the course of oral forms of mass communication are changing: it creates the possibility of direct appeal of the speaker to the listeners and the feedback of the listeners with the speakers.

6. Situations and genres of communication are changing both in the field of public and in the field of personal communication. The rigid framework of official public communication is loosened. Many new genres of oral public speech are being born in the field of mass communication. The dry radio and TV announcer was replaced by the presenter, who reflects, jokes, expresses his opinion.

7. The psychological rejection of the bureaucratic language of the past (the so-called Newspeak).

8. There is a desire to develop new means of expression, new forms of imagery, new types of addresses to strangers.

9. Along with the birth of the names of new phenomena, there is a revival of the names of those phenomena that are returning from the past, prohibited or rejected in the era of totalitarianism "(Russian language of the end of the XX century. M., 1996).

Ticket 2.

Communication situation, communication event, communication strategy. Communicative speech quality.

Communication situation- This is a situation of verbal communication of two or more people. The communicative situation has a certain structure. It consists of the following components:

1) speaker (addressee); 2) hearer (addressee); 3) the relationship between the speaker and the listener and the related 4) tone of communication (official - neutral - friendly); 5) purpose; 6) a means of communication (language or its subsystem - dialect, style, as well as paralinguistic means - gestures, facial expressions); 7) way of communication (oral / written, contact / distant); 8) a place of communication.

These are situational variables. A change in the values ​​of each of these variables leads to a change in the communicative situation and, consequently, to a variation in the means used by the participants in the situation and their communicative behavior in general.

So, the communication between the judge and the witness in the courtroom is distinguished by the greater formality of the linguistic means used by both parties than the communication of the same persons not during the court session: the place changes, but the social roles (see about this concept below), like all other situational variables are kept unchanged.

V communicative event involved specific participants. Therefore, the same statements mean different things in different communicative events.
Communication event is an interaction (transaction) in which each of the parties in real time plays the role of both the Source and the Recipient. To interpret the message, i.e. to create mutually acceptable meaning, this requires cooperation.

Communication strategy- it is a part of communicative behavior or communicative interaction in which a series of different verbal and non-verbal means are used to achieve a specific communicative goal;

a set of theoretical moves planned by the speaker in advance and implemented in the course of the communicative act aimed at achieving the communicative goal.

Communicative speech quality, which have the best impact on the addressee, taking into account the specific situation and in accordance with the goals and objectives :

1. Correctness (normativity) - compliance with literary norms.

2. Accuracy - the correspondence of speech to reality:

Subject (knowledge of the subject of speech),

Conceptual (the ability to accurately select words to define a subject).

3. Consistency - the content, the ratio of parts and components of speech, the sequence of presentation:

Subject (correspondence of semantic connections and relations of language units in speech to connections and relations of objects and events of reality)

Conceptual (the structure of logical thought and its logical development in the semantic connections of language elements in speech).

4. Purity - freedom of speech from any contaminating elements.

5. Wealth - the ability to use different linguistic means to define the same objects of speech, phenomena, events.

6. Expressiveness - features that help maintain the attention and interest of the listener (especially pronunciation, intonation, accents, etc.):





Stylish (stylistic).

7. Relevance - compliance of the speech with the topic of conversation and the selected audience:




Personal and psychological.

"Speech situation" is the basic concept of the science of linguopragmatics, which studies the use of language by a person in order to influence the perceiving speech (addressee), as well as behavior in the process of communication with the help of speech.

What influences this behavior and its characteristics in this or that person? It turns out that there are many factors and reasons on which it depends. Their combination is usually called a speech situation.

The main components of the speech situation

The communicative and speech situation are synonymous. Its main components are: participants in communication and their relationships, as well as internal and external conditions of communication.

The environment for communication can be formal or informal. By the nature of the situation, communication is divided into business (lecture, report, discussion) and everyday (conversations with relatives, friends). The characteristics of the addressee include the number of listeners, role and communication relationships between them. According to the number of participants, a monologue (a speech of one person), a dialogue (a conversation between two people) and a polylogue (a conversation between several participants) are distinguished.

The goal pursued by the speech situation is communication as such (entertainment), message (information) or impact (persuasion, motivation, explanation, etc.).

Secondary components of the speech situation

In addition to the above main factors that affect the nature of speech, its features, as well as the speech behavior of the participants in communication, one can also highlight such as the degree of remoteness of the interacting parties from each other, the degree of their acquaintance (here we can distinguish direct and indirect communication, for example , telephone conversation and speech in the media), the presence of observers, etc. But these factors are secondary, in contrast to the main, or components, factors of the speech situation.

Let us consider in more detail the main components that the speech situation has, the types and features of each of them.


The setting is formal and informal. An official setting means the special legal significance that a given speech situation represents. This is due to the fact that certain people - individuals - express the interests of various legal entities (enterprises, firms), as well as the fact that they act on behalf of these persons in the process of business meetings and negotiations.

Official communication takes place in a special office space - reception, office, conference room, etc. It can also be intracorporate, held at meetings, meetings, councils of managers (protocol business communication).

Speech etiquette requirements in a formal setting

The official setting involves the fulfillment of the requirements of the relevant norms of etiquette in speech behavior. These include:

Mandatory two-way to the interlocutor, regardless of what age and social category he belongs to;

Strict adherence to the norms of the etiquette framework of communication (standard and goodbyes);

The use of generally accepted forms of politeness provided for by etiquette ("be kind", "let me ...", "be kind", etc.).

The official setting presupposes compliance with the requirements for the vocabulary of the participants in communication - it should not include slang, abusive, colloquial words, as well as dialectisms.

There are special requirements for the pronunciation of words. It is necessary to adhere to the literary type of pronunciation, speak clearly, clearly. It is unacceptable to speak in a tongue twister, to mumble, to casually form a speech. One should say, for example, not [kada], but [kagda]; not [hello e], but [hello e].

The main tone during strict formal conversations should remain restrained, calm, and with less strict, a benevolent, calm, affable one should be appropriate.

An informal atmosphere is typical for presentations, business meetings outside the office, anniversaries, everyday communication in a team. Participants in a conversation feel much freer in the choice of different speech means than in a formal setting. That is, they apply the same norms and rules of speech behavior that are used in everyday life.

Speech etiquette requirements in an informal setting

In this case, there are more free rules:

The address is "you" or "you", depending on the age, degree of acquaintance and position of the interlocutor;

Words of farewell and greeting are used;

The application of labeling requirements is minimized.

However, despite the less stringent requirements for the selection of words, it remains undesirable to use lexical layers that are not recommended to be used when there is an official speech situation.

The same applies to pronunciation norms.

The degree of familiarity of the participants is the main determining factor in verbal behavior in an informal setting. When communicating with unfamiliar or unfamiliar people, essentially the same etiquette requirements are applied as in official communication. Even if there is an "outsider" (client, visitor), people who are in the same room with him should use the rules of official communication.

This rule is inapplicable only for any rank (employees of departments and ministries). For them, official communication should be the only one (the speech situation, types and nuances of interaction may change). It is unacceptable for government officials to use an informal environment as a working environment. Strict hierarchical relations do not allow to use the reference to "you" during work.


The addressee factor is no less important in business communication than its conditions. This is the person to whom the speech of the speaker (addressee) is addressed (addressed). The choice of means of etiquette and communicative tactics depend on what kind of communicative and role relationships the addresser enters into with him.

For example, the areas in which management is implemented provide for the implementation of social roles by managers, which include:

Administrative activities of the firm (organization);

Her external relations of production;

Various commercial relationships.

Entering into interaction "leader" - "subordinate", "producer" - "consumer", "partner" - "partner", the leader or manager formulates certain principles for himself, on the basis of which interactions are built, develops their strategy.

Target settings

They are formed on the basis of which principle of communication is chosen by the leader in this area. The modern speech situation considers the principles of responsiveness in market relations, consensus in partnerships and equality in corporate relations as the highest priority.

The principle of courtesy is universal. However, there is a rich selection of speech means, the application of which may be different depending on the situation. For example, when addressing, the most important criterion for choosing a form is the social status of the person to whom you are addressing.

Dear Vasily Vladimirovich!

Dear Mr. Kirillov!

Dear Igor Olegovich!

The indication of the social status of the addressee can be verbal (using the choice of words) and non-verbal (using the choice of intonation).

Social role and social status

Social status determines social, service, material status, various merits. In the Russian tradition of business communication, gender differences are not emphasized, that is, a woman and a man with the same social status enjoy the same advantages.

Over the long years of Soviet power, the tradition of the so-called piety addressing the bosses was formed. On the part of subordinates and other people with a lower status, ingratiation, sometimes even servility, was often observed. When determining social status, the modern speech situation especially takes into account the official position, but the attitude towards the authorities is still different. When communicating, the personal achievements and merits of the addressee are also taken into account.

Social role and social status do not always coincide. Often in the modern era of market relations, a situation arises when partners are representatives of organizations that are in a hierarchy (such as a subsidiary and parent company).

The social role is the most important criterion for determining the communicative expectation that the interlocutor develops. So, the expectation of subordinates from the boss is politeness, correctness, solicitude, respect, and sometimes patronage. Aggression, the desire to attribute their mistakes to the account of a subordinate, is a violation of the standards of verbal behavior. Unfortunately, it is worth noting that such blunders on the part of leaders still take place in our society.

Situations of speech etiquette can be different, but communication with a subordinate "on an equal footing" is a prerequisite in order to create a friendly and cohesive team that can effectively exist in conditions of market competition.

Unlike social roles, communicative roles are changeable. Let's take an ordinary dialogue: the speech situation can change - the same person can be the addressee, addressee or observer.


Etiquette speech situations necessarily provide for the addressee. The addressee is the one who started the dialogue. The speech situation of communication can be very different (for example, it can be a speaker or a writer). Of course, tactically, this is a beneficial role, since the addressee sets the pace, tone, topic of communication. As a rule, he starts communication and he also ends it. However, this does not imply that the addressee is in a passive position. Communication involves the active participation of all parties. The addressee can and should use reactive remarks: "of course", "yes", "if I understood you correctly ...", "in other words, you think ...", etc. With the help of such remarks, he can intercept the speech initiative, change roles.

The observer, oddly enough, is also an active position of the participant in the communication, because, even without participating in the conversation, he nevertheless influences its course.

The presence of a visitor on the premises requires that internal corporate work issues be resolved as quickly as possible.

Thus, as mentioned above, passive participants in business communication simply do not exist, the speech situation defines each of the parties as an active subject. According to psycholinguists, listening is an even more intellectually intensive process than speaking. That is why there are always breaks in the school and university curriculum, and an experienced teacher knows that when you teach a lesson, the situation of verbal communication requires periodically to make short pauses in order to maintain contact with the audience.

It should also be pointed out how important the personal-subjective factor is in communicative relations. Indeed, when communicating, we not only exchange information, but also convey our attitude towards it. This largely determines the reaction of the interlocutor to our behavior. For example, a lesson (a speech situation that we have just described) should be conducted in such a way as to arouse the interest of the audience, to interest them, and not just convey information. This is a prerequisite for students to properly assimilate the material. Such educational and speech situations clearly illustrate how important the personal factor is in the process of communication.


Goals can be urgent or ambitious. For example, in business communication, promising goals are realized in cooperation plans. It is possible to build constructive business relations only on the basis of mutual positive emotions - sympathy, trust, respect, benevolence, etc. That is why various invitations to celebrations, congratulations, letters of thanks, condolences and so on are sent.

You can inform the addressee about the state of affairs (another type of goals) using calls, letters, faxes, price lists, catalogs, etc.

Rules, instructions, orders, orders, complaints, demands, requests orally and in writing exist in order to influence the addressee, to induce him to do something.

It often happens that the above goals are combined within one text (as an example, a letter of request, which begins with a message on the state of affairs and ends with a request).

There are a lot of different speech situations, but their typical features can be noted, which help to navigate in the choice of speech means of communication to achieve the set goal. Such features are fixed in the field of business communication in oral speech (working meeting, telephone communication, etc.) and in writing, contract, rules, license, etc.