Why in front of the monthly 1 chest hurts. Why do breasts hurt before menstruation? Video videos: Why boobs hurts

  • Date: 28.09.2020

The question is why chest hurts before month, many people occur. Sometimes discomfort is so strong that the woman cannot fulfill its usual duties. But more often the pains are suitable and are associated with hormonal imbalance.

Should chest sick before month

Painfulness before menstruation does not arise from all women. But, nevertheless, such discomfort is not considered pathological, so you need to understand why chest hurts before month.

Normal and pathology

After ovulation in the body of a woman increases the production of estrogen. These hormones increase the volume of breast fatty tissues in order to prepare it for possible pregnancy. As a result, the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases, which provokes pain.

The intensity of painful sensations is always individual. The norm is considered weakly pronounced pain. Their high intensity is a reason to appeal to the doctor, as this may be the symptom of the development of various pathologies.

The painful pain provokes the incorrect operation of the ovaries and a hormonal failure in the body. In addition, they can cause various gynecological diseases and mastopathy development. Attention on severe pain in front of menstruation should be paid to women belonging to the risk group.

Be sure to be under the supervision of the doctor, if available:

  • Gynecological pathologies.
  • Inflammation of the dairy glands or organs that are located next to them.
  • Breast diseases.
  • Malignant and benign tumors.
  • Cases of abortion or spontaneous pregnancy interrupts.
  • Burdened heredity.
  • Facts of long-term use of oral contraceptives.

For how many days before the menstruation appear "normal" pain

The time of the appearance of pain depends on the duration of the cycle. As a rule, most women have 28 days. This means that ovulation occurs approximately 14 days before the start of menstruation. It is during this period that pain occurs and the sensitivity of the chest increases.

What pain most often experienced a girl

Most often, pain in the chest in front of menstruation is a suitable character, but sometimes they are quite strong and cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe breast. In addition to pain, the premenstrual syndrome is accompanied by irritability, the instability of the mood. Such reactions of the body are associated with increased production of female hormones.

How many days usually hurts and breasts

The soreness of the breast is preserved about 2 weeks. The strongest discomfort is felt on the last day before menstruation. As soon as menstruation comes, the chest immediately becomes softer, and the pains begin to weaken. If this does not happen, the dairy glands hurt after the end of menstruation, it is necessary to undergo a survey from the doctor, as this is evidence of the development of any pathology.

Stopped sowing the chest in front of the monthly - what it means

As a rule, pain people occur in young girls experiencing hormonal changes due to the cultivation of the body. But with the action of any external factors, pain may disappear.

Not considered pathology, if this happened for the following reasons:

  • the beginning of sex life. This factor changes the hormonal background and can lead to the fact that before menstruation of pain in the chest will cease to be observed;
  • reception of hormonal drugs;
  • stabilization of the menstrual cycle after full of puberty;
  • active sex life.

In addition, the chest can stop sick before menstruation if the pathological causes of discomfort were eliminated. For example, when mastopathy will be cured or the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is restored. In addition, painful sensations will be reduced and even disappeared in the event of a stabilization of the nervous system, if frequent stressful situations come from life, diet for weight loss, neuropsychiatric overloads, etc.

Hurts chest and increases, but no menstruation

If the chest hurts, but periods are not beginning, first of all, pregnancy should be suspected. If conception occurred, the sensitivity of the nipples increases and the pronounced swelling of the mammary glands is observed. You can check this fact using a pregnancy test. If he is negative, then it should be repeated in a couple of days. More accurately establish a fact of pregnancy by passing laboratory tests.

If pregnancy has not been confirmed, it is necessary to seek the cause of pathology. It can be quite serious.

Lack of monthly against the backdrop of chest pain can be caused:

  • violation of hormonal balance;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • mastopathy;
  • oncological processes.

Bear chest and absent monthly can in the pubertal period or when climax occurs. Sometimes breasts hurts, but the monthly is missing when changing the climate. As a rule, such syndrome is characteristic of meteo-dependent women.

What to do if chest hurts in front of menstruation

Of course, when it hurts the chest in front of the monthly, it is necessary to conduct a survey and identify provoking factors.

If serious pathologies are not detected, it is possible to use the following tips to reduce pain intensity:

    Adhere to during the occurrence of pain of a special diet. From the diet you should remove sharp and salty dishes; It is necessary to eat as much vegetables and fruits as possible. Limit should also be taking a strong tea and coffee.

    It is necessary to wear spacious and comfortable bras that have special support from the side.

    It is impossible to massage the chest, as it will increase the intensity of pain syndrome and can cause swelling.

Effective means to relieve chest pain in front of the monthly are magnesium preparations. They are recommended to take approximately a couple of weeks before the start of menstruation. It is also recommended to take vitamin E. every day. In approximately a month later, it will be possible to feel significant relief.

How to reduce pain of folk remedies

There are many effective folk methods that are recommended to be used when the chest hurts before menstruation. Effective compress made of vegetables. It uses beets and a cabbage sheet. The raw beet is crushed on the grater and a little honey is added to it if there are no allergic reactions on this product. After that, the cabbage sheet is discouched to appear juice. Then it is placed on the sore chest and a beet-honey mixture is put on it. Such a compress is covered with polyethylene and covered. It is proved that such a procedure not only reduces pain, but also allows you to remove small seals in the mammary gland.

Allow to normalize hormonal background linen seeds. To reduce painful sensations in the chest in front of menstruation, it is necessary to grind seeds and use powder on a tablespoon 2 times a day, drinking it with plenty of water.

When the chest hurts before menstruation, it is possible to alleviate the pain with a soothing decoction of Valeriana, mint, fennel and cumin. For this, all components must be taken in equal amounts and mix. Then one teaspoon of the mixture is pouring boiling water and leave it to be accepted. This is a daily dose. The lean and cooled decoction need to drink in 3 reception before meals.

Positive effect with chest pains have exercise. Especially useful is the swimming. It is also recommended to engage in various types of fitness or at least fast walking.

Folk healers are recommended a day when discomfort in breasts usually occurs, breasts and drink chamomile tea with apple and orange sister. Such a drink has anti-inflammatory and anticbandsmatic properties, it will help reduce the intensity of pain.

Before you begin menstruation, many women complain about a painful pain in the field of left breast, which does not subscribe throughout the day. Why does left chest in front of monthly hurts, and can this symptom indicate the development of serious diseases?

Possible causes of unpleasant sensations

If a woman hurts in the left chest before menstruation, it often does not even pay attention to it. The fact is that many ladies experience unpleasant, drawing pain in breast glands before starting menstruation. It is easiest to be explained by the fact that there are serious hormonal restructuring in the body, and the chest, as one of the most sensitive parts of the female body, reaches discomfort to these restructuring.

Before starting menstruation, a woman has increased sensitivity of nipples, which can also occur in the chest. That is why in this period it is recommended to wear the most comfortable underwear, which will not squeeze the already sensitive bust.

However, pain associated with hormonal restructuring is most often symmetrical, that is, both breasts hurt, and unpleasant sensations may not disappear throughout the day. If the left chest hurts before the monthly, and the other state does not cause any anxiety, it is worth alert. Perhaps the lady develops focal mastopathy in the field of left chest. This disease itself is found very often and is characterized by the emergence of small neoplasms, because of which in the chest and heaviness arises. When mastopathy can be sick both both mammary glands and one of them.

In the early stages of development, the disease is treated quite easily, but if mastopathy is launched, a woman will have to face the consistency of their own frivolity in the form of benign and malignant tumors.

By the way, the cancer tumor itself is very rarely becomes a source of light pain in one or another breast. Usually malignant formations are developing without any signs, and in the early stages do not deliver discomfort at all. A sharp pain in the chest area, which is impossible to rose even by the most strong medicines - a symptom characteristic of the late phase of the development of a cancer tumor. Since it is almost impossible to determine the neoplasm independently, a woman after 30 needs to be at least once a year to survey the mammologist.

Fibroenoma is a fairly frequent reason for the appearance of a sharp, stupid pain in the same breast. Such a disease occurs due to the growth of a benign tumor, which overlaps the dairy ducts, causing sharp pain. This disease is usually consolidated only in one breast, and it is in this area that the focal pain occurs. You can cope with fibroadenoma by means of modern medical methods, but the earlier the woman to consult a doctor will be better.

Do not exclude that pain in the left breasts arose due to serious problems with the internal bodies. From the left side there is a heart, it is here that the spleen and most of the stomach is located. Pain in these organs may lead to the fact that the unpleasant sensations are also available in the left chest. Usually, in the development of such diseases, pain appear, they disappear, and they can increase over time.

Procedure for pain in the left breast

The first thing to make a girl is to try to understand the area of \u200b\u200bunpleasant sensations. If only the nipple on the left breast also hurts before menstruation, then the problem may be in hormonal rearrangements of the body. Usually women know their body perfectly, and monthly chest pains that foreshadow menstruation are well acquainted.

If the nature of the pain in the left breast suddenly changes if the lady feels that the area of \u200b\u200bunpleasant sensations grow up, and new education appeared in the chest, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist, carefully failing the chest and making an ultrasound, will be able to determine the reason for the emergence of a disturbing problem.

Despite the fact that the doctor can put several diagnosis options, most often a woman faces mastopathy. It is this disease that may be focal in nature, causing pain only in one chest. There are a lot of methods for treating mastopathy, but in the early stages, doctors are limited by the medical methods of eliminating the problem. Tablets in combination with special gels that need to rub in the chest will help the lady get rid of unpleasant symptoms. If mastopathy is already in a developed state and began to spread its impact on lymph nodes, surgical methods are applied. The methods of surgical elimination of damaged lymph nodes often do not justify themselves, because the disease is insidious and may soon return the disheveled positions.

Another feature of mastopathy lies in the fact that this disease can torment both women aged and young ladies who have not even started to lead an active sex life. Cooked disease can be masked for menstrual pain in the chest area, and therefore many ladies do not pay attention to the disease over a long period.

If the unpleasant sensations in the field of chest are associated with benign or malignant formations, doctors prescribe the course of drugs. In the event that the disease continues to progress, surgical methods of exposure can be applied.

Self-treatment in the event of such a problem is unlikely to be relevant. The fact is that a person without special medical education is difficult to determine the essence of the problem and appoint a suitable treatment. The incorrect diagnosis may cause the disease that the disease will continue to progress, and the girl itself will feel intensified pain.

Pain in the left breasts, which are too strong or not disappearing for a long time, must perhaps the girl. Usually such unpleasant sensations indicate the progress of some diseases, and ignoring the primary signs of the disease, a woman affects its further well-being.

With such a manifestation, as one breast is more different and hurts before menstruation, many representatives of beautiful sex are faced.

The main reason is the changes of the hormonal background before the onset of critical days. But in some cases, pain and seals in breast glands can be a sign of serious diseases.

What does it occur?

Why do breast pain arise before monthly? As a rule, this symptom is due to a sharp jump hormone and is considered a completely natural, normal phenomenon. Monthly premented painful sensations in the breast are media in medicine. At the same time, only 1 thoracic gland can be root and increase in size.

Often, a similar problem occurs in the first months of receiving combined oral contraceptives, due to the restructuring of the hormonal background, and passes throughout 3-4 months.

At the same time, women manifest themselves other symptoms characteristic of premenstrual syndrome, such as anxiety, depressive state, general malaise and weakening. The unpleasant feelings go to themselves 2-3 days after the start of critical days.

An increase in the mammary gland, pain and a feeling of cutting can be the first sign of pregnancy. In such cases, menstruation does not occur or manifests itself by the meager discharge of a separating character.

The asymmetry of the chest is often observed in nursing mothers and it usually has no connection with the menstrual cycle. The reasons may be frequent stacing or feeding the baby predominantly one of the mammary glands.

The pain and increase in one breast will shortly before menstruation can act as a symptom of such a common disease as mastopathy. At the same time, pain syndrome does not disappear after the occurrence of critical days. O testify such associated clinical symptoms as seals and subcutaneous nodules, which can be detected in the process of palpation of the chest.

Some gynecological diseases can provoke pain syndrome. These indicates such symptoms as the sensation of itching and burning in the vagina, the disorders of the menstrual cycle, pain in the abdomen, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor.

The most dangerous reasons for this state include malicious tumor neoplasm, localized in the field of breast. In the early stages of the development of an oncological process, pain is moderate and manifests itself only before starting menstruation.

Mastodynia does not require any special treatment, because unpleasant symptoms disappear for themselves shortly after the arrival of menstruation. To facilitate its condition, it is recommended to refuse to carry close bras, limit physical exertion, put the vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by a specialist.

It is recommended to drink at this time less fluid, abandon alcoholic beverages, strong coffee, salt and oily food. In cases where pain and seals in the chest are of pathological nature, a comprehensive treatment is required, which is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis.

Before starting, a strong pain syndrome, localized in the chest area and accompanied by other alarming symptoms, should be a reason to appeal to the doctor and conducting comprehensive diagnostics.

One of the frequent reasons for appeal to the doctor are breasts. Pain in the same breast Go two is common. Natural causes of appearance do not require diagnosis and treatment. However, in some cases, it may be about the pathological causes of pain.

Why chest hurts, only a doctor can install. Normal are pain before monthly, as well as during. The pain at the same time is localized in both lactic glands. If the pain is manifested only in one chest, then medical diagnosis should be passed.

On the site site Consider the common causes of pain in the same breast. However, one should not forget that the human body is unique. Only after the diagnosis of the body will be exactly clear why chest hurts.

Types of pain

Diagnosis of the disease begins with determining the type of pain. Doctors mainly allocate two types:

  1. Cyclic. These pain sensations are familiar with all women. They usually arise before the advent of menstruation monthly. In this case, the pain appears in both milk glasses. This speaks about the preparation of a female organism or to conceive, or to a month.

If a woman notes such cyclic pains that arise before the occurrence of menstruation and pass after their arrival (bleeding), do not contact the doctor. Pains on their own and in a month again appear, which is normal.

  1. Non-cyclic. Such pain does not have a certain cycle of appearance. She either appeared and not passes, or worries without any reason. In this case, the pain is often localized in one, and not in both. This indicates pathologies that only a doctor can define.

The pain is often in non-cyclicality is a minor, amplifying when driving and touching the chest. She can also give to the armpit and in hand, because of what it becomes painfully moving. The causes of such pains can be the most diverse. Consider them further.

Frequent reasons

Diseases for the defeat of just one breast there is a large amount. As a result, the woman feels pain. What frequent reasons cause it?

  • Mastitis is the most common breast disease, in which breast fabric is affected. Often it develops in the postpartum period, which can be seen 3-4 days after childbirth. Milk begins in the chest, which becomes basic from the signs.

Mastitis can develop not only in giving birth and nursing women. It may arise in healthy patients, in the body of which chronic infectious diseases occur or immunity weakened, which allows infections to penetrate the milk gland.

  • Mastopathy - the formation of benign neoplasms in the form of the growth of the ducts inside the bubbles of the gland, poles and connective tissue. As a result, part of the chest is compressed, and the other is increasing. The pain appears, which can irradiate in the armpit or hand, making it difficult to move.

Mastopathy is often a consequence of hormonal disorders in the body. The danger is that benign formations without elimination are moving into malignant.

  • Fibroadoma is a benign tumor in one breast, which is formed from a glandular and connective tissue. Fibroadoma depends on the hormonal background, which is why the tumor can decrease before the monthly.
  • Cancer is the most dangerous disease that also provokes pain in the same breast. At the early stage of his appearance, he does not give any painful sensations. However, as it is expanding, it affects the nerve endings, which causes pain. The sensations of each patient differ from each patient, which depends on the location of the tumor.

Late childbirth and the abnuous lead to cancer breast tumors.

More rare reasons

Not all reasons were considered as factors causing pain in the same breast. There are more rare causes that also cause a similar symptom:

  • Fat necrosis, which is the result of breast injury. In its symptoms, reminds a cancer education.
  • Cysta - cavity formed by a connective tissue and filled with liquid. Pains for this disease are usually very strong, the woman is simply not able to not notice. The reasons for the appearance of cysts in the chest are not yet clarified. The danger is that during the injury of breast walls, the walls of cysts may be damaged, because of which the content can be poured into adjacent fabrics.
  • Incorrect linen. The easiest and most favorable option for the appearance of pain in one or both breasts is not comfortable, close or synthetic linen. If the bra rumbles, squeezes or not suitable in the form of a breast of a woman, while she wears him, he provokes pain. When the bra is filmed, the pains gradually pass.

The incorrectly chosen bra provokes congestive phenomena in the mammary gland, breaks blood circulation. If a woman does nothing with it, then soon the appearance of malignant formations is possible.

Do you need to go to the doctor?

Not every pain should make a woman to visit to the doctor. However, the appearance of pain in one breast is not a cyclic nature should become the main reasons why you need to go to the mammologist.

Consider factors after the appearance of which the appeal to the doctor should be mandatory and urgent:

  1. Appeared asymmetry of the bust. One breast has become more different, its form has changed, seals are felt.
  2. Changes in the nipple. He became another color, pulled into the dairy gland, began to allocate strange discharge, especially a flicker or purulent.
  3. Pain when pressed or touching, which does not pass.
  4. Seal. If you try your chest, then you can note some seals, clots.
  5. Changes in the skin of the chest. She became a coarse, bloating, blushing, wrinkled.

Similar symptoms indicate the appearance of breast diseases. The nonciccity of the pain is this confirmation. A visit to the mammologist should not be postponed with such signs so as not to lead to complications.

Diagnosis of pain

Since the reasons for the appearance of pain in one breast there are a large amount, without medical care, it is not necessary to do. It will be able to diagnose various methods, which will help establish the cause of pain. At first, the doctor listens to the patient's complaints and finds out:

  • Localization of pain.
  • The duration of the manifestation of pain.
  • Are there changes from the nipple?
  • How pain is dependent on the menstrual cycle?
  • Are there seals and where are there relatively pain?
  • Can not be the reason for the reception of hormonal drugs?

Depending on the first responses received from the patient itself and when inspection, the doctor puts forward the assumptions, which may be the cause of pain. Depending on the first diagnosis, a number of diagnostic measures are appointed. If the diagnosis confirms the assumption, then appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Often women who turn to a mammologist because of pain in one breast passing such tests:

  1. Blood test.
  2. Mammography.
  3. Chest x-ray.

If diagnostic measures did not give an unambiguous result, then they can resort to contrast agents.

Treatment of chest pain

Doctors after diagnosis immediately go to treatment. It is fully based on the analyzes that were obtained, as well as on the diagnosis, which was ultimately supplied. Treatment of pain in the chest is aimed at eliminating the main reason for their occurrence.

If a woman does not appeal to doctors, and herself tries to eliminate pain in the same breast, then the appearance of complications and exacerbation of the situation. The treatment of the symptom does not eliminate the cause of its occurrence - illness.

Treatment is assigned only after diagnosis is based on the diagnostic tests obtained. Often, treatment is based on the reception of various drugs that help to eliminate the disease. However, in some situations and severe cases, we can talk about surgical interference to eliminate pathology.

Unambiguously describe the course of treatment is impossible due to the variety of causes of pain in the same breast. Each disease has its own characteristics, while the individual characteristics of the body are taken into account. Experts are able to help a woman in the cure of the disease in the early stages. Late stages do not always end with Happi-end.


Each woman has a chest. Often this is connected simply with the cyclicality of menstruation, which provoke the release of hormones into the blood causing pain in the chest. In this case, the pain is noted in both lactic glands and ends with the advent of menstrual bleeding. In this case, the forecast is always favorable.

However, events unfold differently when the pain occurs in one breast and is not related to monthly cycles. Here often we are talking about diseases, one of which is easily treated, while others may never be cured. The sooner the woman turns to help, the faster the treatment and possible recovery will come.

In particularly severe situations, we can talk about life expectancy. The appearance of malignant tumors leads to deathal results. How long will the patient live, will depend on the stage of the disease and progressiveness of development. In any case, it should be referred to a doctor, since there are stories about incredible healing oncoboles.

The occurrence of discomfort and pain of unpleasant feelings in the chest before starting critical days is most often normal. According to statistical data, this problem is familiar with about 40% of representatives of the weaker sex of reproductive age. It should be understood why chest hurts before menstruation and what the most frequent causes of such a state are called doctors.

Why is this happening

A feeling of pain in lactic glands a few days before menstruation in a medical language is a medium. This manifestation is not pathological, as it arises due to the growth of iron fabric.

In the second phase of the monthly cycle, the egg cell, ready for fertilization, comes out of the follicle. This happens on average for the 12th day. In this period, the rapid production of estrogen begins, which causes the chest pain in front of the monthly.

The fabric of the mammary glands in a woman has a structure of fractions, which is in turn from fat and connective tissue and has a dairy duct. Estrogen is just in fatty space, respectively, with an increase in the production of hormone, the quantitative content of adipose tissue increases. The dairy glands are also prepared by the body to the intended generation of milk. The synthesis of progesterone hormones and prolactin leads to a small swelling and breast loading, its sensitivity is significantly increased. Therefore, there is pain in the chest before month.

Sore chest in front of monthly

Painting in the breast in a woman can be expressed in different ways. Their intensity affects a number of factors, including:

  • age of a woman;
  • general health;
  • lifestyle that woman leads.

And if it hurts the chest in front of menstruation, then in the normal days of menstruation discomfort disappears.

If it increases and swells

The increase and swelling of the mammary glands in front of menstruation is a normal phenomenon. If the pain is intolerable, or the woman discovered a seal in the chest before menstruation, she needs to go to the doctor.

In some cases, the appearance of pain may indicate problems in the work of the reproductive system, for example, ovaries, or a serious hormonal violation.

What to do

If the chest is poured before monthly, but for a girl or a woman, this condition is familiar and does not cause special discomfort, there is no reasons for concern. But when maintaining pain and should be immediately consulting a doctor.

A woman should pay attention to breast pain in combination with a disruption of the menstrual cycle. If the process proceeds not as usual - this is also the reason to go for medical advice.

How to reduce pain

How many days the chest hurts before menstruation, may depend on various factors.

To eliminate or at least reduce discomfort, it is recommended to follow such advice:

  • comply with the diet in the second half of the cycle, abandoning the salted, fatty and large amount of fluid;
  • wearing loose clothes that does not lose and squeezing the dairy glands.

If a woman understands why chest hurts a week before menstruation, and wants to get rid of discomfort, she can take herbal fees who have soothing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Useful herbs like:

  • a series;
  • tatarn;
  • dandelion root;
  • st. John's wort;
  • celandine.

If a breast is constantly hurting 2 weeks before menstruation or a week, before this should not allow the body undercooling, as well as try to avoid stressful situations.

Risk factors

When question, why chest hurts a lot before month, a woman should know about manifestations that are normal.

Do not cause concerns such symptoms:

  • pouring and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • increase their sensitivity;
  • loading nipples;
  • painfulness when wearing cramped linen;
  • pain when pressing on the gland on the side;
  • increase the amount of breast.

Important: These symptoms can characterize the onset of pregnancy. If such manifestations are combined with the delay of menstruation, it is necessary to do.

But the pain in the chest before menstruation may cause serious diseases, for example:

  • malignant or benign education;
  • infectious diseases of the mammary glands;
  • mastitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • traumatic impact on the chest.

The following symptoms may indicate the availability of problems and the need to immediately appeal to the doctor:

  • separation from the nipples of the breast;
  • pain combined with spasms;
  • pain in the same breast;
  • changing the color of the skin of the chest;
  • the appearance of tested seals in the mammary gland.

If the chest hurts very much before menstruation, mastopathy should be excluded. The diagnosis is only a gynecologist or a mammologist after the survey.

In the presence of characteristic symptoms, a woman is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • radiometric examination;
  • cytological examination in the presence of sections from the chest.

- a benign breast disease that wears. In this case, the pains are combined with the presence of seals, nodules in the mammary gland, which cause pain during tested.

Sudden cessation of pain

If a woman usually had a chest in front of menstruation, but at one fine moment of pain did not arise, it leads to anxiety.

Possible causes of absence of pain are as follows:

  • The occurrence. Most often causes an increase in breast sensitivity, but in some cases in women pain disappears at all. The reason is in changing the hormonal balance in the body.
  • Active sex life. Regular sex practices will lead to the complete disappearance of chest pain in front of monthly.
  • Reception of certain preparations. The appointment of hormonal medicine doctor causes changes in a hormonal background, the dairy glands may not be sick.
  • Climax's offensive. After 40 years, the woman begins the period of premopause, when the body loses the opportunity to reproduction, that is, conception and having a child. In most cases, menstrual isolations become, and pain in the lactic glands disappear about three years before menopause.

If there were pains, but there are no menstruation

No less exciting is the situation when the chest is sick, monthly should be about to come, but never started.


Some specific treatment from pain in the chest before month or during them does not exist.

If the pains are not pathology, the following means will help facilitate the state:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • taking magnesium before the start of menstruation is able to help avoid severe pain;
  • hormonal contraceptives are able to prevent the painful swelling of the mammary glands, but some of them can, on the contrary, lead to a stronger pain as a side effect.

It is not necessary to deal with self-medication, medicines have their testimony and contraindications. Therefore, before receiving, it is better to get a consultation of the doctor.

Pain in the chest may be the norm or indicate pathological processes in the body. In order to avoid development of diseases, it is important to conduct self-examination, and if suspected pathology, immediately go to the doctor. It is recommended to visit the gynecologist and mammologist at least once a year.

On the video about the causes of chest pain