Vertical delivery: what does every pregnant woman need? The behavior and posture of the woman in childbirth during the "vertical" birth. Indications for vertical childbirth

  • Date: 03.04.2019

Even 300 years ago, women gave birth to babies in a different way than modern ladies do. There were no special gynecological and obstetric chairs, as well as special devices with which to facilitate the delivery process. They helped give birth to midwife girls. In this case, the woman was either in a standing position, or squatted. So the vertical birth took place. Today they are also practicing. In this article we will talk in detail what are vertical delivery with a photo.

Vertical birth was carried out in all the medieval countries of Europe until Louis XIV abolished them. The fact is that the leader of France, who became famous all over the world, loved to watch how women give birth in agony. The seated position of the woman in labor at the time of the expulsion of the fetus blocked the king's entire view, so the doctors had to put the woman on her back.

True, or historical fiction, is still reliably unknown. But the fact is clear that in the past few years, many maternity hospitals began to return to the practice of carrying out precisely vertical births, because in their process the uterus contracts faster, and the baby is born faster.

Thus, we can conclude that vertical childbirth is the usual process of delivery, in which a woman does not lie, but either stands, or sits, or is constantly in motion.

How is a vertical birth?

Like horizontal childbirth, vertical ones take place in 3 stages:

  1. I  stage  - a woman has an opening of the cervix. This is the most painful period and the longest. It is very important that during this period, the woman in labor move more than stimulate the uterus to contract faster and faster. You can walk, sit on a special ball, swim in the pool. In principle, now many doctors force a woman in labor during the entire first stage of labor to move and forbid her to lie. This, of course, is very exhausting for a woman, but allows her to shorten the duration of her birth. According to reviews of women who survived vertical childbirth -it’s very difficult to survive the first stage of childbirth if you don’t have someone nearby who can provide support.
  2. II stage- the fetus comes out of the womb. In this period vertical childbirth doctor chooses a comfortable pose  not only for a woman, but also in order to adopt a child. Usually a woman is squatted, on her knees, or on a special chair. If in the upright position it will be more difficult for the child to go out, then the doctor can put the woman in labor on her back at any second to help the baby be born. But, as a rule, a woman’s sitting position on a special chair helps her relax, so that the baby comes out gently and smoothly from the womb.
  3. III  stage  - the expulsion of the placenta, which occurs quickly enough if the woman is in an upright position. At this moment, the newly made mother already holds her child on her chest, which should take her breast in the very first minutes of her life.

Vertical delivery: preparation

So that vertical childbirth does not exhaust the woman, she should prepare for them in advance:

  • It is imperative to attend training courses for future parents, in which pregnant women are taught how to breathe correctly during childbirth and relax the muscles, which, under the action of a contracting uterus, begin to move apart and resist the delivery process. Therefore, often a woman feels this particular pain, and not that caused by severe uterine spasms.
  • A woman should learn and try on herself all the poses that are usually used during vertical childbirth. She should know how to swing on a special fit-ball, what rotation should be done with the pelvis at the same time, how to sit, so that the muscles of the pelvic region relax as much as possible. If the expectant mother mastered it all long before the birth, she could avoid the panic fear that envelops all women with the onset of contractions and ruptures of the perineum during attempts.
  • You need to find a hospital in which vertical delivery is practiced. After all, unfortunately, not all maternity hospitals are equipped with the necessary medical devices so that a woman can give birth in a comfortable pose. As a rule, the hospital where they spend vertical delivery do it for free.

  • Arrange with a doctor who for many years and has taken birth a sufficient number of times, in which the woman was in an upright position. The experience of a specialist in this matter plays a decisive role. Even if there are no such doctors in your city, invite him to your birth or go to give birth to where this obstetrician-gynecologist works. Not only your health will depend on his qualifications, but also the health of the baby, whom he will help to be born.

Pros of vertical childbirth

Now we will examine more specifically why vertical childbirth is better than horizontal childbirth. There are several main advantages of this delivery process:

  • During vertical delivery, the uterus does not squeeze large blood vessels located in the abdominal cavity so that the baby can receive the amount of oxygen he needs. That is, the likelihood of hypoxia in vertical labor is minimal.
  • The uterus with vertical birth opens more smoothly, more intensively and faster. A woman gives birth to a baby much faster than with a horizontal birth. At the same time, the baby, moving along the birth canal of a woman who has taken a vertical position, will definitely not put pressure on the head of hematomas and other neoplasms, which often happens with transient births.
  • Due to the fact that the uterus opens smoothly, the risk of internal ruptures and external ones in a woman decreases. In this case, the child requires much less energy to pass through the birth canal.
  • During vertical delivery, there is no heavy bleeding from the uterus during the expulsion of the placenta in the third period.

  • A woman in labor can see with her own eyes in an upright position how her baby is born. With the first cry of her baby, she can fully feel the happiness of motherhood and forget the torment through which she had to go in order to earn the right to call her mother.

Vertical delivery: cons

Alas, there are some disadvantages to vertical childbirth. Not all doctors today agree to give birth if a woman wants to give birth in an upright position. Why:

  • A woman in labor at the first stage of childbirth cannot rest, sleep. Because of this, her strength is exhausted, she can no longer be as active as necessary, during the period of expulsion of the child from the womb.
  • The doctor in the process of vertical childbirth is very limited in movement, because he is forced to adapt to the pose of the woman in labor. Most modern gynecologists want at the crucial moment of taking the baby to own a 100% situation, and vertical birth is still a risk.
  • If a woman at the time of birth began to weigh a lot (this usually happens), then under the pressure of weight, she can strain breaks in the perineum, as well as hemorrhoids, which will have to be treated for a long time.
  • Vertical delivery does not involve the use of anesthesia. A woman will be forced to endure excruciating pain all the time, while at the same time as in horizontal labor, she can undergo spinal anesthesia.

Vertical delivery: contraindications

Sometimes doctors refuse to give women a vertical birth, not because they see a lot of contradictions in this process, but because they are simply contraindicated for women in childbirth. What is one of the prohibitions when you can not carry out any birth, except horizontal:

  • if a woman has given birth prematurely, then she should give birth only in a supine position (most likely, they will have a cesarean section);
  • if the child does not lie head down, but, for example, with legs or buttocks, then it is also impossible to give birth in an upright position;
  • if a woman has a pathologically narrow pelvis, and the child is large enough, then she can give birth only while lying down;
  • if the woman is not the birthright, then the second birth in her already will pass much faster than the first, so vertical ones can only do harm (lead to rupture of the perineum).

If you are not one of the women who have contraindications for vertical birth, do not be afraid to take this step. Childbirth is in any case a difficult physiological process for a woman. And so, and so it will be painful. Think about what a baby is moving along the narrow birth canal. Vertical delivery is an opportunity to alleviate his suffering and bring closer the time of meeting with the long-awaited baby.

Video: “Vertical delivery”

To date, the traditional posture of women in labor is considered to be lying on their backs. However, “traditional” does not at all mean “the only possible” and even more so the “best”. The disadvantages of this method of delivery can be attributed to the fact that the woman in childbirth in “horizontal” childbirth is assigned only a passive role, but this is not the most important thing. Much more important is that physiologically this position cannot be called optimal either for the woman giving birth or for the child being born. It turns out that the supine position, which is not too comfortable for the two main participants in the birth - the mother and the baby, is most convenient only for those who have a supporting role in childbirth - for doctors and obstetricians.

A bit of history and geography

I must say that lying on their backs, women give birth relatively recently - the last 200-300 years. From time immemorial, they gave birth either standing up, or sitting on their knees or squatting, that is, in fact, the very same practiced "Vertical" childbirth(childbirth with the vertical position of the body), which will be discussed in our article.

IN Of Russia women often gave birth in a heated bath, and the midwives involved in assisting in childbirth did not allow the woman in labor to lie for a long time, forcing her to walk, sometimes to complete exhaustion, and even to step over obstacles. Apparently, this tactic was chosen from those considerations that vertical position and movements contribute to uterine contractions.

Since ancient times in China  the tradition was kept of having birth while sitting. In Europe, this tactic of delivery was also quite common. IN Holland  up to the last century, the bride’s dowry included a chair for childbirth. Historical sources indicate that until the sixteenth century France  women gave birth mainly on all fours, and in Germany  - on the chair.

It is believed that the modern way of accepting childbirth originates in France, and it arose precisely when a male doctor, who first entered the room of a woman in labor, took on the role traditionally assigned to midwives. It is believed that in the end the woman had to lie down in order to take a comfortable position for obstetric manipulations, in particular for applying obstetric forceps. There is another opinion - they say that the French king Louis XIV, known for his vagaries, loved to watch women giving birth, and the vertical position interfered with the review, so they put the woman in labor on her back.

However, for a woman who determines the tactics of behavior during the upcoming birth, such an excursion into history will be clearly not enough. Naturally, the interested reader will have little information about at what times and in which countries women preferred “vertical” births; she will want to learn more about how such births take place, whether they have any advantages over “horizontal” births ". We will try to satisfy her quite legitimate curiosity.

The behavior and posture of the woman in childbirth during the "vertical" birth

Maintaining “vertical” childbirth (as well as conventional childbirth in a modern hospital) implies complete freedom of movement in first stage of labor, the longest of the three, when the cervix opens. A woman at this time can stand, walk, sit, lie, half-sit in a special chair or chair of an original design (such devices exist, and many maternity hospitals can afford or purchase them to order), take a warm shower, or even ... swim if there is such an opportunity, all this contributes to reduction. By the way, that’s why pain relief is rarely required during “vertical” births - this is one of their undeniable advantages 1 .

The vertical position in, when the birth of the fetus itself occurs, is possible in different ways: half-squatting, kneeling, standing or sitting in a specially designed chair. The optimal position is when a woman in labor is kneeling on an ordinary bed during an attempt, facing the head of the bed, leaning forward slightly. In a sitting position, half-sitting or squatting, a woman in labor is facing the doctor. The doctor and midwife monitor the physiological course of childbirth, and only if necessary, obstetric intervention, the woman in labor is put into a lying position (she is laid on her back).

IN third stage of laborwhen it happens, the woman sits with the baby attached to her chest. Separation of the placenta in a woman occurs in a sitting position, which contributes to more effective (helps gravity) uterine contractions and occurs faster than with "horizontal" childbirth.

The benefits of "vertical" childbirth

Comparison of “vertical” births with the delivery methodology that is currently practiced in Russia, reveals a number of their advantages. In our opinion, the arguments in favor of "vertical" birth are numerous and quite convincing. We list the main ones. With "vertical" birth:

  • Uterine pressure on large vessels decreases.

It is known that if a pregnant woman lies on her back, then a large uterus (the mass of which together with the baby and amniotic fluid by the end of pregnancy is about 6 kg) presses on the abdominal organs and, more important, on large blood vessels - the aorta (a vessel departing directly from the heart and carrying oxygen rich blood to organs and tissues) and the inferior vena cava (through this vessel all the blood from the lower half of the body returns to the heart). Compression of the aorta leads to the fact that the uterus and, accordingly, the baby receives insufficient oxygen. Compression of the inferior vena cava is fraught with a decrease in the return of blood to the heart and stagnation of venous blood in the internal organs, including the uterus. A decrease in the return of blood to the heart, of course, leads to a decrease in the amount of blood that is ejected from the heart, that is, again, to a deterioration in the blood supply to the uterus and the baby. And when a woman sits or stands on all fours,   uterine pressure on large vessels decreases, which improves uteroplacental circulation and prevents the child from developing hypoxia (oxygen starvation) both during labor (the first stage of labor) and when the head passes through the birth canal (second period of labor).

  • The first period of labor is reduced.

The vertical position in the first stage of childbirth provides a uniform and more intense, compared with the supine position, pressure of the fetal bladder and head of the baby on the lower uterine segment and cervix and promotes efficient, smooth and quick opening of the uterine pharynx 2 . Wherein the first period of labor is shortened  in comparison with the "horizontal" birth for about 2-3 hours. This favorably affects both the woman in labor (after all, prolonged painful contractions are one of the reasons for fear of childbirth) and the baby (each contractions leads to a temporary cessation of oxygen supply to the baby).

  • The risk of birth injury is reduced.

If the duration of the first period of childbirth with the vertical position of the woman in labor is reduced, then the duration of the second period of vertical childbirth slightly increases (by about 20-30 minutes). From this one should not draw hasty conclusions about the greater soreness of the "vertical" birth. Observations show that in a standing or sitting woman, the fetus moves down not only more slowly, but also more smoothly. Respectively, the risk of birth injury is reduced for both the mother and the baby. During attempts, optimal coordination of the work of the abdominal muscles, back, pelvic floor and all skeletal muscles is achieved, in addition, giving birth to a woman helps the force of gravity. As a result, muscle tension necessary for expelling the fetus is minimized, the muscles of the pelvic floor relax as much as possible - childbirth proceeds physiologically, the baby moves easier along the birth canal with the least energy cost.

  • Blood loss is reduced

Since the placenta in a woman in a sitting position is separated faster, physiological blood loss decreases  (the average loss of blood with "vertical" childbirth is 100-150 ml).

  • Active behavior of a woman during childbirth is ensured.

Woman in vertical position actively involved in the birth process, sees with his own eyes the birth of his own child. After the birth of the baby, the mother immediately takes him in her arms and puts it on her chest, even before the end of the pulsation of the umbilical cord and the separation of the placenta. For half an hour (and sometimes longer) the child is at the mother’s chest 3 . The umbilical cord is clamped only after the end of its pulsation.

In conclusion, I want to say that the reception vertical delivery  It does not require special organizational efforts and does not imply the availability of special expensive equipment. The only thing that is really necessary to put into practice this more gentle and comfortable method of delivery is to change the traditional ideas about the tactics of physiological delivery and to overcome a certain stereotype of thinking and behavior of obstetric staff

   1 In general, in the first period of childbirth - and vertical birth  in this case, an exception is not necessary - the active participation of a spouse or other close person (mother, sister, girlfriend) is assumed. It is close people who help create a calm psycho-emotional atmosphere close to home. This is facilitated by quiet music in the maternity ward, dim light and friendly attitude of the medical staff. In addition, a close person present at childbirth massages the reflex points and zones of the woman in childbirth, which also helps to relax her muscles and reduce pain.
2 Readers may object: but after all, a woman is free to determine the tactics of behavior during the first period of childbirth herself, no one will forcefully keep her in bed. That is true, but most women in labor simply follow the routine in the maternity hospital - they will tell them to lie down during labor, and they will follow the orders of the medical staff, and in many maternity hospitals women are still put to bed in the first period of delivery.
  3 Due to early and prolonged attachment to the breast, breastfeeding subsequently practically does not cause problems in the mother and the baby. And besides, according to our observations, children born in vertical births generally better adapt to new conditions of existence and in the first year of life develop more harmoniously - both physically and psychoemotionally.

From time immemorial, it was vertical births that were considered traditional; women began to give birth in a lying position not so long ago - only 2-3 centuries ago. Despite the fact that in modern obstetrics it is customary to take birth in a horizontal position, today many specialists welcome labor in a squatting position, sitting or standing. Why? You will find answers to this and other questions related to vertical delivery on the beautiful and successful website.

Childbirth in an upright position: posture and behavior of a woman in childbirth

The main feature of vertical delivery is absolutely free behavior of the woman in labor  in the first, longest period of childbirth. Until the cervix opens completely, a woman can stand, walk, lie down, sit, half-sit, take a shower or, if there is such an opportunity, even swim.

In general, to do everything during fights will help to reduce their pain. Since a woman “anesthetizes herself”, epidural anesthesia is almost never used in such births.

In the second period, when the birth of the fetus occurs, with vertical childbirth, the poses are as varied as in the first. At the first attempts, the woman in labor can kneel, squat half-way, just stand or sit in a special chair, the so-called maternity chair.

Childbirth in a standing position is taken on a Rakhmanov or regular bed. During the attempts, the woman is kneeling with her back to the doctor, holding her hands on the back of the bed and leaning forward a bit. On the bed you can give birth and squatting.

In the sitting or half-sitting position, the woman is located on the maternity chair, holding her hands on the handrails or crossbars of the Swedish wall, if any. In this position, the woman sits facing the doctor, who, sitting next to him on a low stool, observes the physiological course of childbirth.

In the normal course of childbirth, the midwife takes the baby and passes it to the mother, but if there is a need for medical intervention, the woman is immediately transferred to a horizontal position, that is, laid on the bed.

In the third period of childbirth, from a standing position, the woman goes into a sitting position and puts the newborn to her chest. When the baby sucks the breast, the uterus contracts more efficiently, which, combined with the force of gravity, promotes the speedy separation of the placenta and the birth of the afterbirth.

Childbirth: benefits

  • When the uterus is upright, the weight of which, together with all its contents reaches 5-7 kg, does not press on the inferior vena cava, this significantly reduces the risk of fetal hypoxia. In this position, the uterus does not interfere with the lungs, which makes the woman's breathing more free.
  • The first, most painful period of childbirth is reduced by an average of 2-3 hours.
  • the site emphasizes once again: free behavior in childbirth allows a woman to do everything herself so that the contractions are less painful, which almost completely eliminates the need for painkillers.
  • The risk of birth injury for mother and baby is minimal. The coordinated work of the pelvic floor, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, skeletal muscles and the force of attraction minimizes the muscular tension of the pelvic floor of the mother and the child moves smoothly along the birth canal. As the fetus moves slowly, the birth canal gradually stretches and adapts to the size of its head.
  • Physiological blood loss is reduced due to faster separation and the birth of the afterbirth.
  • Vertically flowing childbirth due to the smooth and less painful passage of the child through the birth canal favorably affects his further development: higher Apgar score, good weight dynamics, ahead of his horizontally born peers in psychomotor development.

However, all the advantages of such childbirth will be obvious only in the case of normally occurring childbirth. If in one of the periods any complications arise, the woman in labor will be laid on the bed, and further delivery will occur in a horizontal position.

Vertical delivery: contraindications

As with all alternative births, there are contraindications for delivery in an upright position:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels in women in labor;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • severe forms of gestosis;
  • chronic fetal hypoxia;
  • premature and rapid birth;
  • indications for surgery.

These contraindications are due to the fact that in such conditions the mother or child may need medical help at any time, which can only be provided in a horizontal position.

Childbirth standing: reviews

When reading an article, it may seem that of all types of alternative delivery, vertical is the best. However, one can come to such or directly opposite conclusion only if one gives birth vertically or gets acquainted with the reviews of those who have already done this.

  • The third in a row I had a vertical birth, I can leave only positive feedback about them. All the time while there were contractions, I walked along the corridor, could not lie at all. Gave birth on a small stool, the seat of which was carved by a crescent. A doctor was sitting next to a stool and saw everything perfectly. The placenta also gave birth on this throne. The birth was just wonderful, and pushing on a stool was many times easier, so I have something to compare! Olga
  • It was my first birth, I thought that I would tear myself to pieces, and the child went out and didn’t tear me anywhere. It was easy to give birth, you directly feel how the baby helps you with all its gravity. Ksyu.
  • I don’t know to whom it will be easier. When I gave birth to the first, I walked for 18 hours, it was easier for me. She began to give birth to the head while standing, but I had no strength to stand further - I finished giving birth on the bed. And the second time I never even got on my feet, I couldn’t, it hurt in my crotch, therefore I gave birth in bed. By the way, very quickly, literally in 3 hours. Maryana.
  • As soon as I went to bed, I stopped feeling the baby, so I gave birth while sitting and even felt how he was moving inside, hurrying to meet mommy! Inna.
  • My second birth was vertical, the first - traditional. I won’t say the best. Childbirth is generally not an easy process. It was probably a little easier than the first time, but the child was much larger than the first, so it broke. As for me, it doesn’t matter which way to give birth, the main thing is that the baby is born healthy. Magnolia.
  • The second time I gave birth vertically on a stool similar to a horseshoe. It was much more convenient, and at birth I felt better, although the baby was born as much as one and a half kilos more than the first. Wiki.
  • Gave birth to the third standing - complete delight! It was not so painful in the contractions, the birth itself was faster and easier compared to the previous ones, and not a single gap, not even the old joints, cracked! I want to give birth again and, if there are no contraindications, then only vertically! Galina.
  • She gave birth while squatting, there were no gaps, she took the child in her arms, well, and then the doctors’s business. Chulpan.
  • When giving birth, the head of the child could not come "to the exit." Squatted down and the process started. Everything is fine with the child and there were no breaks either. Jeanne.

Naturalness - this is what distinguishes vertical childbirth from other types of delivery: it seems as if nature itself took care that the woman, taking an upright position, safely resolves herself from her burden. But for greater confidence in a successful outcome, you need to give birth under the supervision of doctors, regardless of whether you want to do this in a vertical or horizontal position.

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Vertical birth is considered an innovation, but in fact the situation is different. They are traditional and tested by many generations of people. The birth of a woman lying down became fashionable because it is easier for doctors to monitor the process. But is it really necessary for the mother and the newborn?

Horizontal and vertical birth: which is better

It is believed that lying on your back is the usual method of having children. This option is convenient for the doctor and even the woman in childbirth such a pose brings some kind of comfort. But the main characters of the action are not doctors, but the child and his mother. Therefore, it is important to take care of their health.

Giving birth while lying on your back means that you feel certain shortcomings. The most popular are:

  • the woman feels more pain;
  • less oxygen is delivered to the child;
  • the birth of the fetus is slow, sometimes stimulation is needed, which can harm the health of the woman and the baby;
  • more effort is required to push the newborn;
  • medical staff are leading, and the mother plays a secondary role in the process of the birth of the baby.

Vertical births cause injuries in 1 out of 100 cases, and 5 out of 100 women need to have a crotch incision. Compared with horizontal births, the results are tangible, since 5 out of 100 women get injured when they give birth in a horizontal position, and 25 have gaps.

Another advantage of standing is the minimal risk of uterine infection and the low likelihood of large blood loss. It is worth noting the fact that when a woman gives birth while lying on her back, the uterus presses on the spine and this interferes with normal blood circulation in the body. As a result, the expectant mother "requires" painkillers that affect the health of the child.

Reviews of vertical birth are positive. Women who know how harmful it is to give birth on their backs are glad that there is such an option. They are happy to go to the hospital to obstetricians who practice vertical childbirth. Vertical delivery is popular all over the world.

Pros of vertical childbirth

Thanks to vertical childbirth, one can observe such positive aspects:

  • minimum injuries in newborns;
  • complications are 10 times less common (35% with traditional and only 3.3% with vertical);
  • children quickly recover weight loss;

  • in children, neurological syndromes are rarely detected;
  • you can immediately attach the newborn to the chest;
  • the baby receives enough oxygen during childbirth;
  • decreased likelihood of hypoxia and constriction of the vessels of the child’s body (prevention of ADHD and ailments in the nervous system);
  • the most natural situation for women in labor;
  • proper fetal pressure on the birth canal.

If carrying a baby took place without complications, and pregnancy and childbirth do not cause discomfort, then a woman can give birth in an upright position.

Cons of vertical childbirth

This option for having a baby has both pros and cons. The main negative points of vertical birth are:

  • it is not easy for the obstetrician to monitor the progress of the fetus and the heartbeat of the baby;
  • the speed of childbirth during repeated birth, which causes the threat of birth injury;
  • a woman will not be able to rest in a pause between contractions, so the process will drag on for hours;
  • requires a different chair than for horizontal delivery (not all hospitals have such equipment);

  • if the attempts are strong, a rupture of the cervix, perineum, vagina is possible;
  • inability to do anesthesia;
  • there are more people who want to give birth in an upright position than specialists who can give such an opportunity;
  • it is necessary to search in advance for an obstetrician who knows how to provide qualified assistance;
  • if something goes wrong and complications arise, it will be difficult to help the woman.

Due to the high risk of complications, not every doctor takes up a vertical birth after a cesarean section. But this is possible if you find a qualified obstetrician.


Knowing contraindications, you can protect your health from unnecessary stress. An upright posture should be discarded if:

  • there are any complications;
  • high risk of hypoxia;
  • childbirth is premature;
  • pelvic presentation of the fetus;
  • narrow pelvis of the woman in childbirth;
  • low pain threshold;
  • a large head in a baby;
  • you must use obstetric forceps;
  • there are diseases of the internal organs;
  • it is necessary to dissect the perineum.

Not all medical institutions practice this method, so finding a suitable hospital is not easy. For such births, preparation takes place in a special way: a woman is given an enema, a perineum is shaved, and everything that can interfere or cause irritation is removed.

How to prepare for vertical birth

Before giving birth, you need to learn how to relax your muscles and breathe correctly. Pain prepares muscles for involuntary exertion. To relax, you can sit on the fitball, perform pelvic rotation. Thanks to them, muscle tone disappears and strong painful sensations become dull. It will not be superfluous to consult with a gynecologist, choose your "own" obstetrician and maternity hospital in advance.

You can give birth to a baby at home, but then you need to invite an experienced doctor and solve bureaucratic nuances. An obstetrician must know how such births take place in theory and practice. The stages of vertical birth are no different from the traditional ones, the difference is only in the position of the woman in labor and her sensations:

  1. Disclosure of the cervix. A woman should feel free, if she wants to sit in a special chair, let her sit, and if walking brings relief, then let her walk. Then disclosure takes place gently and contractions do not bring much pain.
  2. The birth of a fetus. The future mother sits in a chair, kneels or is in a half-squatting position. A woman independently chooses which pose is the most comfortable for her. The second stage lasts longer than during horizontal childbirth, but this is better, from the point of view of physiology, for a child and a woman. Vertical poses must be prepared in advance.
  3. The birth of the placenta takes less time.

What postures are suitable for vertical childbirth

There is no perfect pose, but there are several convenient options for placing the body:

  • squatting;
  • standing on his feet;
  • squatting with the support of a man;
  • on the knees and elbows;
  • half-sitting;
  • standing on arms and legs;
  • sitting.

The most popular pose is squatting. But it is better if a woman chooses the appropriate option on her own, based on individual feelings.

Armchair for vertical delivery

Sophisticated equipment is not needed. They give birth both in a special chair and without it. If the mother’s physical fitness level is below average or the woman is worried and afraid, then it’s most convenient to give birth in a chair (there the mother will receive support and support for attempts). You can rest on it with your hands and conveniently place your legs, and a special recess will create comfortable conditions for placing the pelvis of the woman in labor. As a result, the child is easier to go through the birth canal.

Not every maternity hospital has vertical delivery. In order to give birth with the benefit to the health of the mother and the child, it is necessary to seek a doctor and a medical institution several months before an important event. Such a maternity hospital assumes the presence of a chair for vertical childbirth and fitball (classes on it will relieve muscle tension).

It is important that a woman takes an active position, then she herself will choose a comfortable position and be able to adequately influence the contractions. As a result, the expectant mother will not experience strong fear, which will relieve constriction and create conditions for the most comfortable birth. The correct pressure of the baby’s head on the uterus and its neck reduces the time of birth, and the uterine pharynx opens efficiently and quickly.

How does the baby come out

When a woman in labor is sitting or standing, the fetus smoothly advances through the birth canal. As a result, the risk of injury is reduced for the child and the woman. Thanks to vertical childbirth, the first stage of a baby’s birth is few hours less than with horizontal ones. A woman feels less pain, therefore, useless painkillers are not necessary. The baby easily moves along the birth canal and it takes a minimum of effort. The volume of blood loss is also reduced.

Today, vertical birth is not a common practice. Most women do not know that there is such an option for having children. Many people think that giving birth while lying on their backs is the right and only true option, but it’s worth a little understanding of this topic and women increasingly prefer to give birth in an upright position.

Most women in our time have not even heard of such a thing as “vertical birth”. For this reason, there are various interpretations that this is just another newfangled trend among obstetricians offering alternative methods of delivery. In fact, vertical childbirth has been relevant since ancient times and had a number of positive qualities.

A bit of history

From time immemorial, vertical childbirth has been considered the natural and most convenient way to give birth to children. The women of Central Africa usually went into the thicket of the forest, where there was a pre-installed pole between the trees. This pole served as a kind of support during childbirth - they held on to him during labor, alternately crouching and rising to reduce pain. They gave birth to children, squatting.

In India, pregnant women gave birth, hands clinging to creepers or just tree branches. In Persia, it was customary to rely on some object, similar in shape to a brick, in order to facilitate attempts. In Europe, for example, in the Netherlands and Germany, they used a special chair for childbirth. There was even an interesting wedding tradition - such a chair for childbirth was necessarily included in the bride's dowry.

In Russia, pregnant women during childbirth before exhaustion walked in a heated bath and stepped over low barriers to provoke uterine contractions. It was believed that this contributed to the relaxation of the pelvic muscles and the rapid advancement of the child through the birth canal. Often, Russian women gave birth by hanging on the neck of her husband.

The "fashion" of giving birth in a horizontal position appeared only after the favorite of the King of France Louis XIV gave birth to his child, lying on his back. This happened because the king decided to personally observe the process of childbirth. A woman in labor had to give birth to a child “horizontally,” although at that moment this posture was considered completely uncomfortable, and even unnatural.

The main advantages of the "vertical birth"

1. Reduction of pain during contractions

Vertical childbirth involves active behavior of the woman in childbirth at the first stage of labor (during labor), when the cervix is \u200b\u200bjust beginning to open. Contractions become more frequent, while pain intensifies. Therefore, a woman should move more: she can walk, swim in the pool, make oblique movements back and forth, take a shower or just sit.

All the actions of a pregnant woman are aimed at instinctively finding a comfortable position and most painlessly reschedule regular contractions. Thanks to this behavior, very often you can do without any anesthetics at the first stage of childbirth.

2. Prevention of fetal oxygen deficiency (hypoxia)

The uterus of a pregnant woman gradually grows and grows in size as the fetus grows, so by the time of birth her weight (along with the weight of the baby and amniotic fluid) sometimes reaches six kilograms. When a woman gives birth on her back, the main load due to the weight of the uterus falls on the blood vessels along the line of her spine, putting pressure on the aorta and the inferior vena cava.

For this reason, the circulation of blood in the body of a pregnant woman is disrupted, and this, in turn, causes a lack of oxygen in the fetus. Then various stimulating and painkillers are used, which negatively affect the health of the newborn baby.

With vertical childbirth, a woman in childbirth can become in any position - on her knees, on her haunches or on all fours. These postures allow you to transfer all the severity from the spine to the abdominal cavity, which significantly reduces pressure on the blood vessels and prevents the occurrence of fetal hypoxia during its passage through the birth canal.

3. The birth process is much faster

If a woman suffers contractions in an upright position, she thereby contributes to a more effective advancement of the fetus along the birth canal. The baby's head and amniotic fluid with all their weight put pressure on the cervix, which accelerates the natural process of its opening.

Thanks to this position, the period of contractions is reduced and, on average, lasts no more than 2-4 hours. A pregnant woman does not have to suffer from pain for many hours, and her child does not suffer from oxygen starvation, which can subsequently lead to hypoxia (during each fight, the fetus is forced to remain without oxygen).

4. The smoothness and naturalness of the process - the key to successful delivery without injuries

If the process of opening the cervix and contractions is accelerated during vertical childbirth, then the time of attempts, on the contrary, increases. The fetus does not advance as fast as in the horizontal position of the woman in childbirth, but the process itself occurs most physiologically. It is easier for a woman to relax the muscles of her pelvis, as well as concentrate on the synchronous work of the muscles of the back and abdomen to push the baby out. The risk of “pinching” the fetus in this position is minimal.

With vertical childbirth, the birth of a child is also facilitated by its own weight, which, under the force of gravity, “pushes” it towards the open cervix.

Mom's note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I write here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Of course, time for attempts at vertical birth takes 20-30 minutes more, but the likelihood of injury is reduced, both for the woman in labor and the fetus. The birth canal adapts to the size of the baby’s head and stretches as necessary. This reduces the possibility of damage and tearing of soft tissues. The need to dissect the perineum of the woman in labor or use special forceps to extract the fetus is extremely rare.

5. More room to maneuver the fetus

When a woman gives birth on her back, her fetus has to go through the narrow and curved space of the birth canal. To push in this position, without the help of gravity, is also quite difficult for her. What can not be said about vertical birth, when there is more space for the passage of the fetus.

Even women with a small pelvis can do without surgery and give birth on their own. Vertical delivery is also recommended for women who expect a large fetus.

6. Reduction of physiological blood loss

It was established that during the final stage of labor, the placenta of the fetus and its placenta are separated better and faster if a woman gives birth while standing or sitting. The loss of blood in this position is not more than 100-150 ml, which is permissible and completely harmless.

It can be argued that the benefits of vertical delivery are seen in all periods of childbirth: the duration of contractions is reduced, the period of labor is slower and less painful, and the exit of the placenta is not accompanied by large losses of blood. Also, the probability of infection of the uterus is reduced.

Researchers have revealed an interesting pattern: children born “vertically” have higher vital indicators (on the Apgar scale), quickly gain weight after birth, and various neurological complications are less common in them than in children born “horizontally”.

Remember, vertical birth did not appear today or yesterday. Modern official medicine has recognized their right to exist. Now, every woman, if desired, can use the method experienced by many generations, and appreciate all its charm.

That's what moms write on the forums

Helen: I would not mind if, of course, my husband and I decided to give birth to the second, it turns out that the lying position is convenient for the doctor and not for the mother and the baby, plus the uterus doesn’t put pressure on blood vessels like this for vertical delivery and they better supply mother and child with oxygen, preventing oxygen starvation.

aleksandra alekseenko: I gave birth for free and at the same time vertically, I had a very difficult birth because the baby was postponed as much as 2.5 weeks and if I had given birth lying then I would probably have to do a cesarean or pull the baby with a vacuum, but I was lucky with the doctor , she took birth with me when I was squatting! and the most amazing thing is that everything went quickly and easily! I also want to give birth to a second child vertically and not be tormented!

Lina: Now almost all maternity hospitals practice vertical childbirth, and since we agreed with the doctor beforehand, the attitude towards me was just super. I walked all the fights around the Rodzal (I just couldn’t lie!), Stood, jumped on the ball, but if it weren’t for the Swedish wall, I couldn’t give birth myself (there was a craniofacial presentation, the baby’s head didn’t crawl, in such cases often cesarean). During the attempts, I crouched, took the bottom step of the wall and pushed with all my strength, then got up and everything again ... When the head showed up, I lay on the bed and after three attempts gave birth. So the main thing is to choose a good maternity hospital with modern views on childbirth, to agree with the doctor you want to give birth to, well, my husband helped and helped me a lot. So good luck!

n t: She gave birth to her beloved daughter by vertical childbirth, there is something to compare with which she is the second child. It is very convenient to give birth on all fours is also a vertical birth. After all, the animal world does just that. Gave birth quickly in 4 hours and without a single break. And into the ward of the kind. the hall came out on its own, unlike the first birth. When they were taken on a gurney. Of course, a lot depends on the situation in the family. the hall. I came across a very attentive and joking team. Maybe because I was comfortable because I did not panic because already had an experience? In short, from the height of his age. I gave birth to a daughter at the age of 39, she is now 2 years old. I advise you to go for it.

“Vertical delivery” (program with Elena Malysheva


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