Nervous system with pancreas diseases.

  • Date: 16.10.2019

Or arise on nervous soil? Here are just some of the questions that are interested in Internet users. Indeed, pancreatitis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive tract. After 50 years, signs of illness can be found in every second person. However, in recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce the age of patients with pancreatitis. The reason lies, probably in the addictions of young people to unhealthy food, fastfood and alcohol. Answers to basic questions about pancreatitis can be found in this article.

Pancreatitis can cause pancreatic cancer?

The answer to the question is whether pancreatitis goes into cancer is unequivocal - maybe. Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. It develops for many years as a result of a negligent attitude towards the fact that man eats and drinks. Any long-term inflammatory process leads to the formation of sclerosis foci, that is, the substitutions of the tissue of the organ on the scarsing. At the same time, if a person has a hereditary predisposition to malignant neoplasms, then cancer cells can be formed in such modified areas. Pancreatic cancer is hidden and most often diagnosed at the started stage. Therefore, with all patients with pancreatitis, people should at least once a year undergo an ultrasound study of this organ.

Pancreatitis and Diabetes: Is there a connection between these diseases?

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas fabric. Diabetes arises due to the violation of the metabolism of glucose associated with insulin deficiency, which is produced by beta cells of the same pancreas. Thus, the relationship between these diseases is quite clear. However, the process of forming diabetes in patients with pancreatitis is very long. It takes more than 10 years. At the same time, the form of such diabetes will differ from classic diabetes mellitus 1 or 2, therapeutic tactics will also be different. Therefore, the popular question "can pancreatitis go to diabetes?" Not entirely corrected. Diabetes can develop on the background of pancreatitis, and both of these diseases will continue to exist in parallel.

Is there a solemn form of pancreatitis?

If we are talking about acute pancreatitis, in which the sudden destruction of the part of the pancreas occurs, the pain will be very intense. Sometimes it may even be necessary to introduce narcotic analgesics, especially in the acute period. Chronic pancreatitis has a variety of forms, among which there is a harsh. But there is also a form at which dyspeptic symptoms will prevail - bloating, gravity in the abdomen, stool impairment, and pain may not be.

Is it possible to develop pancreatitis on nervous soil?

There is such a comic expression "all diseases from nerves". However, as in any joke, in this expression there is a deep meaning. Indeed, one of the reasons for the development of pancreatitis, both acute and chronic, can be called strong or long stress. But this reason is far from the first place, rather, this is a factor provoking the beginning of pancreatitis. The main risk factors are improper nutrition, frequent alcohol use, medication, burdened heredity, liver disease and gallbladder.

Pancreatitis on the nervous soil is one of the varieties of inflammation of the pancreas. Other factors of the disease are alcohol abuse, improper nutrition, hereditary predisposition, related chronic diseases. What is the feature of pancreatitis on the nervous mail? Overview of symptoms and treatment methods.

Pancreatitis from stress:causes and symptoms

Stress can become a trigger that launches the inflammatory process in the pancreas. Signs of deterioration of the organ of health are:

  • General weakness;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Pain feeling at the top of the abdomen, wearing a concerning character;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Failures in the digestive process;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

If you have noticed such ailments, you should contact the gastroenterologist.

Can pancreatitis on the nervous soil be aggravated? Doctors believe that patients with chronic pancreatitis for recurrence may cause nervous problems:

  1. Increased anxiety;
  2. Depression;
  3. Emotional instability;
  4. Stress situations, etc.

Thus, the so-called nervous pancreatitis can be both primary and secondary.

Increase the likelihood of inflammation in the pancreas:

  • Abundantly seasoned and fatty dishes;
  • Bad chewing;
  • Abuse of coffee and alcoholic beverages;
  • Products in which the increased content of "chemistry";
  • Long take some medicines.

Psychosomatics of pancreatic pancreatitis

Pancreatitis and nerves are closely interrelated, which is confirmed by psychological research. The dependence between the type of personality and the inconsistencies to certain diseases was found.

Pancreatitis on the nervous soil, more often, is observed in people with such features of character:

  1. The desire to control everything;
  2. Ease of excitation;
  3. Volitional character;
  4. Success in the implementation of planned affairs and dreams;
  5. Independence;
  6. Inability to obey;
  7. Extroverts;
  8. Egoism;
  9. Challenge;
  10. Sensibility.

As a rule, the formation of the features listed above occurs due to lack of attention from parents. Lack and care in childhood is reflected in adulthood. For the mask of successful and active, often, hiding unsure and deeply sad inside people.

"Singing" your childhood resentment and indignation, unconsciously focused in nutrition shifts on sweets, semi-finished products, sharp and salty foods - all the harms that seem incredibly tasty and satisfying us, and most importantly - soothing. In addition, due to changeable mood, stress and depression decreases human performance and the hormonal background is disturbed.

How to treat pancreatitis on nervous soil

The basis of treatment is the correction of the power mode.

  1. Alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks are mandatory;
  1. During the day, food is consumed by small portions 6 times a day;
  1. It will be necessary to refuse from sugar sand, pegs, sharp and fatty dishes;
  1. The diet prevails protein;
  1. Minimizes the consumption of carbohydrates and coarse fiber;

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, a course of receiving vitamins and sedatives, designed to remove emotional stress.

Pancreatitis Prevention on Nervous Soil

Overbinding from stress threatens to turn into nervous pancreatitis. In order not to omit it, it is important to realize that the habit of "eating" the excitement and fears will not bring anything good!

  • Food consumption must pass the feeling of hunger. No need to eat for the company, without experiencing urges to saturation, or yielding to boredom. This will help strict menu and meals through certain time intervals;
  • Hobbies are the best cure for boredom! Make something interesting or useful in your life. It can be physical activity, section, passion or etc..
  • If you fail to warn the "jealous", replace harmful food on fruit, berries or vegetables. Eat a few berries, nuts or dried fruits, instead of stretching behind gas, fast food or bun.

Contributes to the regulation of the digestion and the psychological state of patient phytotherapy. For example, herbal teas and decoctions are capable of providing a light sedative effect. Relaxing baths and massage treatments will also help find harmony with them.

Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is a severe disease that causes the defeat of digestion and other organs. The causes and symptoms of the disease studies the Branch of Medicine - Gastroenterology. Urgent surgical intervention helps to save patients. However, the main problems of the patient more often determines the psychosomatics of pancreatitis.

What is psychosomatics?

Alternative direction in medicine - psychosomatics. Translated from Latin, the name means "the influence of the soul on bodily diseases." It turns out that different human bodies react to stress, emotions, mood.

Specialists are helping to identify dangerous mental reasons in a timely manner: specialists: psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists. The results of psychosomatic studies are eliminated by a person from illness, warning exacerbations.

The science of psychosomatics operates not by ordinary analyzes, and the results of observation of behavioral reactions of patients. The psychological approach to the problems of therapy is little accessible to the doctors of general specialties.

The study of psychosomatics is helping health workers in establishing contact with patients. It has long been proven that only a doctor who enjoys trust can be treated.

Frequent causes of pancreas diseases

Official medicine indicates the most obvious causes leading to pancreatic pathology:

  • violation of the regime and the rules of healthy nutrition (long periods of hunger, overeating, alcohol abuse, habit of fatty meat dishes, sharp seasoning);
  • functional disorders of the intestine and stomach with hyper- or hypostecretory function, dyskinesia of biliary tract associated with unrest, in a child with experienced fear;
  • chronic pathology of digestive organs, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, ulcerative and biliary disease, hepatitis, creating complex conditions for the output of the secretion of the pancreas in the intestine, stagnation, contribute to the spread of inflammation;
  • the negative impact of the nervous system in the development of pancreatitis from stress, against the background of depressive states.

For reasons include everything as regards the "nervous soil". Who will answer how the patient must overcome his vital problems in treatment?

Scientific substantiation of psychosomatic causes of pancreatitis

Psychosomatic causes are based on the processes of excitation and oppression in the centers of the brain and the reticular formation of the hypothalamic region. Neurophysiology has proven the eligibility of the association of pain syndrome in pancreatitis with the influence of emotions, such as nervous activity.

There are ways that investigate factors affecting the painful reaction. They can even be measured and recorded on the encephalogram.

How to explain that not all malicious alcoholics occurs pancreatitis? Why are the peoples of the Caucasus in food prefer sharp dishes and do not suffer from pancasecrees?

We obtain information, if we recall the psychological behavior of each person in similar situations. In a state of discomfort (including fatigue, depression), the natural choice of the psyche is to regret ourselves, call the opposite emotions (joy).

It is important that at this time we do not think about the benefits or harm of the selected measure. The power mode ceases to be monitored: I want something tasty. This reduces physical exertion. Over time, such behavior will lead to the overload of the pancreas, other digestive diseases.

Psychosomatics considers important reasons for pancreatitis:

  • fear;
  • angiveness;
  • anxiety.

The development of pancreatitis contributes to the status:

  • doubts, temptations, inner struggle;
  • subconsciously attracting the attention of others (benefit from concern);
  • mental depression;
  • guilt;
  • strengthening the problem by constant thoughts (self-pressure).

Metaphysics includes causes and concepts, inexplicable to modern science. It belongs to alternative medicine, the forms of spiritual life.

Interestingly, the findings are built on the basis of the work of the body and human behavior.

We will give the most popular metaphysical opinions about the nature of pancreatitis.

Opinion 1. Pancreas in the nature of functions is associated with digestion of food. Accordingly, in transferring the ability of a person - the adoption and assimilation of the situation. As iron is capable of self-extinguishing (destruction), and some people destroy, do not recognize themselves with a person.

This is always doubting, uncertain, apathetic melancholic, who "saws" himself. Typical focus of activity is not on the problem, but in itself, the absence of a goal, disbelief in its own capabilities.

Opinion 2. Pancreatitis develops due to improper body reaction on emotions. Positive emotions expand the body, negative - narrows, slows down the flow of energy, fills the person with cold.

Each emotion is necessary to express the body state (for example, anger contributes to protection). An adult person is not always able to express his emotions, he suppresses them. Therefore, first there is a feeling of discomfort, then pancreatitis.

Opinion 3. Pancreas is in the third chakra of solar plexus. She is responsible for picking up experience, knowledge, relationships with people. Capably caught the frequencies of other tel. According to these signals, a person subconsciously chooses the optimal tactics of communication. Chakra directs strong desires in creative energy, reveals talents. Energy failure on the path destroys the pancreas.

Opinion 4. Pancreatitis arises as a result of dissatisfaction with life, anger, feelings of hopelessness.

Opinion 5. The cause of the destruction of the pancreas is greed. It causes a breakdown of hormone synthesis, with rampant greedy - cancer.

Opinion 6. Forbidden your emotions, forced to restraint, a person increases the craving for unhealthy nutrition. There is obesity and overview of the pancreas.

Opinion 7. The main negative emotion is envy. It is caused by the need to have the same as others. Accompanies enhanced demanding and dedication.

These options indicate the relationship of the personal qualities of a person with risk factors in pancreatitis. If with a personality order, then the pancreas will not hurt to hurt.

Psychotypes subject to risk of disease

With the help of psychosomatics, psychosomatics distinguish between psychos, the most exposed risks are painted with pancreatitis. These include:

  • tough volitional individuals, constantly controlling family members, employees who are responsible for problems;
  • weak people experiencing a permanent fear for themselves, pity, who do not have wills, who are not able to deny themselves in something;
  • people who have not received due attention and love in childhood, requiring care and participation of loved ones, the disease they need as a means of manipulation.

Emotions characterize the experiences of the individual, feelings, attitude to reality and to itself.

The main emotions of man are considered:

  • fear;
  • joy;
  • anger;
  • anxiety;
  • resentment;
  • guilt.

The vital emotions include those associated with the threat of well-being, health or life: the fear of death, anxious expectation of misfortune.

Some varieties can be confirmed objectively. For example, depression manifestations are recorded in terms of blood circulation, respiration, blood composition (level of glucose, adrenal substances).

It is believed that all emotions are connected with the pancreas. There is a distribution of psychosomatic "responsibilities" between the liver and condition of the gland: the liver contains information about the past, and the pancreas - reflects the present. Her health is determined by the degree of person's adaptation to life, communicating with other personalities.

Overload is observed with unpleasant changes, a feeling of jealousy, longing, sadness, other negative emotions. The body is functionally weakening, pancreatitis is accompanied by diabetes mellitus.

Functioning is restored if the individual takes the traumatic situation on the emotional level, stops nervous, puts the target.

What is the character of a person with pancreatitis on nervous soil? What is expected from him? Is it possible to detect it in the crowd?

The disease changes the psychological appearance of a person. The basis of character - will. Depending on the vital significance of the motives, hardness, durability, determination appear. Reverse traits: impulsiveness, passivity, indecision.

Psychosomatics allows you to determine the psychological portrait ("face") of a person prone to damage to the pancreas. Externally, they do not stand out in the crowd, but the inner world has its own characteristics.

At home, at work these people stand out by a strong character, mind, goal in life. They constantly develop plans, want to achieve their own. Decide how to perform them. Care about relatives and loved ones, love to control situations. Accused if trouble happened or problems appeared.

Energy gives them the opportunity to work much and fruitfully. Such people achieve leadership posts and coped well with the function of the organizers.

Against the background of violent activities, an active position in all matters of "man with a portrait" there are internal secrets that he hides under the mask. These include:

  • sadness;
  • experiences due to lack of love and affection;
  • the need for care;
  • imperidity;
  • feeling guilt for others.

Psychosomatics argues that such a pancreas, splitting food for finite substances, healthy people must constantly "digest" the information obtained, produce experience. But the person from the risk group does not pay attention to this process: it thinks a lot on the situation, but does not recycle it in the necessary experience. Therefore, he gradually "refuses" the pancreas.

How to treat the disease that occurred on the nervous soil?

It is impossible to deal with the psychosomatic causes of disease by medicines. In addition, we should not forget that with the help of psychosomatics are not treated with acute forms of inflammation of the pancreas. Science offers ways to cope with chronic long disease.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully, without hiding, to think about your own psychological state. Turning to an experienced psychologist, the patient will be able to detect those soul problems, negative emotions that support the disease. No need to be offended by the advice of the doctor. Takes in psychology are sufficiently proven and do not cause doubts.

A strong and caring person is recommended to stop taking care of their loved ones, to climb into their affairs, control someone else's life. Psychologists advise you to think about yourself, decide how to make your own life in the near future, alternate full work with relaxation and relaxation.

The ancient teachings of Ayurveda defines the responsive of pancreatitis loss of harmony against a person with nature and the inner world. Treatment requires the elimination of sinful thoughts and restore attitudes towards itself and surround.

  • acupuncture;
  • hypnotherapy.

Indications for destination:

  • increased irritability;
  • feeling of fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • constant unmotivated bad mood;
  • reduced performance.

The scheme of non-traditional techniques Ayurveda includes:

  • water procedures;
  • own diet with phytotherapy;
  • hatha Yoga.

The teaching attaches great importance to the purification of the body using metalherapy, talismans, spells.

Pancreatitis Prevention on Nervous Soil

A person does not know how to perceive the world around without irritation, offense. We often skip the moments when the thoughts of severe diseases at the acquaintances, the view of the increased lymph node in the baby cause their own "fetaled" diseases.

It is advisable to think about the sense of measure not only in food and do not load the thoughts "greasy" goals, the achievement of which is unlikely to education, character properties. Reading the children of fairy tales, pay attention to the possibilities of a happy way out of a difficult situation, and not on the fact that Ivanushka-fool became the son-in-law of the king.

It is not worth refusing to refuse dreams, but first you should concentrate on solving simpler goals.

To prevent pancreatitis, it is important to avoid too strong emotions. Overvoltage occurs even against a long joyful holiday. It is impossible to fall in extremes.

Very harmful experiences "keep in yourself". It is better to talk about your discomfort with loved ones. Sometimes the psychologist advises to change the unloved work.

With a strong stress, the most convenient output is "to extend" it with breathing motions. Other options:

  • take a walk on the street at least two hours;
  • take a contrast shower.

Psychosomatics agrees with official medicine about the dangers of alcohol, therefore rejects abuse.

The expected psychologist patients with chronic pancreatitis are active people who find it difficult to identify the cause of exacerbations of inflammation against the background of a clear admission of drugs. Perhaps psychosomatics methods will help to deal with the problem and restore the functional state of the pancreas.

List of references

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Pancreatic diseases (pancretenecroids, purulent pancreatitis, recurrent pancreatitis, pancreatic cyst, atherosclerosis of iron vessels, insulsome) are often accompanied by various symptoms of the nervous system damage: headache, dizziness, disorder, psychomotor excitation, anisaneflexia, soreness of nervous trunks, sensitivity disorders, sensitivity disorders, Vegetative disorders, epileptiform supplies, etc. Separate syndromes: neurasthenic, acute encephalopathy, chronic encephalopathy and encephalomelopathy, hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic coma. In the pathogenesis of neurological complications in pancreatitis, enzymatic or hormonal pancreatic dysfunction plays a leading role.
The latter is accompanied by the release of a large number of proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, plasmin, kinine, kallicreinal lipase, amylase) and entering them into the bloodstream, insufficient or excessive insulin products. This leads to the disorder of the water and electrolyte balance, sometimes and carbohydrate metabolism (hypo-or hyperglycemia), general intoxication. In the brain and other departments of the nervous system, swelling and discirculatory disorders are developing. Often, neuropsychiatric disorders are due to hyperinsulinism and hypoglycemia. They are based on various causes (insuls, glycogenesis, adissonism, myxedema, Symmonond disease, etc.). The most frequent of them are the tumor (adenoma) of the pancreas - insuls and purulent pancreatitis. The genesis of hyperglycemia is congenital or acquired (atherosclerotic) deficiency of the island apparatus of the pancreas with a decrease in insulin products.
Acute encephalopathy syndrome develops against the background of severe pancreatitis. Manifested by sharp psychomotor excitation, meningeal and conductive symptoms.
Syndromes of chronic encephalopathy and encephalomyelopathy are formed in patients who are still suffering from pancreatitis, against the background of the enzyme decompensation of the pancreas. Non-expressed symptoms are developing: headache, cranial nerve paresis, increasing tendon reflexes, muscle plastic hypertension and other signs of pyramid and extrapyramidal failure, occasionally - epileptic seizures.
The first clinical symptoms of hypoglycemic encephalopathy are a decrease in neuropsychic tone, apathy, lethargy, especially after physical work and an empty stomach. In the future, paroxysms appear, which are manifested by a sense of anxiety, pale, lift hell, sweating. With a further decrease in the level of sugar, disorders of consciousness (excitation, confusion, hallucinations, then-sopor, coma), as well as meningeal and focal symptoms (rigidity of the nape, increase muscle tone, cramps, paresis, etc.) are beginning to be detected. Depending on the prevalence of those or other symptoms, the following forms of hypoglycemic encephalopathy are distinguished: delicious, meningeal, hemiplegic, epileptic.
Hyperglycemic (diabetic) coma more often develops gradually - for several hours or even days. Headache, dizziness, thirst, polyuria appear. Patients become sluggish, sleepy, apathetic, indifferent. The skin is dry, with traces of combs. In the absence of treatment, the precomath state goes into whom: Consciousness is completely lost, hell drops, the pulse is weak, frequent. The smell of acetone from mouth. Pupils are narrow, root, abdominal and tendon reflexes are faded. Sometimes the pathological reflexes are determined for some time.
If neuropsychiatric disorders are caused by inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, the antifimensions (conflict, trasilol, wintering, aminocaporic acid), hormones (anabolic steroids), disinfectants, and gluing drugs (glucose, isotonic sodium chloride, glucose-novocyine mixture are widely used. , vitamins, calcium chloride, magnesium sulfate, gastric hypothermia. To relieve hypoglycemic disorders - the reception of sugar, glucose, fruit juices, hyperglycemic - insulin and other sugar-surging drugs.
In cases of purulent pancreatitis and with pancreycrosis, complicated by peritoneal phenomena, as well as in tumors of gland - insuls, surgical intervention is necessary. The course and forecast of neuropsychiatric disorders are determined by the severity and outcome of the pancreas. They are more favorable with insulsion, acute edema and pancreatic cyst, less - pancreatic pancreatitis and purulent pancreatitis.