ОГЭ–2018 по английскому языку. Аудирование

  • Дата: 16.12.2021

При написании данной работы “ОГЭ по английскому языку 2018 Вариант 1 ” было использовано пособие ОГЭ по английскому языку. 10 тренировочных вариантов экзаменационных работ для подготовки к основному государственному экзамену. Л. М. Гудкова, О. В. Терентьева, 2018 – 2019 года.

Совместно с пособием распространяются аудио записи ко всем вариантам заданий, поэтому настоятельно рекомендуем вам приобрести данное пособие для более качественной подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку. Заказать книгу вы можете перейдя по ссылке выше.

Письменная часть

Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию

  1. Thriller
  2. Detective
  3. Fantasy
  4. Love story
  5. Adventure

Dialogue A

A: I can’t understand anything. The case is so complicated.
B: It’s because the criminals killed the investigator when he was almost ready with evidence.
A: What will the family do?
B: I think they’ll hire a private investigator who’ll be as smart as Sherlock Holmes.

Dialogue B

A: I think the main character is courageous.
B: And in my opinion he is naughty. He took that boat and went sailing without permission.
A: But he stayed calm in that terrible storm, didn’t he?
B: Yes, he did. But he didn’t think about his mother’s feelings, did he?.

Dialogue C

A: Will you turn the sound down? I can’t concentrate when something is blowing up and crashing.
B: Just wait a few minutes and the gang will be caught.
A: How can you watch all this when you know the end?
B: You see, special effects thrill me.

Dialogue D

A: Sorry, I missed the beginning. What are those ugly green creatures doing?
B: They are trying to defend themselves and their territory.
A: Who’s attacking them?
B: Visitors from outer space

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  1. The speaker talks about a very trendy restaurant.
  2. The speaker talks about the prospects of shopping.
  3. The speaker doesn’t think low prices are the main thing.
  4. The speaker is disappointed by the service and the quality.
  5. The speaker prefers them for a greater variety of goods.
  6. The speaker advises the best time for shopping.
Говорящий A B C D E

A . I hadn’t shopped during the sales in the past. So last Saturday I thought I’d try it with some friends… Well, it was chaos! … How can people shop, being pushed all the time? I mean, okay, the prices are a bit cheaper but I’d better stick to my discount stores, thank you very much…

B . I was just furious! I was expecting the bill to total around forty dollars, but boy was I surprised when I saw it was for sixty-five! The first thing I did was to check it, to see if we’d been overcharged… It was correct, but I didn’t think the food or the service was really worth it.

C . I don’t like going to the supermarket all the time. I know people who go once or twice a week, but I believe once a fortnight is fine… Well, this isn’t really the cheapest place to shop,… but I know I can find a wide range of things there.

D . I knew about the sales, so I got to the department store very early… and I knew it wouldn’t be too crowded at that hour… I was lucky to have the store to myself for a while… Anyway, everything was cheap… so I left a couple of hours later with three full shopping bags… Believe me, it’s a good idea to avoid the crowds.

E . Well, I think our everyday life will change quite a bit. We will be able to buy everything by computer, even clothes and shoes. We won’t even have to try anything on, because the computer will show us exactly what we will look like in them.

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Говорящий A B C D E
Утверждение 3 4 5 6 2

Julia : Suzy, you know, I’ve just returned from the new supermarket.
Suzy : The one round the corner? I didn’t expect it to open till next weekend.
Julia : Ann told me the same but yesterday morning I found an advertisement in my mailbox. They promised great discounts on the opening day. So I decided to look for myself.
Suzy : Oh, why didn’t you phone me?
Julia : I did but your mother said you were at the courses.
Suzy : Yes, I’ve just come back. Did you buy anything
Julia : In fact I was looking for a present for my sister. I wanted a music CD or a video but they didn’t have any she likes. Then I saw a nice bag but it was too expensive. At last I got a really nice make-up set.
Suzy : And was it cheap?
Julia : Well, in other shops it costs seven pounds. Last week I saw it for five pounds and here I’ve got it for four pounds fifty.
Suzy : That’s good. I hope I’ll be able to go there on Friday or Saturday.
Julia : I think I’ll join you. But, listen, they are giving a pop-show there on Sunday. How about going then?
Suzy : It would be great but it’s my mother’s birthday and I wanted to get a present for her beforehand.
Julia : It’s a pity I’m busy on Friday. I’ve got an arrangement with my dentist.
Suzy : That’s OK, go to the dentist, I’ll do some cooking and the next day we’ll go together.

3 How did Julia learn about the opening of the supermarket?
1) Suzy phoned her. 2) Ann told her. 3) She read about it.

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3) She read about it.

4 Julia went to the supermarket because
  1. Ann had asked her to buy something.
  2. She wanted to but something at a lower price.
  3. She was looking for an advertisement.

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2) She wanted to but something at a lower price.

5 What did Julia buy?
1) Some cosmetics. 2) A music CD. 3) A nice bag.

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1) Some cosmetics.

6 How much did the present cost?
1) 4.00. 2) 4.50. 3) 7.00.

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7 Suzy decided to go to the supermarket because
  1. She hoped to buy a present.
  2. They were giving a pop-show there.
  3. She had nothing else to do.

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1) She hoped to buy a present.

  1. Living through ages
  2. Influenced by fashion
  3. Young and energetic
  4. Old and beautiful
  5. Still a mystery
  6. A lot to see and to do
  7. Welcome to students
  8. Fine scenery

A . Ireland is situated on the western edge of Europe. It is an island of great beauty with rugged mountains, blue lakes, ancient castles, long sandy beaches and picturesque harbors. The climate is mild and temperate throughout the year. Ireland enjoys one of the cleanest environments in Europe. Its unspoilt countryside provides such leisure activities as hiking, cycling, golfing and horse-riding.

B . Over the past two decades, Ireland has become one of the top destinations for English language learning more than 100,000 visitors come to Ireland every year to study English. One quarter of Ireland s population is under 25 years of age and Dublin acts as a magnet for young peoplelooking for quality education. The Irish are relaxed, friendly, spontaneous, hospitable people and have a great love of conversation. So, there is no better way of learning a language than to learn it in the country where it is spoken.

C . Dublin sits in a vast natural harbor. Such a protected harbor appealed to the first settlers 5,000 years ago and traces of their culture have been found around Dublin and its coast. But it was not until the Vikings came sailing down the coast in the mid 9th century that Dublin became an important town. Next to arrive were the Anglo-Norman adventurers. This was the beginning of the long process of colonization that dictated Ireland s development over the next seven hundred years.

D . Now Dublin is changing fast and partly it s thanks to its youthful population over 50 percent are under the age of twenty-five and that makes the city come alive. Today Dublin is a city full of charm with a dynamic cultural life, small enough to be friendly, yet cosmopolitan in outlook. This is the culture where the heritage of ancient days brings past and present together.

E . In general, cultural life of Dublin is very rich and you can enjoy visiting different museums, art galleries and exhibitions. But for those looking for peace and quiet there are two public parks in the centre of the city: St. Stephen s Green and Merrion Square. The city centre has several great shopping areas depending on your budget as well as numerous parks and green areas for relaxing in. Dublin is also a sports-mad city and whether you are playing or watching, it has everything for the sports enthusiast.

F . Step dances are the creation of Irish dancing masters of the late 18th century. Dancing masters would often travel from town to town, teaching basic dancing steps to those interested and able to pay for them. Their appearance was motivated by a desire to learn the fashionable dance styles which were coming from France. The dance masters often changed these dances to fit the traditional music and, in doing so, laid the basis for much of today s traditional Irish dance ceili, step, and set.

G . St Patrick is known as the patron saint of Ireland. True, he was not a born Irish. But he has become an integral part of the Irish heritage, mostly through his service across Ireland of the 5th century. Patrick was born in the second half of the 4th century AD. There are different views about the exact year and place of his birth. According to one school of opinion, he was born about 390 A.D., while the other school says it is about 373 AD. Again, his birth place is said to be in either Scotland or Roman England. So, though Patricius was his Romanicized name, he became later known as Patrick.

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Seat Belts: Do We Really Need Them?

In many countries now seat belts are compulsory for the driver and front seat passengers at least.

Most doctors believe that seat belts save people from being seriously hurt in a crash, but there are some people who still think that it is more dangerous to wear a seat belt than not to wear one.

They say that a seat belt may trap one in a car that is burning, or that has fallen into a river or the sea and is sinking, so that one is burnt to death or drowned.

But less than half of one per cent of car accidents lead to fire or sinking, and in any case, a seat belt may easily save a person from being knocked unconscious in an accident, so that he or she is able to undo the seat belt immediately and get out of a car that is on fire or sinking.

People who object to seat belts also sometimes say that without one, one may be thrown right out of a car in a crash, but doctors will tell you that that is the last thing one wants to happen: if one is thrown out of a car, one hits something, usually the road, and usually hard and at speed. It is better to remain inside a car in the case of a crash.

There is also the question of personal freedom; some people say that it is an attack on their freedom to force them to wear a seat belt, whether they want to or not. But even in a democracy there are a lot of things a person is denied the right to do though he or she wants to do them. I may, for example, want to play music loudly at night; it interferes with my freedom if I am not allowed to do this. But my neighbours have their own rights to freedom, just as I have. They want to be free to sleep quietly at night, and if I stop them doing so, I am interfering with their freedom.

How does this affect seat belts? In what way does it interfere with the rights of others if someone refuses to wear a seat belt? Well, first of all because common sense tells us that a driver without a seat belt has less control of a car if there is an accident, so that he or she is more likely to be a danger to others, who after all also have the right to be protected as much as possible from accident


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11 All people agree that seat belts are a good thing.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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12 All people agree that seat belts are a good thing.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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13 All people agree that seat belts are a good thing.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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14 All people agree that seat belts are a good thing.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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15 All people agree that seat belts are a good thing.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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16 All people agree that seat belts are a good thing.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

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Pablo Picasso

18 Many people realized that Pablo Picasso was a genius but he disappointed those who wanted ____________ to become a traditional painter. He was always breaking the rules of artistic traditions and shocked public with his strange and powerful pictures. He is probably ____________ known for his Cubist pictures, which used only simple geometric shapes. His paintings of people often ____________ up of triangles and squares with their features in the wrong place. His work changed our ideas about art and, nowadays, to millions of people modern art ____________ the work of Picasso. HE

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20 – were made

George Bernard Shaw

22 George Bernard Shaw, an outstanding Irish playwright and critic, ____________ in Dublin on July 26, 1856 to a poor protestant family.

Later the family ____________ to London. There he started writing novels and plays. Between 1892 and 1930 he ____________ over twenty plays, both tragedies and comedies.

One of the ____________ plays is Pygmalion. In many countries of the world this play always ____________ a great success with the public.


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25 – most popular

Difficult Problems

27 The use of animals for ____________ purposes is a difficult ethical problem. Many people owe their lives to modern drugs or surgical techniques that first were tested on animals. Some of these ____________ would not have been possible without animal experiments. People who campaign for animal rights are usually young and ____________, and have not yet needed the benefits of medical progress. Perhaps it is ethically ____________ to sacrifice animals for the sake of medical research, as long as the animals do not suffer. But that ____________ point of view rises another difficult question: what can be considered as ____________? SIENCE

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27 – scientific

28 – developments

30 – acceptable

31 – theoretical

32 – suffering

Раздел 4. Задания по письму

33 You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Timothy
….It s my third week at the language school. The programmes are full and very interesting, but most of the learning is done in the classrooms. I can’t say that I m disappointed, but I d like to have more practice and experience the language culture outside the classrooms.
How do you study English? Where do you practise it? Do you think that it s necessary to go abroad to develop your language skills?…Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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Пример ответа:

Thanks a lot, it was great to get your letter! I’ve learn a lot about your language practice.

Frankly speaking, I’ve never had any language practice abroad and I don’t have any possibilities of such studies besides school lessons.

I practise English, reading books in the original and I also enjoy listening to some old English groups like the ‘Beatles’. Listening to some other groups is also quite helpful. For example, ABBA songs are easily understood.

I’d like to have a chance of practising English with a native speaker, though not necessarily abroad (it’s cool but too expensive)!

Sorry, I’ve got to feed my dog.

Устная часть

1 Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will have not more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

Whether we realise it or not, TV plays a very important part in our lives. It’s the main source of information and a cheap form of entertainment for millions of people. It gives us an opportunity to “travel” all over the world, to “meet” different people and learn about their customs and traditions . It helps us to relax after a hard day’s work and escape from reality. Some people argue that television is a terrible waste of time. It makes us lazier. We stay at home instead of going out. We read less. We think less. We even talk less. It’s true that some TV addicts spend hours in front of the “box” watching whatever’s on - from second-rate Mexican soap operas to silly commercials. The trick is to learn to control television and use it intelligently. The ideal is to turn on the TV-set only when there’s a really interesting programme. Violence on TV is another problem that worries people. But the same can be said about computer games and many films and books. And if you don’t like a certain programme, why watch it?

2 Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answer to the questions Remember that you will have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant : Hello! This is the electronic assistant of the Leisure Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what teenagers think about spending their free time. Please answer our six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

Electronic assistant : What are your favourite weekdays? Why?


Electronic assistant : Do you plan spending your free time or just waste it?

Student :_____________________________

Electronic assistant : How does spending your free time depend on the weather?

Student :_____________________________

Electronic assistant : Have you any special hobbies which take your free time? What are they if any?

Student :_____________________________

Electronic assistant : Why do you think it’s necessary to help you parents about the house?

Student :_____________________________

Electronic assistant : What would you recommend your friends do to have more productive free time?

Student :_____________________________

Electronic assistant : This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your time.

3 Task 3. You are going to give a talk about sports& You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

  • if you are a sports fan or if you go in for sports;
  • if you lead an active style of life;
  • in what way sport helps you.

Изменения в экзаменационной работе 2018 года по сравнению с 2017 годом.

Изменения структуры и содержания КИМ отсутствуют. Однако в 2018 году были внесены уточнения в критерии оценивания выполнения задания 33 «Личное письмо».

Сдача ОГЭ по иностранным языкам предполагает обязательное участие обучающихся в выполнении письменных заданий, а также заданий раздела «Говорение».

Порядком не предусмотрен отказ обучающихся от участия в ОГЭ по иностранным языкам (раздел «Говорение»).

В целях оптимизации времени нахождения в ППЭ участников ОГЭ по иностранным языкам ОИВ принимает решение о выборе одной из схем организации проведения экзамена для всех участников ОГЭ по иностранным языкам:

Проведение экзамена по иностранным языкам (одновременно письменная часть и устная часть (раздел «Говорение») в один из дней, предусмотренных расписанием;

Проведение экзамена по иностранным языкам (одновременно письменная часть и устная часть раздел «Говорение») в два дня, предусмотренных расписанием;

Проведение письменной части экзамена в один день, а устной части (раздел «Говорение») - в другой день, предусмотренный расписанием.

ОИВ выбирает одну из предложенных схем проведения ОГЭ по иностранным языкам для всего субъекта РФ в целом

Письменная часть экзаменационной работы по английскому языку состоит из четырёх разделов, включающих в себя 33 задания.

На выполнение заданий письменной части экзаменационной работы отводится 2 часа (120 минут).

В разделе 1 (задания по аудированию) предлагается прослушать несколько текстов и выполнить 8 заданий на понимание прослушанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий данного раздела – 30 минут.

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) содержит 9 заданий на понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий раздела – 30 минут.

Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) состоит из 15 заданий. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий раздела – 30 минут.

Устная часть КИМ ОГЭ по английскому языку включает в себя 3 задания.

Задание 1 предусматривает чтение вслух небольшого текста научно- популярного характера. Время на подготовку – 1,5 минуты.

В задании 2 предлагается принять участие в условном диалоге- расспросе: ответить на шесть услышанных в аудиозаписи вопросов телефонного опроса.

В задании 3 необходимо построить связное монологическое высказывание на определённую тему с опорой на план. Время на подготовку – 1,5 минуты.

Общее время ответа одного участника ОГЭ (включая время на подготовку) – 15 минут. Каждое последующее задание выдаётся после окончания выполнения предыдущего задания. Всё время ответа ведётся аудиозапись.

  • шкалу пересчёта первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы 2020 года в отметку по пятибалльной шкале ;
  • шкалу пересчёта первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы 2019 года в отметку по пятибалльной шкале ;
  • шкалу пересчёта первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы 2018 года в отметку по пятибалльной шкале ;
  • шкалу пересчёта первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы 2017 года в отметку по пятибалльной шкале ;
  • шкалу пересчёта первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы 2016 года в отметку по пятибалльной шкале ;
  • шкалу пересчёта первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы 2015 года в отметку по пятибалльной шкале ;
  • шкалу пересчёта первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы 2014 года в отметку по пятибалльной шкале ;
  • шкалу пересчёта первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы 2013 года в отметку по пятибалльной шкале .

Изменения в демонстрационных вариантах ОГЭ по английскому языку

В демонстрационном варианте ОГЭ 2015 года по английскому языку изменилась структура варианта:

    Нумерация заданий стала сквозной по всему варианту без буквенных обозначений А, В, С.

    Изменена форма записи ответа в заданиях с выбором ответа: ответ нужно записывать цифрой с номером правильного ответа (а не обводить кружком).

В демонстрационном варианте ОГЭ 2016 года по английскому языку по сравнению с демонстрационным вариантом 2015 года в письменной части изменений не было, устная часть была приведена в соответствие с проведением устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку в 11 классе.

В демонстрационных вариантах ОГЭ 2017 - 2019 годов по английскому языку по сравнению с демонстрационным вариантом 2016 года изменений не было.

В демонстрационный вариант ОГЭ 2020 года по английскому языку по сравнению с демонстрационным вариантом 2019 года были внесены следующие изменения:

  • В разделе 2 («Задания по чтению» ):

      было изменено задание 9 : участникам ОГЭ необходимо определить, в каком из шести письменных текстов содержится ответ на предложенный вопрос (в задании есть один лишний вопрос). за выполнение задания – 6 баллов ;

      уменьшен объём текста для чтения к заданиям на определение соответствия утверждений прочитанному тексту;

      уменьшено до 7 количество заданий на определение соответствия утверждений прочитанному тексту (соответствует / не соответствует / в тексте не сказано). Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий 10–16 – 7 баллов .

  • В разделе 5 («Задания по говорению» ):

      в задании 3 (создание связного монологического высказывания) добавлен один аспект . В связи с этим соответствующие изменения были внесены в критерии оценивания задания (в критерий «Решение коммуникативной задачи»). Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение задания 3 не изменилось.

Общее время ответа одного участника ОГЭ (включая время на подготовку) – 15 минут . Каждое последующее задание выдаётся после окончания выполнения предыдущего задания. Всё время ответа ведётся аудиозапись. Постарайтесь полностью выполнить поставленные задачи, говорить ясно и чётко, не отходить от темы и следовать предложенному плану ответа. Так Вы сможете набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

2 балла
6 баллов
7 баллов

ИТОГО: 20 баллов

В этом задании вам необходимо прочитать правильно текст, не допустив ошибок. Давайте разберём это задание на демоверсии 2018 года.

Подготовка – 1.5 минуты
Время выполнения – не дольше 2 минуты
Балы за это задание – 2 балла

Task 1

You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

Today it is hard to imagine Moscow being dark at night. Yet, the central streets of the city became bright only in 1730. Before then, Muscovites had to keep candles burning in the windows for passers-by. Most people also carried individual oil lamps when they walked late. During the summer months, candles and oil lamps were not allowed because of the risk of fire. Later, gas lanterns appeared. They were rather effective but the real progress started later, with electric lamps. 448 electric lamps were fixed in the centre of Moscow a century ago. At present, Moscow has a modern system of street lights with electronic control.

Student: As a matter of fact , we have four main holidays. They are Summer, Autumn or Fall, Winter and Spring holidays.

Electronic assistant: What holiday is your favourite? Why?
Student: Actually , I like summer holidays most of all . First of all , they are longer than others, almost three months. I love the summer heat a lot. So , it makes the holidays even more pleasant.

Electronic assistant: How much time on average do you spend online a day when you are on holiday?
Student: I guess that it’s the same amount of time that I usually spend, around 2 hours daily.

Electronic assistant: What would you recommend to a teenager who feels bored during the holidays?
Student: Personally , I would recommend to a bored teen going to watch a movie. It really helps. He can also start doing something that he never had time for . Last summer I started doing sport, weightlifting. The holidays were a great opportunity for it.

Electronic assistant: What do you usually do during your holidays?

Student: Usually , I do many things on my holidays. I have my workout every day. I have some quality time with my friends. I read different books, go rollerblading and bicycling. I also travel. Every summer my parents take me to some new places.

Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Read by George William Dole

I think that Russians study English at school because English is the international language.

If you speak English you can talk to people from different countries. Most international companies do their daily business using English. Nowadays , there are many international students exchange programs which allow Russians to learn different subjects abroad.

Personally , I use English in my travels.

When our family goes abroad for vacation we speak English with the locals. Also , I like watching English movies in English. Sometimes Russian translations are not very good. I like to listen to the original actors" voices. O f course , I correspond with my Spanish friends regularly in English. They don’t speak Russian, so English is the only language that we all can use.

That’s all I wanted to say.

ОГЭ по английскому языку – один из группы экзаменов по иностранным языкам в 9-м классе. По структуре, сложности и типу заданий практически идентичен экзаменам по немецкому, французскому и испанскому языкам. Экзамен является необязательным для сдачи, но его результаты потребуются выпускникам для продолжения обучения в профильных классах старшей школы (10 и 11-й классы).

Ознакомившись с общей информацией об экзамене, можно сразу приступать к подготовке. Вариант КИМ ОГЭ 2019 года не отличается от варианта 2018 года.

Структура теста ОГЭ

Разделение заданий в структуре экзамена осуществляется на основе различных тем знания языка:

  • часть 1 – задания по аудированию, всего 5 заданий, включают в себя как вопросы с кратким ответом так и с выбором варианта ответа;
  • часть 2 – задания по чтению текста и ответу на вопросы, аналогичные вопросам по аудированию, всего 5 заданий;
  • часть 3 – грамматические задания – предполагают краткий ответ на поставленный вопрос – 12 заданий;
  • часть 4 – самостоятельное написание текста письма в ответ англоязычному другу;
  • часть 5 – устный ответ на вопрос и диалог с экзаменатором на заданную тему, продолжительность ответа – 6 мин., подготовка к ответу примерно 10 мин.

Подготовка к ОГЭ

Пробный ОГЭ по английскому языку онлайн

На нашем сайте вы можете пройти тесты ОГЭ онлайн бесплатно без регистрации и СМС. На данный момент раздел обновляется, и со временем в нем будут появляться новые тесты за весь период проведения ОГЭ. Представленные тесты по своей сложности и структуре идентичны реальным экзаменам, проводившимся в соответствующие годы.

Демонстрационные варианты ОГЭ по английскому языку

Так же как и в тестах прошлых лет тест ОГЭ по английскому языку в 2019 году четко разделен на две части – устную и письменную. Приведенные ниже тесты помогут вам проверить знания и уровень готовности к экзамену. Также пробные тесты ОГЭ по английскому языку помогут не растеряться и не запутаться в вопросах в непростой ситуации на экзамене.

В разделе демонстрационных вариантов ОГЭ Вы сможете бесплатно скачать тесты за 2009–2019 годы.

Все приведенные тесты разработаны и одобрены для подготовки к государственной итоговой аттестации в 9-м классе Федеральным институтом педагогических измерений (ФИПИ).