Symptoms and treatment of chronic pharyngitis in adults, throat photo. Photo gallery: drugs for the treatment of hypertrophic form

  • The date: 20.06.2020

How can I manage chronic pharyngitis? I'm tired of walking with a feeling of a swollen throat. and got the best answer

Answer from ***[guru]
There is a completely unscientific explanation for throat diseases.
In general, it begins to bother you after you wanted to "say everything", but you kept it in yourself, kept silent. It sounds like complete nonsense, but after I heard about it, I began to notice after which I began to have a new pharyngo-laryngitis .. just after I was silent, instead of speaking from the heart.

Answer from Yovetlana Markova[newbie]
Tell me you cured pharyngitis???? I have everything the same, only the ENT doctor insists that these are gastrointestinal problems

Answer from Vladimir Trushin[guru]
Very often, chronic pharyngitis is an integral part of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In this situation, you only heal the "tops", and the "roots" remain then give you new "tops".
As an ENT, I often encounter such patients, most often they have such a condition caused by gastroesophageal reflux - the reflux of gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid into the esophagus and throat. This causes the patient a burning sensation in the chest, throat (heartburn), a feeling of a lump, swelling, dryness, a foreign body in the throat.
I recommend that you pay attention to the above symptoms.
In this situation, I would appoint a trial course for a month of drugs based on omeprazole and a consultation with a gastroenterologist.
Good luck

Answer from Kitty[master]
Apparatus "Cuckoo"
There is an ENT doctor in any clinic.

Answer from Drion Leaving Earth[guru]
The most likely source of infection is the tonsils ... There is such an ENT procedure. when the amygdala is covered with a special cup, warm furatsilin is fed into it and it is also acted upon with ultrasound ... Very good effect. I forgot what the machine is called...

Answer from Alyona[guru]
Wrap cotton wool on a pencil, dip it in Lugol and lubricate the throat 2 times a day for several days, to whom it even helped in a couple of days. This is not the most sparing method of treatment, but it helps, if you can’t do this, then you can buy Yoks, it is also with iodine, do it according to the instructions.

Answer from Tootsie[guru]
In addition, instill oil drops into the nose, for example, Vitaon Lux 4-5 drops to irrigate the nasopharynx.

Answer from Queen[guru]
Pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) is one of the manifestations of SARS, that is, it has a viral origin. Sometimes pharyngitis can also be caused by bacteria - most often it is streptococcus, which causes a sore throat.
Manifestations of pharyngitis - sore throat, sore throat (constant, not only when swallowing), cough.
Depending on which pathogen caused pharyngitis (virus or bacterium), treatment is also prescribed, since bacterial inflammation must be treated with antibiotics that the doctor selects, and viral inflammation goes away on its own and requires only symptomatic treatment.
Chronic pharyngitis is simple, hypertrophic, atrophic. Causes of occurrence: frequent inflammation of the throat and nose, metabolic disorders, diabetes, diseases of the intestines, stomach, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, harmful factors in the form of dry air, dust, chemicals, smoke, alcohol, etc.
Treatment of pharyngitis
The treatment regimen for pharyngitis is determined by an ENT doctor based on an accurate diagnosis. Treatment of pharyngitis depends on the form of pharyngitis (acute or chronic).
In the treatment of acute pharyngitis, a warm drink, a variety of gargles are recommended. How to gargle in the treatment of pharyngitis? The throat in the treatment of acute pharyngitis can be rinsed with alkaline solutions, decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, etc.), furatsilina solution. In the treatment of pharyngitis, neck warming compresses are useful.
In the treatment of chronic pharyngitis, alkaline gargles are prescribed. Lubricate the mucous membrane of the throat with a 1-2% solution of silver nitrate (lapis).
Treatment of pharyngitis in acute form is the same as in angina, in chronic cases, depending on the condition of the mucosa. With hypertrophy - frequent rinsing, irrigation with a solution of soda, sodium chloride (weak solution), borax, anti-inflammatory herbs. Lubrication with solutions of collargol, protargol, silver nitrate, iodinol, Lugol. Granules of lymphoid tissue are cauterized with trichloroacetic acid, treated with liquid nitrogen, and irradiated with a laser. Physiotherapy is prescribed (inhalation with hydrocortisone, UHF, ultrasound, phonophoresis with propolis, etc.). With atrophy, the mucosa is not restored, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

In this article, you will learn what tonsillitis is, how it happens, why it occurs and why it is dangerous. Familiarize yourself with all the methods of physiotherapy of the disease, their features and mechanism of action. Physiotherapy for tonsillitis is an important component of complex treatment in conjunction with drug exposure.

The basis of the physiotherapeutic procedure is the improvement of blood circulation due to vasodilation, resorption of infiltrate, reduction of edema and signs of inflammation, analgesic and bactericidal action, as well as activation of local and general immunity. The complex of physiotherapeutic procedures performed for chronic tonsillitis is quite easy and available for use both in the hospital and at home. A high therapeutic effect and painlessness make it possible to widely use them for the treatment of preschool children.

The lymphopharyngeal ring, which includes 6 tonsils, performs a protective function. Being a kind of barrier to infections and viruses on the way from the oral cavity to the respiratory tract, they produce macrophages and lymphocytes that destroy pathogenic microflora. The palatine tonsils have depressions (lacunae) in structure, where bacteria like to hide and multiply, causing inflammatory processes.


The cause of the development of the disease can serve as a different pathogenic microflora. Physiotherapy of tonsillitis is closely related to the etiology of the disease. The causative agents of tonsillitis are listed below.

  • Bacterial (hemolytic streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, meningococcus).
  • Viral (Epstein-Barr, rhinovirus, Coxsackie, herpes).
  • Fungal (Candida, trichophytes).
  • Mycoplasma, chlamydia.

In addition to these reasons, there are also concomitant factors that trigger the disease: hypothermia, stress, chronic foci of infections in the teeth, nasal cavity and ear, decreased immunity, trauma to the tonsils.

There are many classifications, but the most common is according to Preobrazhensky, depending on the clinical symptoms.

Stage The form Temperature Duration Clinical manifestations
Acute (tonsillitis)


37-38`C 6-7 days

Tonsils swollen, red, pain when swallowing


38-39`C 10-12 days

Follicles, white pus vesicles (white dots), tonsils and lymph nodes are enlarged

lacunar 39-40`C 10-15 days

Lump in throat, inability to swallow, tonsils completely covered with a white-yellow coating, purulent tonsils


exacerbation of a simple form

37-39`C 5-7 days Feeling of sore throat, hyperemia of the tonsils, pain


39-40`C 10-14 days Severe swelling and hyperemia of the tonsils, severe general condition

There is no cure for chronic tonsillitis. Therefore, it is important to treat the acute stage in time without allowing the disease to become chronic. And in the event of a transition, measures must be taken to maintain a long-term remission.


Physiotherapy for angina is a set of procedures when a physical factor (current, magnetic field, ultraviolet and infrared rays, temperature) affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pathological focus. At this moment, various chemical and biological processes are activated, which favorably affects the course of the disease.

Physiotherapy should be carried out a few days after the onset of the disease. The main methods are ultrasound, UV, laser therapy, microwave, UHF, inhalation, electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis (phonophoresis) and mud therapy.

Ultrasound therapy (US) - the impact of sound vibrations on the tonsils, which causes the activation of local immunity and the cleansing of the contents of the gaps. It is prescribed more often for adults, since the child may not withstand a sufficiently painful procedure.

Ultraviolet irradiation (UVI) can be general and local. When applied topically, a tube is inserted into the oral cavity, towards the tonsils. With general UVI, the collar zone is irradiated. The procedure has a powerful bactericidal effect.

Laser therapy is a modern method of physiotherapy. The process is painless, fast and very effective. Laser beams reduce pain and swelling, have a bactericidal effect. In addition, the laser allows surgical removal of the tonsils without blood loss and the risk of infection.

Carrying out ultraphonophoresis in chronic tonsillitis with aloe extract or an extract from therapeutic mud is effective in case of formation of adhesions on the tonsils. It is possible to use interferon to increase immunity.

Microwave therapy (SHF) activates the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, relieves swelling and inflammation in the tonsils. A particularly good effect is achieved by combining ultrasound and microwave therapy.

The appointment of electrophoresis by a doctor most often takes place in the presence of concomitant diseases and complications against the background of intoxication. For example, a physiotherapist will do an endonasal procedure with calcium for diseases of the nasal cavity. Galvanization of the cervicofacial region is carried out in diseases of the brain.

The process of inhalation is simple and can be carried out at home. Due to the action of warm moist steam, there is an increase in blood flow, a decrease in edema. It is also possible to apply the procedure in conjunction with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Mud therapy has the ability to dissolve adhesions that impede the outflow of pus from the lacunae of the tonsils. Mud is applied to the collar and front area of ​​the neck. Most often, this procedure is carried out in medical sanatoriums.

According to clinical studies, it has been proven that UHF therapy for angina can aggravate the pathological process in the lacunae of the tonsils. Therefore, its use in this disease is limited.


Physiotherapy is a completely safe process. But there are contraindications in which exposure to physical factors can worsen the general condition of the patient.

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Acute inflammatory processes accompanied by high temperature.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Pregnancy (risk and benefit calculated).
  • Individual intolerance.


Any disease is dangerous for its complications, and especially if it concerns a child of preschool age. Tonsillitis is a focus of infection and requires timely treatment to prevent the development of a number of diseases:

  • Sepsis.
  • Meningitis.
  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis.
  • Abscess, phlegmon.
  • Transition to the chronic form.
  • Almond hypertrophy and difficulty breathing.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Diseases of the heart and kidneys.
  • Eczema, psoriasis.

The structures of hemolytic streptococcus are very similar to the proteins of the muscles of the heart and kidneys. So when our immune cells destroy a bacterium, there is a good chance that our own cells will damage the heart and kidneys. This leads to the development of rheumatic heart disease and kidney failure.

With the development of complications, the conservative method of treatment is replaced by a surgical one. Physiotherapy helps prepare the patient for the removal of the tonsils and restore his condition after the intervention.


Preventive measures will help to avoid the occurrence of acute stages and maintain a long period of remission. The following activities are recommended:

  • Once every six months, be examined by an ENT doctor.
  • In the presence of chronic tonsillitis, undergo physiotherapy once a year (hydromassage, general ultraviolet radiation, calcium electrophoresis on the collar zone, aeroionotherapy, inhalations with vegetable oils).
  • Healthy lifestyle.
  • Timely rehabilitation of the oral cavity.
  • Compliance with the regime of work and rest.

Tonsillitis is dangerous even in the chronic sluggish stage. During exacerbations, avoid contact with infants and people with reduced immunity.

Do not self-medicate, as this can lead to serious complications. Only a competent specialist can assess the severity of the disease and select a comprehensive treatment plan.

According to WHO data, more than 1 billion people suffer from chronic ENT diseases in the world, and their number doubles every 10 years.

The branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the ENT organs is called otorhinolaryngology , translated from Greek: "otos" - ear, "rhinos" - nose, "larynx" - larynx, "logos" - teaching. Each ENT disease has its own symptoms, clinical picture and treatment. Consider diseases such as pharyngitis and laryngitis (without stenosis).


Pharyngitis (from lat. pharyngitis) is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx.


Pharyngitis can occur against the background of complete health, but more often after SARS, past infectious diseases - whooping cough, scarlet fever, influenza. Provoking factors: the presence of permanent foci of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, deviated septum, chronic fatigue, hypoavitaminosis, inhalation of cold or dirty air, the influence of chemical irritants - alcohol and tobacco.

By origin, pharyngitis is divided into viral and bacterial.

Main symptoms

« Sore" or "scratching" in the throat, sore throat, cough, headache, hoarse voice, general malaise, slight rise in temperature - up to 37.5 o C.


It is recommended to talk less, gargle with sage, chamomile or other anti-inflammatory drugs, drink milk with honey, take inhalations, hot foot baths, make a warm warm compress on the neck, local antimicrobials, which include antiseptics, essential oils, local painkillers means, less often - antibiotics or sulfonamides, antimicrobial preparations in the form of rinses, inhalations, tablets and lozenges, antihistamines, physiotherapy.

With long-term chronic pharyngitis, in addition to local treatment, a restorative treatment is prescribed.


Laryngitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and its folds (ligaments).


Epidemics of viral infections (late autumn, winter, early spring), overstrain of the larynx and vocal cords (when you have to speak loudly for a long time, this is usually observed in teachers, artists, singers, announcers); prolonged exposure to air conditioning, the use of cold drinks, ice cream, inhalation of dusty air, smoking and alcohol also lead to laryngitis.

Main symptoms

Acute pharyngitis or acute laryngitis accompany almost all colds!


Treatmentacute laryngitis aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. It is recommended not to talk for 5-7 days, it is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, exclude spicy, sour, cold, hot dishes, seasonings, spices from the diet. Vitamins, immunomodulators, antimicrobial sprays and other medications are prescribed.

Recommended: warm drink (milk, still mineral water, warm green tea with chamomile and mint), gargling with a decoction of chamomile, St. warming compress), hot foot baths (42-45.0 C for 15 minutes), breathing exercises, decoctions of expectorant herbs, mucolytics are prescribed for coughing. Physiotherapy treatment - see below.

AT treatment of chronic laryngitis preference is given aromatherapy- treatment with essential oils of medicinal plants (fir, eucalyptus, mint, menthol), which have an antiseptic, softening effect and have a positive effect on the psyche - calm or tone it.

Of the physiotherapeutic methods for pharyngitis and laryngitis, the following are used: inhalation, laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, novocaine electrophoresis on the larynx, UHF and microwave therapy, ultrasound, phonophoresis, mud applications.

Laser (magnetic-infrared-laser) therapy is highly effective in the treatment of various ENT diseases, such as:

Rhinitis - acute, chronic, vasomotor, atrophic, subatrophic, allergic;




Acute catarrhal otitis;

Chronic mesotympanitis - otosclerosis, tinnitus, hearing loss;

Chronic tonsillitis;



Postoperative period after tonsillectomy, adenotomy and other ENT operations.

Laser therapy for ENT diseases allows you to quickly achieve an improvement in the patient's condition, its effectiveness reaches 89-95%.

The scheme of laser therapy with the RIKTA apparatus for pharyngitis and laryngitis (without stenosis):

Areas of influence:

1. Projection of the larynx (the border of the submandibular region and the anterior surface of the neck) frequency 50 Hz2 minutes;

2. Trachea at the level of the thyroid cartilage, frequency 5 Hz for 2 minutes;

3. Upper third of the sternum frequency 5 Hz 2 minutes;

4. Paravertebral along the cervicothoracic spine, scanning 1000 Hz for 2 minutes on each side;

5. Nozzle No. 1 or No. 2 from the KOH-1 set, frequency 1000 Hz for 2 minutes through the mouth in the direction of the pharynx.

Course: 7-10 sessions, 1 session per day.

The use of laser acupuncture in any pathology increases the effectiveness of treatment:

Conducting a session of laser therapy using laser acupuncture for a patient with chronic pharyngitis

Laser therapy for pharyngitis and laryngitis (without stenosis) allows you to relieve or reduce pain, eliminate swelling, cough, discomfort in the oropharynx, improve the general adaptive capabilities of the body: increase resistance to stress, improve sleep, increase working capacity in adults and school performance in children by improving concentration and memory.

Along with this, the use of laser therapy enhances the effectiveness of drug treatment.

The immunomodulatory effect of laser therapy with RIKTA devices persists for six months after one course (5-6 sessions) of treatment, which is why it is enough for healthy people to carry out 2 courses of seasonal prevention of viral infections - in spring and autumn.

Prevention of pharyngitis and laryngitis

- timely treatment of infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;

Hardening of the body;

Refusal of bad habits - smoking and alcohol;

Taking care of your health.

Be healthy!

Choose a rubric Adenoids Angina Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Folk methods of treatment of sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the common cold Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Sinusitis Cough Treatments Cold Treatments Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough Syrups Dry Cough Dry Cough in Children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for the common cold
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Runny nose treatments
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Drug Overview
  • Sinusitis
    • Alternative methods of treatment of sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
The inflammatory process of the larynx is often found in people under 40 years of age. Pathology arises for various reasons: environmental, hereditary, attacks of disease-causing agents, infections. When pharyngitis is diagnosed, treatment should be comprehensive. They resort to pharmaceutical, folk and physiotherapeutic agents. The article tells about modern methods of dealing with the disease of the pharynx in adults.

Inflammation of the larynx usually occurs due to exposure to bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergic reactions. Sometimes the disease appears against the background of other colds.

Typical causes of pharyngitis.

  1. Damage to the tissues of the larynx by viral agents. This is one of the most common causes of inflammation. Adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, coronavirus and cytomegalovirus can become provocateurs. In the absence of treatment, a secondary bacterial infection often joins.
  2. Contact with the mucous membranes of the larynx of bacteria. More often, pathology in adults is provoked by streptococci.
  3. Throat tissue damage by mycotic agents. Fungal pharyngitis occurs in people with weakened protective properties of the body, or if uncontrolled antibiotic treatment was carried out. Inhalation or the use of systemic glucocorticosteroids negatively affects the course of a fungal disease.
  4. Hypersensitivity to allergens.
  5. Laryngeal injuries. Appears during surgery, or when a foreign body enters the throat. Alkalis and acids can also injure tissues.
  6. Hypothermia and overheating of the body.
  7. Against the background of chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  8. Regular drinking and smoking.
  9. The condition of the nasopharynx directly affects the larynx. Running rhinitis and sinusitis, constant breathing through the mouth, uncontrolled use of nasal drops.
  10. Irregularly cured carious teeth.

The quality of the polluted air ingested by a person has a detrimental effect on the tissues of the throat. There are different types of pharyngitis. For example:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • ray;
  • allergic type.

All of these varieties require individual therapy. How to treat pharyngitis directly depends on the causative agent of the disease. Before prescribing a therapeutic regimen, the doctor conducts a visual examination, evaluates the results of laboratory tests. How to treat pharyngitis also depends on the age of the patient, the presence of other advanced diseases, the severity of the disease.

On average, inflammation of the larynx can be cured in 7-14 days. This is possible subject to the recommendations of the doctor. Pharyngitis, symptoms and treatment in adults are closely interrelated. To weaken the clinical manifestations, local preparations are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antihistamine drugs are also used.

Prevention of the disease pharyngitis allows you to prevent pathology. The main feature is the strengthening of immunity.


Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis in adults

Clinical manifestations largely depend on what form of the disease the patient has. In any case, a person experiences pain and sore throat. Such a phase proceeds diffusely, all parts of the larynx are susceptible to inflammation: the nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx. Pathology often begins against the background of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza. The classic symptoms of pharyngitis, in acute form, usually pronounced, give the patient a lot of discomfort. This stage often appears against the background of an untreated catarrhal phase.

Symptoms of acute pharyngitis in adults.

  1. Pain in the throat when swallowing, patients complain of soreness in the throat.
  2. Soreness can radiate to the hearing organs. This happens when the tubopharyngeal ridges were involved in the lesion process.
  3. Sometimes the temperature rises to subfebrile designations.
  4. When performing pharyngoscopy, there is swelling and redness of the tissues of the throat. Puffiness extends to the tongue, the mucous membrane is able to become covered with purulent deposits.
  5. Sometimes cervical lymph nodes are involved in the inflammatory process, they become painful on palpation.
  6. Sore throat causes coughing attacks.

Treatment of pharyngitis in adults in acute form should begin immediately. The sooner the patient receives therapeutic help, the sooner recovery will come. If you do not fight this stage, it will become chronic. Acute and chronic pharyngitis differ in clinical signs. The untreated phase is localized more clearly than the acute stage. The lesion is located on one of the sections of the larynx. Chronic pharyngitis is atrophic, catarrhal, granular, hypertrophic.

Manifestations of advanced inflammation of the larynx.

  1. Sensation of scratching, dryness in the throat.
  2. Dry cough symptom.
  3. The tissues of the throat are pale, thin, and have a lacquer sheen.

Complications of pharyngitis are divided into early and late. The first ones occur on the 7th-14th day of the course of the disease, the second phase of the consequences occurs on the 14th-21st day. They are irreversible, affecting not only the respiratory tract, but also other organs. Infectious pharyngitis is most dangerous with complications that are listed in the text below.

Sore throat.

catarrhal form

The initial phase of inflammation of the larynx is considered the simplest. It is manifested by mild symptoms, easily amenable to therapy.

With pharyngitis of the initial stage, the following manifestations occur.

  1. Slight pain in the throat when swallowing food.
  2. Sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the throat.
  3. Cough appears in the morning, accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  4. Phlegm actively accumulates in the pharynx.

Symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis is the information that every person should know. Thanks to awareness, it will be possible to identify the pathology in time, cure it without consequences. To eliminate the initial form of sore throat, local preparations, folk remedies are enough, it is not necessary to resort to antibiotics and antiviral medicines. In the catarrhal phase of the disease, pharyngitis, the consequences are rare. Usually in the form of complications imply a transition to an acute form. Sometimes the running phase comes, bypassing the initial stage. To know how viral pharyngitis manifests itself, the photo is given below.

Hypertrophic form

The hypertrophic type of sore throat is characterized by noticeable changes in the mucosa. There is a proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the area of ​​​​the larynx where inflammation has formed.

With pharyngitis of a hypertrophic form, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • perspiration, soreness in the throat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • dryness in the throat.

Treatment of acute pharyngitis of a hypertrophic form implies an integrated approach. The use of folk methods is allowed.

atrophic form

With an artophic variety of the disease, the mucosa becomes thinner, areas covered with a crust appear on it, areas with injected capillaries are noted. Purulent pharyngitis, photo below.

Symptoms of an atrophic type of inflammation of the throat:

  • dry throat, the patient drinks a lot of fluids;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • soreness in the throat.

Complications after atrophic pharyngitis are easily avoided if the full course of treatment is maintained.

What is dangerous pharyngitis if left untreated

Inflammation of the back wall of the larynx is fraught with dangerous consequences. Some of them can even lead to death.

Complications of pharyngitis.

  1. The transition of the acute phase to the chronic course.
  2. Peritonsillar abscess. This consequence is inherent in pharyngitis of a bacterial nature, usually a streptococcal pathogen. Lymph nodes increase, pain in the pharynx intensifies, hyperthermia appears, and a fetid odor comes out of the mouth.
  3. Against the background of an abscess, the risk of infectious agents entering the bloodstream increases. Because of this, sepsis appears, which poses a threat to the life of the patient.
  4. Abdominal abscess. This phenomenon is characterized by an extensive purulent inflammatory process of the tissue of the pharyngeal zone.
  5. Attachment of laryngitis and bronchitis.
  6. The appearance of rheumatic lesions of the joints. The consequence occurs after the infection penetrates them. The joints swell, hyperthermia is noted. The heart muscle is also affected.
  7. Otitis media develops, the auditory tube becomes inflamed.
  8. Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes.
  9. Sialodenitis. The inflammatory process affects the salivary glands.

The consequences of pharyngitis are much more difficult to cure than the disease itself. Therapy can take from 14 days to 1 month. It is easier to prevent the development of consequences than to deal with them. Treatment of chronic pharyngitis in adults is the best way to eliminate the consequences of the disease.

Peritonsillar abscess.

The main methods of treating acute pharyngitis in adults

When dealing with pharyngitis, qualified medical assistance is required. It involves an examination by an otolaryngologist, a throat swab on the flora to detect sensitivity to antibacterial drugs of the pathogen, sometimes you need a consultation with a gastroenterologist, a blood test, urine test, ultrasound of the abdomen. They also carry out sanitation of the upper respiratory organs and the mouth zone - to exclude the presence of adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum, sinusitis, rhinitis and caries. The patient is prescribed drugs that increase immunity. Doctors recommend reducing the influence of harmful environmental factors on the tissues of the throat (smoking, inhaling chemicals).

How to cure pharyngitis? Therapeutic scheme.

  1. Taking antibiotics, treating the throat with medicinal preparations, lubricating the mucous membrane of the back wall of the larynx.
  2. Oil-alkaline, herbal inhalations. Flushing the oropharynx with antiseptic fluids.
  3. The use of pharmaceutical drugs of local influence.

The therapeutic course lasts 10-14 days, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures every day. The patient should create favorable conditions for recovery. Alcohol, cigarettes should be abandoned, wet cleaning should be carried out in the room once a day, and the room should be ventilated 2-3 times a day.

Antibiotic therapy

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed to people suffering from pharyngitis in order to eliminate the signs of the disease, normalize the state of the body, and extinguish the vital activity of pathogenic bodies. Antibiotics are used only for pharyngitis of a bacterial nature.

Commonly prescribed antibacterial agents for inflammation of the back of the throat.

  1. Penicillin series - Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav.
  2. If the patient has an allergy, or the drugs did not work, cephalosporins are prescribed - Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone.
  3. Macrolides are prescribed if a person has intolerance to the previous two rows of antibiotics. They are less toxic, tend to accumulate in the body. For example, Azithromycin, Erythromycin.

Antibacterial drugs are used no longer than 5-10 days, as they have a powerful effect and accumulate in the body. Uncontrolled intake of such funds is prohibited, bacteria are ways to develop immunity to active components.

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs

In case of damage to the back wall of the throat, accompanied by vivid symptoms, it is recommended to use combined drugs, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.

  1. It is better to give preference to sprays (Stopangin, Faringosept).
  2. Lozenges for resorption (Strepsils, Septolete).

Gargling is carried out 3-6 times a day. Ready-made antiseptics (Furacilin, Miramistin), herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, mint) are used as a solution. Saline, soda liquids also effectively relieve pain, sore throat, and have a bactericidal effect.

vitamin therapy

To cure pharyngitis, you should increase the protective properties of the body. For such purposes, vitamin courses are suitable. It is necessary to focus on trace elements C, E, A, B2. Vitamins should be consumed in a course, in accordance with the instructions.

The main methods of treatment of acute pharyngitis in adults.

Folk recipes for the treatment of pharyngitis

In the fight against pharyngitis, unconventional methods are resorted to. They complement medications, enhance their effect.

Popular traditional medicine recipes for inflammation of the back of the throat.

  1. A mixture of bee nectar with garlic is widely used to combat pharyngitis. A chopped vegetable clove is taken, mixed with buckwheat honey. For 20 minutes, warm the mass over low heat until it acquires a uniform consistency.
  2. Dilute the finished syrup with water, strain, cool.
  3. Consume 1 tablespoon once an hour.

The following recipe is also effective for vivid symptoms of pharyngitis.

  1. Rinse spruce buds, boil, strain.
  2. Add bee nectar and propolis to the mixture in a ratio of 1:1.
  3. Warm the mixture, take 1 tablespoon orally three times a day.

It is necessary to be treated with these recipes until the signs of the disease disappear completely. As an independent stage of therapy, they are unsuitable.


Physiotherapeutic measures are prescribed to reduce the inflammatory focus, edema, stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic outflow. Also, these measures increase the protective properties of the body, reduce intoxication.

Basic physiotherapeutic procedures against pharyngitis.

  1. Inhalation measures with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (Budesonide, Fluticasone).
  2. UHF therapy for the throat area.
  3. Electrophoresis with hydrocortisone, potassium iodide.
  4. Ultrasound therapy on the throat cavity.
  5. Magnetotherapy.
  6. Laser therapy.
  7. KuV irradiation.
  8. Thalassotherapy.

Physiotherapy is prescribed during the period of symptomatic decline. The procedures are carried out in a medical institution.

UHF therapy.

Prevention of pharyngitis in adults

To prevent inflammation of the back of the throat, you should improve your health. It is advised to resort to hardening, sports. Prevention will help not only strengthen the protective properties of the body, but also improve the overall well-being of a person.

How to prevent pharyngitis.

  1. Avoid contact with patients with viral respiratory diseases, or wear a mask.
  2. Do not overcool, dress for the weather. Overheating is also fraught with the development of diseases.
  3. Eliminate smoking. This process causes irritation of the larynx, provokes the entry of pathogenic agents into it.
  4. Timely treat colds, as they can cause pharyngitis.
  5. Take vitamin courses, eat a balanced diet.

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Chronic pharyngitis is an inflammation of the lymphoid tissues and mucous membranes of the pharynx. Most often, the disease occurs in adults. Nearby departments, for example, the nasopharynx or even the nasal cavity, are sometimes also involved in the inflammatory process. The disease, as a rule, proceeds with exacerbations, which manifest themselves in the form of symptoms characteristic of an acute form.

In the article, we will look at why pharyngitis from an acute form turns into a chronic one, what symptoms a person faces, what is prescribed as a diagnostic for diagnosis, and what treatment methods are most effective for adults.

Chronic pharyngitis is a disease in which a chronic inflammatory process is localized in the mucous membrane and lymphoid apparatus of the pharynx. Very often, pharyngitis accompanies diseases of the digestive system, in which there is a retrograde reflux of gastric contents into the pharynx and oral cavity.

A characteristic distinguishing feature of chronic pharyngitis is an isolated inflammation of one of the sections of the pharynx (nasopharynx, oropharynx or laryngopharynx) without involvement of lymphoid formations, i.e. tonsils, in the pathological process.

It usually acts as an independent pathology, however, in some cases it is only a symptom of other diseases, including acute infectious processes.

There are the following reasons for the development of chronic pharyngitis:

  • frequent respiratory viral infections;
  • untreated cases of acute pharyngitis;
  • prolonged exposure to irritating substances on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, upper respiratory tract;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases (sinusitis, tonsillitis, dental caries, rhinitis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), pancreatitis);
  • conditions after tonsillectomy (removal of palatine tonsils);
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • violation of nasal breathing (curvature of the nasal septum, polyps and adenoids);
  • the use of spicy, hot foods.
  1. catarrhal. It usually affects smokers with many years of experience and those who constantly have to inhale harmful gases. A characteristic symptom is swelling of the mucous membrane. In rare cases, mucus appears on the back of the throat.
  2. Hypertrophic. The mucous membrane and lymph nodes increase in size. Mucus builds up, causing bad breath and coughing.
  3. atrophic. The condition of the mucous membrane is seriously deteriorating, it becomes thinner. The resulting mucus hardens, interferes with swallowing and exfoliates when coughing.

In older people, atrophic pharyngitis is very common. This is due, first of all, to age-related changes in the mucous membrane of the pharynx. On examination, the doctor determines the dryness, thinness and pallor of the pharyngeal mucosa, which can be covered with mucus in the form of a dried crust.

Pictured is chronic granulosa pharyngitis

At the time of remission of the chronic process, only local signs of pathology are observed in patients. Exacerbation of inflammation is characterized by the presence of intoxication with fever, general weakness, and malaise. In addition, there is an increase in local symptoms. In this regard, patients have a question: how to get rid of symptoms in a short time.

At the time of an exacerbation of the disease, inflammatory signs may appear in nearby organs in the form of tonsillitis, tracheitis or laryngitis. In this case, the treatment of chronic pharyngitis with folk remedies is not permissible, since there is a risk of developing complications with a secondary infection of other organ systems.

Incorrectly or dishonestly treated pharyngitis is fraught with the spread of inflammation to neighboring organs with the development of the following diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • regional lymphadenitis.

It is also possible to develop systemic inflammatory diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • myocarditis;
  • rheumatism.

The most severe complication of atrophic chronic pharyngitis is the transition to a malignant form - cancer.

The examination of the patient is built on a thorough survey, as well as a careful examination. Treatment of chronic pharyngitis cannot be prescribed until a pharyngoscopy has been performed. With this procedure, the doctor will be able to identify the characteristic symptoms of any form of inflammation.

Diagnosis of chronic pharyngitis in most cases is not difficult. It is based on a comprehensive assessment of the clinical picture, laboratory data:

  • a general blood test (leukocytosis with a neutrophilic shift to the left, an acceleration of ESR during an exacerbation, no changes in the blood test are noted during remission);
  • biochemical blood test (acute phase indicators during the period of exacerbation, during remission, no changes in the blood test are noted);
  • seeding the material of the pharyngeal cavity on a nutrient medium in order to isolate group A β-hemolytic streptococcus;
  • determination of streptococcal antigen in smears by agglutination;
  • immunodiagnosis of elevated titers of antistreptococcal antibodies.

Treatment has several directions: elimination of the causes of the disease, relief of its symptoms, prevention of exacerbations, as well as strengthening the immune system and restoring damaged tissues.

  1. Antibiotic treatment is almost always necessary for exacerbations of the chronic form of the disease. Systemic antibiotic therapy is required in cases where the symptoms of the disease are severe. In other cases, topical therapy is prescribed (Bioparox, IRS-19, Imudon).
  2. In addition to antibiotic therapy, patients are advised to gargle with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions, decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage). Tablets, lozenges and lozenges for resorption (Grammidin neo, Faringosept, Septolete) and sprays (Kameton, Strepsils, Geksoral), which include anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic substances and essential oils, are also used to treat exacerbations of chronic pharyngitis.
  3. Treatment may include gargling with decoctions of herbs, such as calendula, sage, chamomile, and some others. Medications can also be used: Rotokan, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin.
  4. To strengthen the immune system, vitamin complexes are prescribed, in severe cases, immunomodulators.
  5. If pharyngitis is tormented by a cough, then it is necessary to use effective and safe plant-based syrups such as Gerbion, Bronchipred, Eucabal, plantain syrup from the Doctor Tays series. These drugs have a good expectorant effect.
  6. Mucolytic drugs - they dilute sputum. These include Bromhexine, Ambrobene, ACC, Lazolvan, Fluditek.

Folk methods

Before you start using folk remedies, you definitely need to consult an ENT doctor.

  1. Herbal collection: chamomile, calendula (flowers), sage, wild rose (fruits) are mixed in equal parts, 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with a liter of boiling water, infused for 60 minutes, then drunk as tea in a warm form.
  2. Thyme infusion has a good emollient effect. A spoonful of grass is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 1.5 hours, gargled.
  3. For treatment, fresh juices from carrots and potatoes are used, which are mixed in equal parts, add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink 0.5 cups a day.
  4. Vegetable oil. In the atrophic form, the following folk method of treatment is used: mix unrefined vegetable oil with salt. Lubricate the throat and neck with this composition in front and from the sides, massage - twice a day.
  5. Oil inhalations. Add 10 drops of oil (olive, peach, menthol, fir, sea buckthorn, lavender and orange oils) to a glass of boiling water. Breathe through a funnel-shaped tube (or through an inhaler) for 5-10 minutes 2 times a day.
  • harden the body;
  • with reduced immunity, use immunomodulators;
  • timely treat diseases of the nasopharynx, rhinitis, sinusitis, teeth and gums;
  • eliminate, or at least reduce, the impact of harmful environmental factors (smoke, dust, dry, cold or hot air);
  • stop smoking;
  • eat rationally and balanced, remove excessively salty, spicy, sour dishes from the diet, have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • in case of violation of nasal breathing, restore it in time, try not to use vasoconstrictors.

Chronic pharyngitis must be treated without fail so that there are no complications on other organs. Be sure to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Pharyngitis is a common disease that involves an inflammatory process in the lymphoid tissues and mucous membranes of the pharynx. In most cases, the disease is easily cured and ceases to bother, but sometimes it takes on a chronic stage. This type of pharyngitis requires certain measures.

How to cure chronic pharyngitis?

Chronic pharyngitis can be classified into types:

  1. catarrhal. It usually affects smokers with many years of experience and those who constantly have to inhale harmful gases. A characteristic symptom is swelling of the mucous membrane. In rare cases, mucus appears on the back of the throat.
  2. hypertrophic. The mucous membrane and lymph nodes increase in size. Mucus builds up, causing bad breath and coughing.
  3. atrophic. The condition of the mucous membrane is seriously deteriorating, it becomes thinner. The resulting mucus hardens, interferes with swallowing and exfoliates when coughing.

Pharyngitis from the inside

Attention: when the disease takes an acute form, the symptoms are more pronounced. The cough gets worse, it hurts to swallow. There may be an increase in temperature and an increase in lymph nodes.

Types of chronic pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis turns into chronic, not only because of untimely provision of medical care or ignoring it. A change in the stage of the disease can be provoked by other factors:

  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • abuse of vasoconstrictor sprays and drops against the common cold;
  • removal of the tonsils;
  • constant use of foods that irritate the throat (hot, cold, spicy, sour);
  • allergic reaction;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx (tonsillitis, etc.);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which acid rises up and onto the mucous membranes.

Causes of pharyngitis

Important: chronic pharyngitis provoke and adverse environmental factors. These include gases, dry air, etc. People living in desert and steppe climates are prone to diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Chronic pharyngitis has the same symptoms as acute pharyngitis (temperature and a sharp deterioration in well-being are exceptions). The only difference is that in the first case they are expressed weaker, but are felt constantly.

Signs of chronic pharyngitis include:

  1. Dry cough. It can be both frequent and rare. Sometimes with chronic pharyngitis, it is characterized by a paroxysmal character.
  2. Feeling of dryness in the mouth. This symptom is observed in patients with chronic pharyngitis, even if salivation is normal.
  3. Thirst. The sensation may be present even after drinking.
  4. Discomfort in the throat. "Com", object, perspiration, pain - all this characterizes this symptom.

Attention: in chronic pharyngitis, the patient is hindered by mucus on the back of the larynx. Therefore, he periodically swallows it.

An appointment with a doctor in order to determine an accurate diagnosis is necessary, as they are similar to signs of other diseases. Diagnosis of the disease will be an examination in the office of an ENT doctor. The specialist takes into account complaints and performs pharyngoscopy.

Important: in some cases, it is necessary to obtain a smear from the pharynx in order to determine the provocateur of the disease.

The first measure that should be taken during treatment is the elimination of all irritants. Alcohol and cigarettes are contraindicated. It is also necessary to limit the influence of toxic gases.

Treatment of catarrhal pharyngitis

As for nutrition, a sparing fortified diet should be preferred. Eat neutral food (without acids, hot spices, etc.). Meals should be either at room temperature or warm. Fruits can be consumed everything except allergens and sour citrus fruits.

There are several groups of drugs that can be used to treat chronic pharyngitis:

  1. lollipops. Pharyngosept, Doctor Mom, Septolete, Septogal and Falimint eliminate pain and facilitate the process of swallowing. There is no specific frequency of use - it is recommended to dissolve one tablet if discomfort occurs in the throat. If the instructions indicate the maximum daily dose, it must be taken into account.
  2. Sprays. Ingalipt, Cameton, Hexoral, Tantum Verde, Lugol are medicines in the form of aerosols that prevent coughing fits and soothe irritated mucous membranes. They need to be used several times a day (ten to fifteen in one dose) after meals.

    Treatment of hypertrophic form of pharyngitis

  3. Solutions. It is necessary to gargle with a solution of Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin, Iodinol or Miramistin once or twice a day. Each drug has an individual instruction for creating a solution attached to it.
  4. Cough medicines. Stoptussin (dosage depends on body weight) and Sinekod (fifteen milliliters three times a day) are suitable drugs to suppress coughing fits. Neo-Codion, Terkodin and Codelac should be taken one tablet three times a day.

Treatment of the atrophic form of pharyngitis

Important: along with the necessary medicines in the pharmacy you can buy vitamin complexes. Their use will positively affect the immune system, as well as help restore the body after the use of medications.

You can improve your well-being in chronic pharyngitis with the help of folk remedies:

  1. Blackberry. A decoction of its leaves (one hundred grams per liter of water) is suitable for inhalation. The fruits can be consumed in their pure form.
  2. Cacao butter. It must be mixed with milk and honey. Half a teaspoon of oil per glass of milk will be enough.
  3. Salt compress. Sea salt must be heated in a pan so that it is warm. Next, wrap it in gauze and wrap the neck with a compress. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour. It is advisable to do a compress before going to bed. After exposure, you need to wrap your neck with a terry towel.
  4. Honey compress. You need to cook it in almost the same way as the previous one, only in this case, honey is heated in a microwave oven. Cellophane should be applied between honey and gauze so as not to get dirty. The holding time is twenty minutes. It is recommended to apply once a day.
  5. Gargling with herbs. Sage, chamomile are suitable options. They must be used dry. Add a large spoonful of herbs to a glass of boiling water, cool, strain and gargle. For best results, repeat the procedure five times a day.

Physiotherapy- a suitable way to treat chronic pharyngitis. It includes these procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultraviolet;
  • inductothermy.

All of the above treatment measures are universal. They can be taken for any form of chronic pharyngitis, if they are approved by the attending ENT doctor. Treatment methods suitable for certain types of disease are indicated in the table.

catarrhal The main measure is the cleansing of the pharynx from mucus. First, it is necessary to rinse with antiseptics (one tablet of Furacilin per glass of water three times a day). Secondly, you need to lubricate the throat with Lugol's solution in glycerin. Thirdly, it is advisable to use sprays (irrigation with Kameton several times a day)
Hypertrophic It is necessary to cauterize the lymphoid tissue in stationary conditions. Usually the process is carried out by cryotherapy or electrocoagulation.
atrophic Inhalations of special enzymes or potassium solution are required. The doctor selects drugs that improve the process of mucus secretion

Coagulation of hypertrophic lateral folds of the pharynx with a laser beam

If the disease was provoked by pathogenic bacteria, antibiotic therapy is required. Suitable penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides. The dosage is determined by a specialist.

Important: don't expect quick results. Treatment of chronic pharyngitis is a long process.

The choice of antibacterial agents for pharyngitis

In order to prevent the occurrence of chronic pharyngitis, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Start treatment only after visiting the doctor's office. Consultation with a specialist before using the medicines you have chosen is necessary.
  2. Give up smoking and alcohol abuse. Alcohol-containing drinks irritate the walls of the pharynx, and cigarette smoke has a detrimental effect on the entire respiratory system.
  3. Eat right. Watch the temperature of food and do not get carried away with foods that irritate the mouth and throat.
  4. Use vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold only when necessary. These medicines are addictive. Abuse of them is fraught with deterioration of the condition of the mucous membranes.
  5. Use protective masks and respirators if it is not possible to limit exposure to harmful gases. This is especially important for those who have to work with harmful substances.
  6. Humidify the air in your home. If you live in a dry climate, use humidifiers.

The influence of external factors on the mucous membrane of the pharynx

Important: carefully monitor your health and strengthen your immune system. The likelihood of chronic pharyngitis in healthy people is lower than in those who suffer from various diseases.

Chronic pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Chronic pharyngitis is the result of inadequate treatment of acute inflammation, or the result of the negative impact of a number of other pathogenic factors.

Chronic pharyngitis is usually divided into catarrhal, hypertrophic (granular and lateral) and atrophic pharyngitis.

  • Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis
  • Diagnosis of chronic pharyngitis
  • Treatment of chronic pharyngitis

Causes of chronic pharyngitis

The causes of chronic pharyngitis are varied, but prolonged irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa is almost always present.

Among the etiological factors leading to chronic inflammation, there are:

    Acute recurrent inflammation of the pharynx, tonsils, nose and paranasal sinuses caused by viruses or bacteria. This includes rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. In addition to the fact that there is a source of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, vasoconstrictor drops used to reduce catarrhal phenomena have an additional irritating effect on the back of the pharynx.

    Prolonged violation of nasal breathing, contributing to the drying of the pharyngeal mucosa.

    Hypothermia, both local and body as a whole.

  • Unfavorable ecological situation in the area of ​​residence (gas pollution, high concentration of harmful emissions, smoke, etc.).

    Occupational hazards are dry and hot air, a high concentration of cement and clay in the inhaled air (porcelain industry), flour (flour milling), etc.

    Constitutional features of the structure of the upper respiratory tract, contributing to the development of inflammatory processes in them.

    Hemodynamic disturbances in the upper respiratory tract caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Diseases of the digestive tract, in which there is a constant reflux of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus, which provides irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. These can be diseases such as reflux esophagitis, gastritis, hiatal hernia, etc.

    Hormonal and endocrine disorders.

    Dental caries. Stomatitis and gingivitis can also provoke the development of inflammation.

    Failure of the immune system.

    Allergic diseases.

    Abuse of alcoholic beverages.

    Predominance in the diet of spicy, very hot or very cold food.

    Chronic infections such as tuberculosis.

    Injuries received during surgery or when a foreign body enters the pharyngeal cavity.

Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis are reduced to perspiration, soreness, tickling and other uncomfortable sensations in the throat, which are aggravated during swallowing. The form of the disease will have an impact on the clinical picture of pharyngitis, somewhat modifying the manifestations of inflammation.

Symptoms of catarrhal chronic pharyngitis

In the catarrhal form of the disease, diffuse venous hyperemia is detected, the mucous membrane becomes pasty, as small veins expand and blood stagnates in them. As a rule, all parts of the pharynx are exposed to inflammation, often the auditory tubes, the excretory ducts of the paranasal sinuses are often involved in the pathological process.

    Feeling of itching and rawness in the throat, which is worse when swallowing.

    Sensation of a foreign body in the throat, which is not an obstacle to the passage of food and liquids. But at the same time, such a feeling of discomfort makes the patient swallow more often.

    Thick mucous sputum accumulates in the pharynx, which makes a person cough all the time. Cough becomes more pronounced in the morning. During exacerbations of chronic catarrhal pharyngitis, coughing may be accompanied by nausea and even vomiting.

    The mucous membrane of the throat, uvula and soft palate are thickened. On the pharynx, areas covered with mucus or mucopurulent secretion are visible. Some groups of follicles are enlarged in size.

Symptoms of hypertrophic pharyngitis

As for the hypertrophic form of the disease, then with it all layers of the mucous membrane of the pharynx thicken, it itself becomes denser and thicker. Lymphatic and blood vessels dilate. Most often, the hypertrophic process proceeds according to the type of granular pharyngitis, when the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall is affected. In some cases, the lateral walls of the pharynx (lateral hypertrophic pharyngitis) are involved in the pathological process. In this case, the follicles are combined with the infected lymphoid folds of the pharynx, which creates the impression of the presence of additional posterior arches.

As for the complaints made by patients, they are as follows:

    Violent scratching in the throat, resembling scratching.

    Pronounced sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the throat.

    Frequent swallowing of saliva with which a person tries to get rid of an obstruction.

    Mucopurulent secretions flowing down the back of the pharynx become very viscous, form crusts, which are separated with great difficulty.

    A strong cough is also observed due to the fact that crusts of dried mucus irritate the nerve endings of the laryngeal nerve.

Symptoms of atrophic pharyngitis

The mucous membrane of the pharynx in the atrophic form of the disease is very thin and excessively dry. If the disease is acute, then the pharynx looks shiny, varnished. The size of the mucous glands is reduced, the epithelial cover of the pharynx exfoliates with small scales.

Among the complaints that patients present:

    Great dryness in the throat, which comes to the fore, prevailing over other symptoms.

    Difficulty swallowing food and liquids. An empty sip is especially painful.

    From the mouth of patients comes an unpleasant odor.

    Often during a conversation, a person has a desire to take a sip of water.

It is worth noting that the symptoms, even with minor lesions of the mucous membrane of the throat, can be quite pronounced, and with running processes it can be very scarce.