Why do you dream about an Arch in a dream, what does it mean in a dream book to see an Arch? You will be respected and protected. Pleasant meeting, important event

  • Date: 20.09.2019

Sleep helps us quickly assimilate information in large quantities; if a person soon has to go through an exam and the brain is exploding from the amount of new material, it is enough to go to bed. In a dream, all information will be reliably processed and assimilated, and an understanding will come of what was not assimilated in the waking state.

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a shared dream. One sleep for two is highest level lucid dream, which, nevertheless, every person can achieve by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Joint dreaming - special kind interpersonal communication in the reality created in a dream.

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we dream orange dreams? Which good sleep, and which one carries negativity? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? Modern dream book opens doors to amazing world dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books that has ever existed. How did a representative of the scientific world manage to achieve such precision in the interpretation of a world that is practically beyond scientific comprehension?

Why do you dream about Arch?

Arch in a modern dream book

A dream about an arch foreshadows routine, monotonous work. Contemplating the destruction of an arch in a dream is a harbinger of risk and danger. In a dream, you were lucky enough to pass under a carefully crafted, aesthetic arch - in reality you are destined for success, prosperity, and you will be able to realize yourself in your intended direction. The dream informs the young lady of her upcoming marriage. Dreaming about the Arc de Triomphe signifies recognition, glory, so walking under it in a dream is good sign. Standing under the arch means being supported by those in power, looking at it from afar means the machinations of envious people. Numerous arches foretell vanity to the dreamer. If in a dream you pass over an arcade that is generously covered with greenery, it means that in real life you will improve your talents, bring them to the ideal, thanks to which you will become successful and famous. A bad sign for a woman is a dream in which the arch of an arch falls on her: her aspirations and hopes are not destined to be realized. If an arch in a woman’s dream is the entrance to a long tunnel, it means that in reality she will have a pleasant acquaintance, a long affair with an interesting man. For a man, such a dream foreshadows an unusual romance with an extraordinary woman.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing the Arch, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

  • The arch is destroyed or is under construction - your future is in the fog, and this fog is very unfriendly, it prevents you from seeing real threats. Now it’s difficult to say anything specific - it’s better to just wait out this time. Brew strong coffee and place in a warm place to evaporate. When only dry coffee grounds remain in the cup, the danger has passed. Coffee grounds scatter around your home.
  • Why dream of a destroyed arch - you will achieve a promotion in the service. You will have to go through difficulties, but they will be overcome.
  • Walking under the arch means you will have protection in life.
  • Why dream about a triumphal arch - people will envy you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does an arch mean in a dream?

  • A vault, an arch, a gateway - most often indicates worldly life, and sometimes deliverance from worries, anxieties and troubles. The arch is also a person through whom people achieve their goals in business and needs.
  • Entering an arch in a dream foreshadows betrayal and betrayal of the woman you love.
  • Standing under the arch means having protection.
  • Passing under an arch means that many of those who previously neglected you will now seek your company.
  • For a young woman to see an arch crumbling before her eyes means dashed hopes.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

Student of the Dream Maker: interpreting the Arch in a dream

  • According to the dream book, seeing an arch is a good dream; it means that you are in life on the right track; you are a purposeful, persistent, hardworking person; your efforts to achieve your goal will certainly be crowned with success; you will be rich and famous - just don't stop there.
  • This dream also means that an interesting trip awaits you; you have not yet been to the places you will visit.
  • According to the dream book, seeing yourself passing under an arch means that some kind of danger awaits you; there is another interpretation of the dream - those people who previously considered their position and their capabilities much higher than yours, treated you not without arrogance, even neglected you, joked, laughed, now suddenly found themselves in such a position that they depend on you and are forced to look for meetings with you; All the arrogance was taken away from these people, and they understood the true correlation of talents, personal qualities, intelligence, etc. When you meet these people, don’t be like them, don’t act arrogant and hope that they are smart enough to appreciate that you are always with your visor open.
  • Why dream that you see that an arch is being destroyed - this dream suggests that someone will give you an expensive gift or you will buy something expensive; you will be sincerely happy with the gift, you will be pleased with the purchase.
  • If a young woman sees that the arch of an arch is collapsing on her, the dream means broken hopes; about broken hopes - sadness.
  • If a girl passes under an arch in a dream, then in reality she can hope for a quick marriage.
  • You have entered the arch and see a long tunnel in front of you, and not a glimmer of light ahead. A woman who has a dream will meet interesting person and spend a lot of time with him. A man can count on sudden intimacy with a woman he never even thought about; or intimate relationships with a woman will develop in conditions different from the usual, familiar ones - perhaps in exotic or extreme conditions.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Arch in a dream

  • When arches or doorways appear in a dream, in reality we often move to another environment or change our lifestyle. To succeed at anything, you need to go through some kind of initiation or ritual.
  • The arc shows that we are in the process of passing a special test. Or, we are under the protection of the authorities.
  • We experience some form of spiritual initiation. We are born again, we are given a fresh, new start.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

Interpretation of the dream Arch, taking into account the date of birth

  • In the spring, why do you dream of standing under an arch - to be in full view of your superiors. Seeing an arch is a sign of concern. Sitting under the arch means going to a state house.
  • In the summer, what the Arc de Triomphe dreamed about was fame. To dream that you are passing under an arch means that your capabilities are diminished. Seeing an arch colored with holiday lights is a sign of wealth.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of an arch decorated with bright lights - an unexpected acquaintance with a very pleasant person, and this acquaintance will have the most favorable consequences for you.
  • In winter, what does an arch mean in a dream - it symbolizes the unification, the agreement of two aspects. It portends success and career advancement if you join forces with someone.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Arch in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Arch?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Arch mean?

The most established phrase with the word “arch” is the “triumphal arch” - an architectural structure that was customarily erected in honor of a specific person or event. Hence the meaning of this symbol: fame and wealth, honor and respect.

If you dreamed that you yourself were passing under an arch, then you can expect that in real life you will gain the favor of people who previously, if not neglected you, then did not notice your merits. If you see in a dream that an arch is being destroyed, then your hopes for good luck and success in real life may also be destroyed. If you yourself build this structure in a dream, then you can expect that in real life a person worthy of admiration will enter your circle, who will have something to respect and who can bring you a lot of good things. For more details, if you dream about an Arch, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the Arch, interpretation of the dream:

Heavenly arch - rainbow - God's promise not to send a flood to the earth again. The arc of Noah means the preservation of animal instincts among people on Earth.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Arc de Triomphe - - to fame. Walking under the arch denotes a decrease in your capabilities. Seeing an arch colored with holiday lights is a sign of wealth.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

If you saw an arch decorated with bright lights in a dream, this means an unexpected acquaintance with a very pleasant person, and this acquaintance will have the most favorable consequences for you, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, for details, if you dream about an Arch, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Arch in a dream?

A sign of imminent change. And what kind of changes these will be can be judged by what you see behind the arch: flowers, sun, palaces - to a happy and rich life, fog or night - it’s worth thinking about whether something needs to be changed? If you pass under an arch, the old life will be left behind

Spring Dream Interpreter

Standing under the arch means being in full view of your superiors. Seeing an arch is a sign of concern. Sitting under the arch means going to a state house.

A dreamed arch is a noteworthy symbol. Such a dream may portend an interesting acquaintance, a meeting with a future sponsor or patron, as well as the embodiment of a certain idea or triumph. By deciphering the dream, taking into account all kinds of details, you will get information about what difficulties and obstacles lie ahead in reality, when even the simplest thing suddenly becomes risky. And you will find out why this happens by reading the interpretation of what the arch may mean in a dream.

A careerist's dream

An arch usually has two supports. Perhaps that is why in dream books she is the personification of two important aspects. And a vision about her prophesies a promotion up the career ladder, but only if the dreamer enlists support.

To wealth - this is what a flower arch means in dreams. But you shouldn’t just rely on luck; you need to make efforts to achieve material independence. After all, water does not flow under a lying stone, as the dream book reminds.

In a dream, passing under an arch of flowers - in reality, reliable friends will soon appear. And according to dream books, it is a symbol of good luck in amorous affairs.

Excellent prospects

If you dream of a wedding arch, then the dream book promises changes regarding the dreamer’s marital status, and they will happen in the near future.

Meeting a very sweet, pleasant character - this is what dreams of an arch glowing with lights mean. Moreover, this person will favorably influence the fate of the sleeping person.

Any idea will very soon be brilliantly brought to life - this is what I dreamed of passing under the white arch.

A rainbow that appeared in a dream, which also has the shape and appearance of a vault, is a symbol of an event that can turn the dreamer’s life around. But don’t worry, all the upcoming changes promise only good things.

On what background?

Any arch in a dream appears against a certain background. Is that why it is so important to remember what was visible behind it?

So if you notice the sun, then the circumstances in reality will turn out very favorably. Flowers against the background of an arch in a dream promise joy, and a beautiful house promises a secure existence. A palace behind a vault means wealth. If behind the arch you see nothing but darkness and gloom, then the dream book warns: you are accustomed to risk, but sometimes it is not justified.

Dreamed fog is a symbol of uncertainty and distraction.

Miller's Prediction

Gustav Miller, explaining what an arch can mean in a dream, clearly pleases. The American is sure that this is a harbinger of the dreamer’s success and popularity. The hour is not far when, having overcome numerous obstacles, he will become famous and rich.

Upcoming Challenges

Dream books, explaining what various arches mean in dreams, can give the sleeper very valuable clues. And if he is attentive, he will be able to lay straws in the place where he is likely to stumble.

For example, a residential building with an arched ceiling in a night fantasy is a signal that in a seemingly simple matter, unforeseen difficulties will arise and delays will arise.

Walking under a wooden arch in a dream also means obstacles. But they are surmountable, and will only strengthen the dreamer.

Why do you dream about a triumphal arch? A very interesting, vivid dream, simultaneously warning of risks in an adventurous venture and complete failure, and of stunning triumph, but only if the planned business burns out.

A destroyed vault in a dream predicts the complete collapse of plans and the unrealizability of hopes.

Extra doubts

See in night dream arched gate? It seems that you are overly suspicious and unsure of yourself. And this makes it difficult to communicate and interact with people in reality.

The interpretation of a vision of an extended arcade promises unforeseen adjustments to plans and additional troubles.

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Reason for pride

When in a dream you happen to pass under the arched vault of an architectural monument or other beautiful building, you know that in reality the person who previously treated you with disdain will suddenly begin to curry favor and seek your favor.

If in a dream you walked importantly under an arch, then other people will begin to treat you with visible respect.

A dreamed arched enfilade, in which each subsequent opening is wider and higher than the previous one, prophesies a strong, influential patron. Thanks to this important person, the dream book predicts, the sleeping person will be able to achieve great heights.

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It is important to understand what exactly we are talking about. This could be a wedding arch, near which the ceremonial part of the ceremony is held. Or we are talking about an architectural component that complements the composition with the Greek style. Dream books will help you understand why do you dream about an arch.

Why do you dream about an arch according to Miller?

According to Miller, in what the arch is dreamed of, one can consider something material. Most likely, you will soon become seriously rich or famous due to a hobby or project that you worked on in recent years. The main thing now is not to give up. Remember that your goals and desires will definitely be realized thanks to restlessness and perseverance. It is also good if you pass under the arch. Then you can expect the public to recognize your achievements. Moreover, even those who previously showed hostility or did not notice will try to become your friends.

Sometimes this is a hint of something earthly, that is, some ordinary things. You may be facing an alarm. You risk getting into trouble, making a fatal mistake, or something bad will happen. It is also a symbol of a person who contributes to your success and advancement.

Why do you dream about an arch according to Vanga?

Vanga believed that what the arch represents in a dream could indicate future monotonous and boring work. This is doing a habitual task that makes you feel discomfort. If you see a structure collapsing, then this is a hint of a dangerous event or a health threat. A dream in which you pass under the base of an arch made in a pompous style will be extremely favorable. This is a signal for future success, fame and money. If a young girl is sleeping, she will get married in the near future.

I wonder if I dreamed specifically about the Arc de Triomphe. Then try to walk under it and get the well-deserved recognition of your merits. Also, admiring architecture has two meanings. For example, if you observe from a close distance or stand under it, you will receive powerful support from the authorities or a strong and influential person. If you are too far away, then you will be consumed by envy of other people's success. Don't give in to this toxic feeling.

Why do you dream about an arch according to Freud?

Freud paid attention not only to what the arch represents in dreams, but also to its appearance. So, any appearance of it in a dream signals your future enrichment. However, this will not be an accident or luck, but solely your merits and previous efforts. If you stand under it or pass between the walls, then get ready for increased attention from those who are accustomed to ignoring your company.

If a young girl is sleeping and watches the collapse of the arch, then this is a symbol of destroyed hopes. In some cases, if you simply stand in front of the arch and examine it, this promises attention from your boss. And this is not always positive sign. There is a possibility that he is looking for the culprit of some event and you are at gunpoint. For many, the arrival of the arch causes concern, especially since if you sit near it, you can end up behind bars. It's good if it's intact and looks attractive. Then you can expect success in any business.

Why do you dream about the arch according to Nostradamus?

Nostradamus believed that what the arch represents in a dream can bring fuss and unnecessary troubles to the sleeper’s reality. There are more chances of implementing this option if there were many arches. If you walk under them and see green twigs and other vegetation entwining the walls, then you have exceptional talents. The point is that you will spend a lot of time improving them, which will allow you to climb to the very top and achieve fame.

For the female half of the population there will be bad sign see a dream in which pieces of a structure fall on her. In this case, she harbors hopes for success or strongly dreams of something, but this is not destined to come true. If the arch leads into a deep and dark tunnel, then do not be afraid. In reality, she will meet a pleasant stranger. The first date can result in a long and passionate romance. If a man sees a dream, then he is also promised an interesting romantic relationship. But the chosen one will have an extraordinary character. This will allow you to shake up your gray everyday life.