We normalize the weight. Normal weight is a health condition All diets for normalizing weight

  • Date of: 04.02.2022
1. A person who is overweight cannot lose it, because. afraid to pick it up again. A person who is underweight cannot gain weight because afraid to lose weight again. Those. a fat one cannot give back, because I'm used to taking in excess, but a thin person cannot take it, tk. accustomed to giving beyond measure. Despite external opposite expressions, the problem of abnormal weight has one inner essence - unwillingness to change one's life, unwillingness to leave old views, traditions, trends and enter a new way of life. To bring weight back to normal, you need to change your lifestyle. And where a person used to give, now you have to take, and where you took, you have to give. And the weight is automatically normalized.

2. The body lacks in the food of a particular substance. In this case, there may be at least two options:
- a person will eat beyond measure, trying to compensate for the missing quality with an excessive amount of food eaten;
- a person will refuse to eat, because. without this missing substance, his body cannot properly process, assimilate, or use food.
Moreover, it cannot be unequivocally stated that in the first case a person will get fat, and in the second case - lose weight. Around each of us there are examples that prove that from year to year a thin person can eat more fat and not get fat, and a fat person can constantly diet and not lose weight.
To overcome this reason, it is necessary to analyze the quality of the food consumed and, having seen what is missing in it, find and eat it. In addition to common sense, diagnostics of the microelement composition of the body will help to set the right direction for the search for the missing substance.
Another option is when a person tries to compensate for the lack of some kind of field energy by eating food or an excess of energy by refusing food. In this case, only field correction will give an effect, and dietary variations will not lead to a stable result.

And - this is a solution to the problem identified in the second paragraph. solve the problems of paragraphs 3 and 4. Of course, no one has canceled the need for physical exercise, daily routine, moderation in work and rest, the classic balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But these moments are secondary, because. without a cardinal resolution of the indicated four, it will not be possible to normalize and stabilize body weight, and if it does, it will be accompanied by painful super-efforts and inconveniences.

Normalizing your own weight is the desire of most modern women and even men. Beautiful athletic bodies and a healthy lifestyle are in fashion. However, not everyone manages to bring their body into good shape, often the majority is faced with the problem of excess weight, which can be very, very difficult to get rid of.

How to eat right?

The modern rhythm of life does not allow many people to eat right. We are already too accustomed to fast food, snacks, high-calorie foods. That is why it can be very difficult to give up your favorite dishes and habitual nutrition, because healthy food seems insipid and not tasty. However, proper nutrition is not as difficult as it seems. The first thing that a losing weight person needs to understand is that you should eat fractionally. It is best to divide food into small portions and eat 5-6 times a day. This will speed up the metabolism and allow the body to better absorb the products.

You should also forget about fast carbohydrates for the duration of the diet. These include sweets, flour products, and fatty foods such as fried foods. Such products are digested very quickly and almost entirely go into body fat. However, the body needs carbohydrates, so it is better to consume complex carbohydrates, such as cereals. It is advisable to use them for breakfast. If you are actively involved in sports and building muscle mass, special importance should be given to protein, the consumption of which increases significantly during the period of muscle gain.

How to increase physical activity?

Exercise is a very important part of the weight loss process. Many people know that cardio loads, that is, running, aerobics, etc., help to lose weight, but power loads can increase muscle mass. However, if you are striving for a beautiful athletic body, you should not separate one from the other. Two types of loads will allow you to get rid of excess weight, as well as form a muscular corset and acquire a sports figure. If your goal is to lose excess weight, then it will be enough to increase your physical activity, for example, start jogging in the morning or go to the gym. Also a great option would be to visit the sports sections.

The role of water in metabolism

Another important element in the process of losing weight is the water balance of the body. Every day we drink a certain amount of liquid, however, often it is coffee, teas, juices, etc. It is water that does not always appear in the diet. During the diet, you should increase the consumption of pure water to 2-3 liters per day. This will speed up the metabolism, which will lead to faster fat burning. Such good habits can help you not only lose weight, but also always stay in good shape.

Several rules have been developed for a competent approach to weight normalization:

1. Really realize your problem and set priorities: normal weight, health, external attractiveness, a new lifestyle.

2. The right attitude. The choice of motivation that will support you for a long time.

3. Disciplined food diary. Learn to navigate the calorie content and the approximate composition of the products that form the basis of your diet.

4. Identify bad eating habits or serious eating disorders. Realize your own ability to change them.

5. Eliminate possible changes in the endocrine system by undergoing a minimal hormonal examination.

6. If you are concerned about chronic gastroenterological diseases, then you need to make an appropriate correction and understand the medical nutrition for your problem.

7. Learn to carefully analyze your food diary, taking into account the basic metabolic rate, current lifestyle, existing diseases and, if any, medications.

9. Analyze the opportunities that will form the basis of your future activity: freeing up time, freeing up financial resources. Determine what is available to you, what will bring you pleasure, what result do you want to get?

10. With the definition of the goal, the beginning of an active lifestyle and the normalization of weight, you need to constantly adjust and improve the diet and physical activity.

11. Stick to the chosen lifestyle all the time! Loving your new life at Normal weight.

This text will be useful mainly to those to whom it will really be useful. All others can go to FIG.

Basic rules for normalizing weight

  1. The body must receive a complete set of all essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

    1. This means that you need to eat everything. Everything, in terms of nutrients, but far from everything, in the sense of what is on the shelves of our stores and what we are used to cooking and eating.

    2. Food should be as varied as possible.

    3. Eat as much as you need, no more, no less. An interesting question immediately arises - How much do you need? Only you and your body can answer this question, no one will tell you how much YOU need except yourself. For example, I always know I'm undernourished or overeaten. To be fair, I have to say that I almost always overeat. (I'm working on it...) By the way, the realization of how much you need does not come immediately. Hounded for a long time by heavy carbohydrates mixed with heavy fats, the body does not immediately begin to understand the real need for food. This must be kept in mind...

    4. You need to eat regularly at about the same time.

    5. It is not necessary to get everything you need at once in one meal. The interval of this all necessary is measured in about a day. Those. for a day you have to feed the body with everything you need. A day is three meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    6. If you are told that in order to lose weight, it is necessary, for example, not to have dinner, do not believe this, this is a blatant lie. The paradox of the situation is that the body only gets fatter from missing food!!! gaining reserves for use at the expense of health and remaining essentially hungry ...

    7. Don't count calories when you eat! Your obesity has nothing to do with calories - it is a direct consequence of poor nutrition, and nothing more. This does not mean that the theory of calories is complete bullshit, but calories affect the weight of the body by about 10 percent, no more, the remaining 90 are irrational nutrition.

  2. When taking food, it is necessary to separate carbohydrates from everything else (everything else is proteins and fats). DO NOT MIX CARBOHYDRATES WITH PROTEINS AND FATS while eating.

    1. Carbohydrates increase blood sugar, proteins and fats do not.

    2. Carbohydrates and fats are the food sources for the cells, proteins are the building blocks (well… in general, everything is really mind-blowingly complex).

    3. Proteins lie in the stomach for about 2 hours, after which the digested ones fall into the duodenum.

    4. Carbohydrates are digested for an hour, a maximum of one and a half. The light carbohydrates in fruit can only take half an hour to digest. (The rate of digestion is also affected by the amount of food eaten.)

    5. The stomach needs an acidic environment to digest proteins.

    6. The stomach needs an alkaline environment to digest carbohydrates.

    7. I have no idea what kind of environment is needed for the digestion of fats ..., it is not really written anywhere. Maybe they don't care what environment they digest in.

    8. Protein in the total diet should be approximately 1/3 and 2/3 carbohydrates. Those. 2 meals a day should be carbohydrate and one meal protein. But this is not a dogma, it all depends on what you want more at the moment when you come to the table.

    9. Sugar (glucose) in the blood is an easy source of energy, i.e. The cell receives energy from glucose easily and quickly. Fatty acid is. The cell receives energy from fatty acids with much greater difficulty than from glucose.

    10. Mixing carbohydrates with fats is not harmful to health, but it has a strong effect on body fat.

    11. Mixing carbohydrates with proteins is unhealthy, since the body starts completely different processes to digest them.

    12. Strictly speaking, in nature there is no purely carbohydrate or purely protein food, so we can only talk about relatively carbohydrate and relatively protein foods and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. The ratio of carbohydrates to fats and proteins is what matters. This ratio should be as low as possible for a protein-fat meal and as high as possible for a carbohydrate meal.

    13. Fats are combined with proteins. (And indeed, it is difficult to find meat in nature without fat at all ....)

  3. All carbohydrates are divided into very bad, bad, good and very good. glycemic index. The third rule limits the intake of bad carbohydrates and prohibits the intake of very bad carbohydrates in food.

    1. The glycemic index (GI) measures the ability of a carbohydrate to raise blood sugar relative to glucose and is expressed as a percentage.

    2. Very bad carbs with GI > 90%

    3. Bad 60 - 90%

    4. Good 20 - 60%

    5. Very good

    6. Carbohydrates with a glycemic index of less than 10% can be eaten with fats and proteins. Such carbohydrates include cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, peppers, eggplants, radishes, any cabbage.

    7. You can't eat sugar. Sugar is a synthetic concentrated carbohydrate with a glycemic index of approximately 80-90%. Can't eat the same All where is the sugar mixed in... Thinking well about this limitation, you will understand that the entire confectionery industry and about 40 percent of our food industry are going into the garden. But don’t take everything very close to heart… What is this principle that should not be violated from time to time (well, let’s say once a month) in the form of a solid piece of dark chocolate (I’ll explain why black chocolate later).

    8. G.i. honey also something about 90%, so it is also no more than 5 teaspoons a month, eating grain bread ...

    9. Beer has a glycemic index of 110%... need comments?

    10. All alcohol is a carbohydrate. The smallest g.i. in dry red wine (~ 30 - 40%), the highest in fortified ports (they usually put sugar in them) and liqueurs.

  4. The final (but not the last) principle: Whatever you eat, carbohydrates or fat with proteins (naturally separately, at different meals), about 40% of this food should be fiber.

    1. Fiber is a non-digestible dietary fiber.

    2. Fiber has no nutritional value (with the exception of vitamins and minerals), but it is EXTREMELY important in the process of digestion, assimilation and pushing food through the intestines (intestinal peristalsis) as well as for cleaning the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract).

    3. If the product does not have fiber, then it simply needs to be eaten with this product. In other words, a plate with herbs (dill, parsley, lettuce, cabbage, etc.) should always be on the table and remain completely empty after eating.

    4. Always give preference to unrefined, unrefined foods. (Eat grain bread, wild rice (very brown, lightly polished), dark pasta made from unrefined grains (there are some, I'll show you), dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans (from 60%), - chocolate is a deviation from the norm, have this in mind.Eat, for example, apples with skin and pits). Of the cereals, buckwheat, oatmeal and other whole grain flakes are the most fiber-rich (there is a large selection of such flakes on the shelves, such as oatmeal). The most meager in terms of fiber is semolina. It is generally better not to eat it, empty porridge, except for a naked concentrated carbohydrate with high GI, there is nothing useful. If you want to get guaranteed constipation, eat semolina for breakfast, lunch and dinner without eating anything. Treat any kind of muesli very carefully. Firstly, they are reluctant to take them, and they are stale, and secondly, you need to carefully understand what is mixed there except for cereals, berries and fruits. If there are nuts, then muesli cannot be eaten. Nuts, by the way, are not allowed in chocolate either. Nuts are proteins.

    5. It is not necessary to eat fiber in its pure form (it is sold in the form of cereal bran). It is of little value on its own, but is needed in the composition or in a mixture with another product.

So, now briefly:

  1. The body must receive a full set of all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins on time.

  2. Carbohydrates should be eaten separately from proteins and fats.

  3. Eat only good carbohydrates.

  4. You need to eat more fiber.

Learn it by heart.

Some background information:

  • any meat;

  • any fish, shrimp, squid, etc.;

  • cottage cheese; (God forbid eating it with sugar or any other bad carbohydrate. I mix it with finely chopped greens, wrap it in a cabbage leaf and eat it.);

  • cheese (half fat, half protein in cheese);

  • eggs;

  • nuts;

  • mushrooms;

  • legumes (peas, beans, beans, soybeans); a caveat is required here - some legumes have a sufficient content of carbohydrates and GI. they sometimes reach 35 - 40%, but don’t worry now, I allow you to eat all legumes with proteins, besides, there is a lot of protein in them and our brain perceives them (legumes) as proteins;

  • bugs, spiders, grasshoppers (if you are in Thailand, passing through);

Almost all animal proteins contain fat. It shouldn't bother you. All animal proteins are devoid of fiber, so pop them all with greens (the more the better) and very good carbs (G.I.

  • Any oils of animal and vegetable origin;

  • Mayonnaise;

  • Sour cream;

  • Cream;

  • Cheese;
Fats can be eaten with protein, fiber (the more the better) and very low carbs (GI). Carbohydrates:

  • All cereals;

    1. porridge

    2. corn

    3. bread

    4. pasta

  • All vegetables;

    1. potatoes (potatoes, practically the only natural bad carbohydrate devoid of fiber with ~ 70% GI, are simply a piece of starch);

    2. Beet;

    3. Carrot;

  • All fruits;

    1. Apples

    2. Pears

  • alcohol;

Approximate table of glycemic indices

80 - 110

Beer (malt)

65 - 80


White polished rice


Refined flour white bread

40 – 65

Brown rice

Whole wheat pasta


20 - 40

Grain bread

Wild rice

Legumes (eat them with proteins, you can)

0 - 20






eggplant (eat them with proteins, you can also)



and read books


“Dine and lose weight. For everyone especially for men.”

“Dine and lose weight. For everyone especially for women.”

And all the rest of his books, also read, so, for general development.

3. The battle for the beauty and perfection of forms, the fight against
overweight, modern cosmetics and.…
(for the younger generation of the family)

Any cosmetics for women's skin is needed only by healthy people who do not have health problems. For those who have kidney and liver pain, applying cosmetics, even very good and expensive ones, is almost USELESS, you will not noticeably become more beautiful and you should be well aware of this. But there is a way out (see below)

Women, first of all, need to understand that the beauty of the skin of the face and the classical forms of the body are determined, first of all, by health, and not by cosmetics. Therefore, if you want to be beautiful in face and body, first spend your energy and money on improving your body, and only after that take a serious interest in cosmetic preparations. To do this, you must perform at least the minimum measures:
- put SLIGHTLY in order your diet;
- normalize the content of carbon dioxide (CO2) in arterial blood with the help of breathing exercises;
- conduct, if necessary, a medical examination and lightly heal with medications.
The same applies to the issues of weight loss.

If nutrition can be put in order relatively quickly on the basis of high-quality literary sources, then medical examination and drug treatment may take you longer. By the way, the processes of examination and treatment will allow you to better know the life that you may have in 15-20 years, and to be more attentive to your health in your younger years and the health of your loved ones.

You can achieve an increase in CO2 in arterial blood within 5-10 months using various breathing techniques with or without simulators, which are quite fully covered in the literature and the Internet.

Here, for example, is what a young woman writes on one of the sites on the issue of weight loss and treatment of the cardiovascular system.

“I appeal mainly to the ladies, as they are more concerned about this problem. Girls, we are all looking for some kind of diet, we sit on them periodically, we torture ourselves and others, we suffer, hungry and angry. So I want to talk about my successful experience of dealing with myself.
It all started with an operation on the joint. Imagine, first your unfortunate leg is cut, shredded, sawn, iron pins are inserted. And then they say three months - no, no, no physical activity, hormones, drugs. Three months later, the pins are removed - and in a new circle. That's how many, many excesses accumulated on my previously very slender figure. I think everyone understands what a toxic factor this is for a young woman. A lot was tried, but, surprisingly, the problem began to be solved from the wrong side, which was supposed. My pressure jumps, and my friend, who suffers from the same, began to practice on a breathing simulator. Well, all of you, I think, have at least heard a little about the Buteyko system, moderate oxygen starvation and others like them. I bought myself such an apparatus - it is called a capnicator, I have been breathing for 2.5 months. She treated hypertension, but got the effect of such fat burning that she herself can’t believe it. Minus 9 kilograms during this time, and it is nasty cellulite fat. Naturally, I became interested and that's what I eventually unearthed from various sources. What follows is not my text, excerpts from publications. I'm not a physiologist, but it really works, I just see it for myself.

“A moderate physiological oxygen deficiency in tissues (hypoxia) along with a moderate physiological excess of carbon dioxide (hypercapnia) has a powerful fat-burning effect that does not affect muscle tissue. The complete reduction of adipose tissue in long-distance runners is due solely to the effects of hypoxia-hypercapnia.
Methods of influence on the body, as a result of which hypoxia and hypercapnia occur.

1) Aerobic exercise.
Aerobics is widely used as a physiological means of fat burning. For the purpose of aerobic exercise, running, swimming, skiing, rowing, exercise bikes, treadmills, etc. can be used. Aerobic exercise is necessary, but the amount of aerobic exercise can be limited by the overall level of performance, which is also influenced by other types of training. If a certain level of total load is exceeded, a drop in muscle mass can occur, so aerobics is used very carefully. With intense physical activity, motor hypoxia-hypercapnia develops. First, in the blood, and then in the tissues, the content of O2 decreases and the content of Co2 increases. Especially pronounced hypoxia-hypercapnia occurs in runners, rowers, swimmers, skiers. The content of somatotropic hormone in the blood plasma increases, which burns adipose tissue and enhances all anabolic processes in the body. In the subcutaneous fat, pronounced hypoxia occurs, which contributes to the selective combustion of this particular subcutaneous fat layer.

2) Mountain-climatic training.
In mountain climates, it is much easier to achieve hypoxia than on the plains with the help of aerobic exercise, although it is somewhat more difficult to cause hypercapnia in this way. Greater than usual depth of breathing leads to leaching of carbon dioxide from the body.

3) Pressure chamber training.
Staying in a hyperbaric chamber under conditions of reduced partial pressure 02 makes it possible to simulate the oxygen conditions of a mountain climate. Stepwise adaptation to various "heights" in the conditions of a pressure chamber according to special methods is used. First, a person adapts to one “height” in the pressure chamber, then to another, and so on, until he “rises” to the maximum possible “height” for him.

4) Return breathing.
Rebreathing involves inhaling and exhaling into the same space (into a buffalo skin bag or plastic cup). Since a person constantly inhales and exhales the same air, the oxygen content in this air gradually decreases and the carbon dioxide content increases. As a result, a pronounced hypoxia-hypercapnia develops in the body.
The principle of operation of all breathing simulators is to use "dead space". Physiology calls the dead space the space occupied by the trachea and bronchi. In general, its volume does not exceed 0.15 liters. It does not take part in breathing, but serves only as a conductor of air from the environment to the alveoli. By increasing the volume of the dead space, we limit gas exchange, since the air after inhalation does not reach the alveoli, but enters the dead space. After exhalation, again, not alveolar air, but dead space air, comes out into the environment. Gas exchange, of course, goes on, but only insofar as the air of the dead space mixes with the alveolar, then with the surrounding

The apparatus for breathing through the additional dead space is designed in such a way that a system of interchangeable tubes allows inserting tubes of different diameters and volumes into the same section (Anton Galuzin's simulator, tubes with a diameter of 30 mm. with a maximum length of up to 355 cm, internal volume of tubes 2500 ml.) Thus, the volume of dead space can increase as fitness develops.
This modeling option is the best fit for individual hypoxicators, which can be fixed on the body and breathed through them simultaneously with the exercise. The most famous at present are the Frolov Phenomenon and Samozdrav simulators, in which the tubes are made in the form of two plastic cups and additional containers.

5) Breathing exercises.
Basically, these are: a) breath holding, b) stepped breathing, c) "respiratory tilts", d) breath holding on the go and during exercise.
Breath holdings are performed in the middle position between inhalation and exhalation. First, you need to take a normal (in no case forced) breath, then a normal (again, not formed) exhalation and hold your breath in this position.

8. Research results 2
(for the younger generation of the family and not only ..)
In the process of evolution, the human body has adapted to accumulate a supply of nutrients (fat deposition) in conditions of an abundance of food in order to use this reserve in conditions of a forced absence or restriction of food. This allowed a person to survive in the most difficult conditions of the past centuries.
Today, there are practically no extreme problems with food in developed countries, but the physiological habit of accumulating fat in humans has been preserved. Therefore, in all developed countries today more than 30% of the population is in the stage of obesity of varying degrees. In Cyprus, Malta, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece and Slovakia, about two-thirds of the male population is obese (when body mass index = body weight / height in meters and in the second power > 30). For example, with a height of 165 cm and a body weight of 68 kg. up to 82kg. - this is already the stage of pre-obesity, from 82 kg. up to 95 kg. - this is the first (lowest) degree of obesity, from 95 kg. up to 109 kg. - the second (average) degree of obesity, more than 109 kg. - the third (highest) degree of obesity. Experts have also been alerted by the 103 million overweight children in the European Union, with another 400,000 added each year.

Most (90%) of this category of people are obese from overeating, and all hormonal changes are a consequence of obesity.
In this regard, the countries of the United Europe intend to launch a large-scale program to improve food, reduce the mass share of high-calorie foods in the diet of the population.
In the US, over 34 million people are obese, 35% of women and 31% of men over 20 years of age, as well as 25% of children and adolescents. Obesity as a social and medical problem costs Americans $50-70 billion a year. Approximately 300,000 people die each year from the complications of obesity, and public education programs that have spread over the past decades, guiding residents towards better nutrition and a more active lifestyle, have not stopped these trends.
In Russia, there are no official statistics on obesity, although Rospotrebnadzor notes that Russians eat unbalanced, the main share of the diet is fats and carbohydrates, which form mainly fat reserves.

Obesity is an increase in body weight due to the deposition of adipose tissue. Obesity can develop as a result of:
- increased food intake and reduced energy expenditure;
- violations in the systems of the pancreas, liver, small and large intestines;
- genetic disorders.
Suggestive factors for obesity are:
- sedentary lifestyle;
- increased consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (drinking sugary drinks, diet rich in sugars, etc.);
- Tendency to stress, lack of sleep;
- genetic factors (increased activity of lipogenesis enzymes, decreased activity of lipolysis enzymes, etc.).

Consequences of obesity: type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, arterial hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, arthritis, herniated discs, etc.

The main methods for eliminating obesity are:
- physical activity and adherence to a diet with a high content of fiber, vitamins and other biologically active components (cereals, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, greens, etc.). For example, long-term cross-country running, training with a barbell, as well as classes with products for general physical training of the population: dumbbells, kettlebells, ropes for climbing and pulling, hoops, equipment for home gymnastics and outdoor areas, poles for climbing and all kinds of expanders;
- limiting the use of carbohydrates easily digestible by the body (sugar, sweets, pastries, bakery and pasta products from high-grade flour);
- carrying out liposuction, i.e. a surgical operation, as a result of which fat cells are sucked out. Currently, this is not used for the treatment of obesity, but only for the cosmetic correction of local small fat deposits.

The use of rigid diets, which involve a sharp reduction in calorie intake, increase obesity. This is due to the fact that with this diet, weight decreases quite quickly, but after the diet is stopped, the need for overeating increases, and obesity increases even more.

Diets focused on quick results using various "weight loss products" are generally dangerous, because often their manufacturers are unknown, they contain diuretic and laxative components that increase the excretion of liquid waste from the body. The loss of water by the body is harmful to health and does not solve the problem of obesity, because after stopping the intake of these drugs, the weight is restored fairly quickly.

It should be noted that without adequate control of the daily calorie content of food and the energy used for physical activity, a successful solution to the problem of obesity is impossible. For successful weight loss, the World Health Organization recommends calculating the usual daily calorie content of food, and then gradually reducing its calorie content by 500 kcal every month. until you get a figure of 300 - 500 kcal. below the required power requirement. For persons not engaged in physical labor, this value is 1500 - 2000 kcal. For example, with a daily energy consumption of 2500 kcal. and the calorie content of the consumed food is 1500 kcal. the resulting difference is 1000 kcal. replenished by the breakdown of stored fat. Considering that 1 gr. fat provides energy of approximately 10 kcal., then we should expect the disappearance of 100 grams per day. previously stored fat. With an increase in this difference due to increased physical activity and / or a decrease in the calorie content of food consumed, you can get rid of a maximum of 150-250 gr. body fat per day (4.5-7.5 kg per month).

Given the mentality of Russians in relation to their health, we can expect that our people will be forced to control the calorie content of food and run 10 km daily. almost impossible even under pain of death. We would like something faster.
Oddly enough, but in Russia for more than 50 years, breathing exercises have been known and fairly well tested, which can successfully solve the problem of obesity. These are breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova, the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing by K. P. Buteyko, breathing exercises using Frolov’s simulators, Samozdrav, etc. (see what was written above). At the same time, due to the improvement of metabolism in the body, a natural decrease in the need for overeating is observed (appetite worsens) even after the cessation of breathing exercises when the CO2 concentration reaches 6.5%.
The technology for conducting breathing exercises with correctors is quite simple to perform and looks something like this: a full person sits or lies at home in comfortable conditions, watches TV and at the same time, in between times, does breathing exercises using, for example, the corrector KDI-05 "Weight Corrector" and successfully solves the problem of their body fat. This is quite acceptable for the Russians. And if at the same time the appetite also decreases without much effort, then at the same time you can save a lot of money on food, and the state can successfully solve the food program.

For a steady increase in the concentration of CO2 in the arterial blood to the required value and the corresponding adaptation of the respiratory center that controls external respiration, on equal terms, it can be done by:
1. periodic increase in the intensity of CO2 release by all cells of the body. This is usually achieved by significant daily physical activity, which can be a relatively long run, training with a barbell, playing football and basketball, as well as classes with products for general physical training: dumbbells, kettlebells, climbing ropes, hoops, equipment for home gymnastics and open areas, climbing poles and all kinds of expanders;
2. periodic decrease in the intensity of CO2 release from the lungs. This is achieved through the use of breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova, the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing by K. P. Buteyko, breathing exercises with the use of Frolov, Samozdrav, Hypoxar, Carbonic simulators, etc.
Therefore, in order to improve their physical condition, each person, ACCORDING TO THEIR POSSIBILITIES, will determine for himself the option of increasing CO2 in arterial blood, given that breathing exercises with the use of simulators for 30 minutes in terms of physiological effects on the human body are equivalent to significant physical activity, for example, a 10-kilometer jog over rough terrain.

It should be noted that breathing exercises are one of the most important components for ensuring a long healthy human life, which is ensured by a balanced diet, consumption of drinking water suitable for the body, an active lifestyle, etc.

One of the clear examples of the effectiveness of breathing exercises with KDI-05 for eliminating cardiovascular diseases and excess weight can be the results of my aunt (a woman, 84 years old, lives alone on the 5th floor, does breathing exercises on her own).
Initial data as of 01.11.2009
- weight 103 kg., height 167 cm.
- PCO2 in the blood - 3.9%, (V d \u003d 0.45 l., 22 breaths / min., MOD \u003d 9.9 l / min.);
- a sharp increase in pressure (220/110) 5 - 7 times a month with an ambulance call often;
- dependence of pressure on the weather;
- arrhythmia is very strong (up to 1000 failures per hour, up to 20 failures per minute);
- rises to the 5th floor with 2 rests.

Data as of 08.08.2010
- weight 86 kg. (minus 17 kg. in 9 months, even though she stopped doing breathing exercises in June, because she already “feel better”),
appetite worsened due to the normalization of metabolism, general well-being and memory improved markedly;
- PCO2 in the blood - 5.2%, (V d \u003d 0.45 l., 12 breaths / min., MOD \u003d 5.4 l / min.);
- a sharp increase in pressure (180/80) 2-3 times a month;
- the dependence of pressure on the weather has been preserved, but to a lesser extent;
- no arrhythmia;
- rises to the 5th floor with 1 rest.
From the materials presented and referring to our own experience, we can definitely say that REGULAR breathing exercises using technical means are a powerful tool for preventing and improving human health, normalizing weight and improving complexion, regardless of age and physical condition.

As you can see, breathing exercises solve complex issues of health, weight, etc.

Soon I will present you the documents (passport, operating instructions, etc.) and the appearance of my breathing corrector KDI-05 "WEIGHT CORRECTOR". By the way, the technical solutions in this product are absolutely fresh, in January 2011. I received a positive decision on an application for an invention from Rospatent. Serial production of KDI-05 is planned to start most likely in March 2011.