Analyzes for progesterone dog at home. Application of progesterone preparations for correcting the reproductive function of dogs

  • Date: 20.06.2020

Labor - The physiological process consisting in the removal of the fetus (fruits) from the body of the woman in labor, the exile of the fetal shells (lasts) and the fruit waters due to the active, periodically repeated cuts of the muscles of the uterus (bits) and rhythmic abdominal muscles (sweeps) with the participation of the entire body of females and fetus .

Duration of pregnancy
The duration of the SUK is about 63 days (from 56 to 72 days) from the day of the first mating to childbirth. Such a discrepancy is due to the duration of behavioral estrus. The true duration of pregnancy, determined by endocrinological methods, is much less variable: childbirth occur by 65 ± 1 day after a pre-yield peak of LH, i.e., 63 ± 1 day from the date of ovulation.
Y, the period of pregnancy can be reduced at a small number of fruits, but this fact needs confirmation. It is assumed that in different breeds the duration of pregnancy differs, although this assumption is not reliably confirmed.

Number of litter
The number of litters in dogs varies from one puppy in miniature breeds up to 15 or more - in large. As a rule, young bitchs bring a small number of puppies, however, upon reaching 3-4 years of age, the number of litters increases, and then, as the animal agrees, it decreases again. The small number of litter (one or two puppies) predisposes to distation due to insufficient stimulation of the uterus and large sizes of a young ("single puppy syndrome"). This phenomenon is found among representatives of any breed regardless of the size.

The death of embryos in early pregnancy
The true prevalence of the intrauterine death of the embryos (up to 45 days of pregnancy) and the spontaneous interruption of pregnancy in dogs is unknown and difficult to diagnose, because it often happens unnoticed for the owner. In the case of a spontaneous abortion, the female, as a rule, eats extensive fruits, and the resorption of embryos up to 45 pregnancy does not have visible signs.

Perinatal mortality
Based on the available data, it can be argued that the death of sump puppies (to the selection period) ranges from 10 to 30% (an average of 12%) of general mortality in dogs. In more than 65% of cases, the death of puppies occurs during childbirth and during the first week of life, a small percentage of mortality accounts for a period after a period of 3 weeks.

Physiology of childbirth
Understanding the flow and ensuring adequate regulation of the process of normal generics (eutration) is necessary for the timely diagnosis and treatment of violations of generic activities (distation). The exact mechanisms for launching childbirth and maintaining labor activity are not sufficiently studied. Research in this area and data on other animal species make it possible to judge the physiological and endocrine changes necessary for normal generic activities.
Stress arising due to a lack of food entering fruits through a placenta stimulates the hypothalamus-pituitary-hypophysic-adrenal fetal system, which leads to emission of adrenaline and corticosteroid hormones, including a triggering mechanism. The increase in the level of cortisol (both in the mother and fruit), obviously stimulates the release of prostaglandin F2?, The placenta produced and having a luteolytic action, leading to a decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood plasma. Increase the concentration of cortisol and metabolites of prostaglandin F2? It was recorded in the prenatal period at the bitch. Progesterone supports the development of pregnancy; The termination of its secretion is a prerequisite for normal delivery of both dogs and cats. At the bitches that preparations of progesterone prolonged action during pregnancy, there is a delay in childbirth. Simultaneously with a gradual decrease in progesterone concentration over the past 7 days of pregnancy, progressive qualitative changes in the electrical activity of the uterus are observed, the most pronounced in the last 24 hours before childbirth. At this time, the final sharp decrease in the concentration of progesterone occurs. Changing estrogen / progesterone ratio is the main reason for separating the placenta and cervical disclosure. Estrogens increase the sensitivity of myometrium to oxytocin, causing active contraction of the uterus. The cervical receptors and vagina are stimulated as a result of a stretching arising from the promotion of fruits and filled with liquid of spindle-free shells. This afferent stimulation is transmitted to the hypothalamus, as a result, oxytocin will be released. The afferent impulses also come in the spinal cord, which ensures the stimulation of the abdominal muscles of the abdominal wall. Relaxin relaxes soft tissue tissues and tribute, facilitating the passage of fruits. During the pregnancy period, this hormone is produced by ovaries and a placenta, its concentration rises in the second half of pregnancy. The level of prolactin providing lactation begins to rise in 3-4 weeks after ovulation and sharply increases with the cessation of the secretion of progesterone immediately before childbirth.

Symptoms of approaching birth
An essential, but unreliable sign of the approach of childbirth is to relax the pelvic and abdominal muscles. A much more objective symptom should consider rectal temperature reduction (Fig. 1) caused by a sharp decrease in the level of progesterone concentration. In the last week before childbirth, the rectal temperature fluctuates and sharply decreases approximately 8-24 hours before childbirth (10-14 hours after a decrease in the peripheral concentration of progesterone to

The most reliable sign of the approach of childbirth in dogs is a decrease in rectal temperature. During the last week of pregnancy against the background of a decrease in the concentration of progesterone in plasma, the temperature ranges due to the release of prostaglandins. During the first stage of labor, the rectal temperature decrease is most pronounced, and 12 hours after reaching the maximum low values \u200b\u200bof the rectal temperature, the female joins in the second phase of labor. After that, temperature indicators are returned to normal

Stages of childbirth

As well as people, give birth to several stages. In the process of childbirth, it is possible to highlight 3 stages, and 2 latter are repeated at the birth of each puppy.

The first stage
Normally 1 stage lasts 6-12 hours, but it can lengthen up to 36 hours, especially at nerve primary animals. Such a duration is considered normal if the reduced rectal temperature remains during this time. The first stage of labor is characterized by the relaxation of the vagina, the disclosure of the cervix and periodic cuts in the uterus without engaging the abdominal muscles. The female shows signs of discomfort, from time to time looks his stomach, her anxiety gradually increases. The bitches are celebrated shortness of breath, excitement, scratching of the litter and sometimes vomiting. Some females have no sign of giving birth. By the end of the first stage of cutting, the uterus becomes more frequent and intense.
During pregnancy, fruits in the uterus have caudal (50%) or cranial (50%) orientation, but during the first stage they change their position and unfold longitudinally, adopting a characteristic posture (stretching his head, neck and limbs), as a result of 60% of puppies born in the head and 40% in the pelvic preview. Ferny shells break over the head of the fetus due to the cuts of the uterus.

Second stage
The second stage continues from 3 to 12 hours, in rare cases tightening until 24 hours. At the beginning of the second stage, the rectal temperature rises to the norm, although it can rise slightly above the norm. After the first fruit is advanced in the pelvis cavity, the cuts of the uterus begin to be accompanied by the tension of the abdominal muscles (attempts). At the entrance of the fetus in the generic channel, the chorio-alleno shell bursts, which is accompanied by the expiration of transparent liquid. The first fruit covered with an amniotic shell appears, as a rule, within 4 hours after the start of the second stage of childbirth. Normally, the female bursts the shell, intensively loses the newborn and overbinds the umbilical cord. If the female needs help, the fruit shell is revealed and release the respiratory pathways of the newborn, after which the clipper is imposed on the umbilical cord and cut with stupid scissors, leaving about 1 cm. In the case of stubborn bleeding, they impose a ligature.

Diagnosis of the second stage.It is extremely important to distinguish the second stage of childbirth from the first and timely to determine its beginning. As a rule, inexperienced breeders are overly nervous during the first stage, insufficiently understanding its function consisting in the preparation of generic pathways (cuts in the uterus, relaxation of the generic channel and the disclosure of the cervix).

At the beginning of the second stage of labor indicates a number of signs:
- extinguishing of the fetal water;
- noticeable tension of abdominal muscles;
- increase the rectal temperature to normal.

The presence of one or more signs indicates the beginning of the second stage of childbirth.
Normally before the birth of the first fetus for 2-4 hours of hours can be weak and rare. If the females are noted strong, frequent swelling, and the birth of the puppy does not occur more than 20-30 minutes, then this may be evidence of the obstruction of the generic pathways and the testimony to appeal to the veterinary doctor.

Schematic image of a fetus and an octoplodic shell in dogs

The following signs can serve as a reason for the examination:
- The females have a greenish-brown selection, but for 2-4 hours, the birth of a puppy or kitten does not occur;
- water moved more than 2-3 hours ago, but the generic activity did not begin;
- weak irregular sweat are observed more than 2-4 hours;
- Strong regular sweats last more than 20-30 minutes;
- after the birth of the puppy passed more than 2-4 hours, but the next fetus did not appear;
- The second stage of childbirth lasts more than 12 hours.

Third stage
The third stage of childbirth, during which the expulsion of the placenta and the reduction of the rogs of the uterus takes place, usually follows 15 minutes after the birth of the next fetus. However, two or three fetus can be born before the expulsion of the placenta. It is necessary to trace for the female, not allowing eating more than 1-2 compound in connection with the risk of developing diarrhea and vomiting. Aspiration pneumonia caused by vomiting may pose a threat to life. Lochi, i.e. postpartum discharges containing the remnants of the placenta and amniotic fluid are observed within 3 or more weeks, they are most abundant during the first week. The discharge of dogs have a greenish tint. In dogs, the involution of the uterus is completed after 12-15 weeks.

A) a puppy in an intact accidental shell, extracted by cesarean section. B) the arrogant shell is opened, and the puppy makes the first sigh

The female needs to be examined if there are following symptoms:
- Not all the placenta moved within 4-6 hours (although the number of compound is sometimes difficult to determine, since the female, as a rule, eats them);
- Lochi contain pus and / or have a rotten smell;
- there is prolonged bleeding from external genital organs;
- rectal temperature above 39, 5? C;
- the general state of the female deteriorates;
- the general condition of puppies is worse.

Interval between the birth of puppies
The most prolonged is the exile of the first fetus. In the case of uncomplicated labor, the interval between births is 15-20 minutes. In 80% of cases, fruits are born alternately from both uterus horns. During the birth of numerous litters and in the bitches during labor, there may be gaps for resting for about 2 hours. The second stage of childbirth, and for her and the third renew, while all the fruits do not know.

Completion of childbirth
As a rule, childbirth is completed within 6 hours after the start of the second stage, but they can be delayed up to 12 hours. Depending childbirth (more than 24 hours) pose a threat to mother and fruits.

Distation is called complicated childbirth or inability to exile fruits through the generic canal without medical care.

Distance is a common problem and occurs both in dogs and cats. On average, dotation in dogs is approximately 5% of cases, but about 100% of cases in some breeds of dogs can be observed, especially in the rocks of ahondroplastic type, as well as brachicephonic rocks (characterized by a large size of the head).

Normal childbirth, puppy in the head and pelvic preview

Clinical Evaluation
To provide adequate assistance in the case of distation, it is necessary to have an anamnesis and the results of a clinical examination. First of all, the beginning of the second stage of childbirth should be established, focusing on three main criteria, - the separation of amniotic fluid, the appearance of dyghe and temperature increase to normal. Then analyze the general state of the females and identify the symptoms of breaches of generic activities. It is necessary to evaluate the behavior of the animal, the nature and frequency of the fence, the state of the vagina and the perineal region, noting the color and number of vaginal discharge, the degree of development of the mammary glands, including signs of stagnation and the presence of milk. An approximate amount of fruits and uterine sizes are installed with palpation of the abdominal cavity. With the help of a manual study of the vagina with the use of antiseptics, they are detected whether there are difficulties for moving the fetus and determine the presence of the fetus in the pelvic channel (Fig. 5). In the first stage of generic cervix, most dogs are not available for palpation, however, the degree of its disclosure and tone of the uterus can be judged by the state of the vagina. The pronounced tone of the vagina indicates the satisfactory muscular activity of the uterus, while the lethargy of the vagina indicates its inertness. The nature of the vaginal discharge also indicates the degree of revelation of the cervix: with the closed channel, there are scarce adhesive discharges, creating resistance when the finger is introduced, and when the cervix channel discloses the vagina, the vagina is moistened with an amniotic fluid playing a rolelibrikan. With the closed channel of the vagina wall, the finger is tightly compressed, with the cervical disclosure, the cranial part of the vagina is more spacious.

Evaluation of the position of the fetus at bitch at the second stage of childbirth. By: Shill (1983)

The radiographic and ultrasound study in most cases allows to identify deviations in the structure of the pelvic of females, the number and location of the fruits, assess their value, the presence of congenital defects, to see dead fruits (if any) or signs of the intrauterine death of fruits. In the latter case, the presence of gases can be detected 6 hours after the death of fruits, and the deformation of the bones of the skull and the destruction of the spine - only after 48 hours. The viability and state of fruits are evaluated by ultrasound or monitoring cardiac activity. Normally, the frequency of heart abbreviations is 180-240 blows / min, the indicators below the norm indicate the deterioration of the state of the fruit.

Significant variability of normal generic activities may make it difficult to diagnose distation, especially for an inexperienced clinician. Below are criteria that facilitate diagnosis.

The rectal temperature after a decrease is raised again to normal in the absence of signs of labor;
- There are greenish vaginal discharges from the bitches, however, the birth of puppies does not occur (the source of such discharge is the boundary (marginal) hematoma of the placenta, which serves as a sign of the start of separation of the placenta). Normally, such sections appear in the course of labor;
- The fights are absent, although the accumulative water moved 2-3 hours ago;
- swelling weak and irregular or missing more than 2-4 hours;
- swelling strong and regular, but unsuccessful, duration of more than 20-30 minutes;
- obvious signs of dystocia (fracture of the pelvis or partly visible fruit, blocking the labor paths);
- Symptoms of toxmia (signs of disorder of general condition, generalized swelling, shock) at the time of the estimated delivery.

Distation due to pathologies of females
Traditionally, distation consider the result of a mother or fetus pathology or a combination of both reasons (Table).

Weakness of generic activity
Weakness of generic activity is the most common cause of dying in dogs. Distinguish primary and secondary generic weakness.
In the primary generic weakness, the uterus does not respond to signals coming from fruits, or due to the absence of litter (1-2 puppy), the stimulation is insufficient for the beginning of the battle (sole puppy syndrome), or due to excessive stretchability of myometrium due to too much The amounts of fruits in litter, surplus of the oily fluid or large fruit. Among other probable reasons for primary weakness can be called hereditary predisposition, unbalanced nutrition, fatty infiltration of myometrium, age-related changes, deficiency of neuro-endocrine stimulation, systemic diseases. With full primary generic weaknessbirths on time do not begin. With partial primary generic weaknessthe activity of the uterus is sufficient to start birth, but does not provide a normal birth of all fruits in the absence of obstruction of the generic paths.
Secondary generic weakness is always determined by the depletion of myometrium caused by the obstruction of the generic channel. It is necessary to differentiate primary generic weakness from the secondary.

Treatment.In the case of primary generic weakness, the breeder can attempt to induce contractions, prompting the dog to active movements (running or lifting the stairs). Often childbirth occur in the car on the way to the veterinary clinic. In most cases, childbirth could flow in a calmer environment if the breeder tried to independently stimulate the contractions. The emergence of light at home without outside intervention is the best life start for puppies.
Another method of stimulation of kits is the massage of the dorsal wall of the vagina (Fig. 6). To perform the procedure, one or two fingers are introduced into the vagina and pushed along the dorsal wall of the vagina, stimulating its abbreviation (ferguson reflex). The best results ensures a massage made after the position of the fetus position.

In excitable, especially at primordin females, an arbitrary cessation of generic activity caused by psychological stress may be observed. Remove nervousness helps the attention of the owner. After the birth of the first fetus, generic activity is usually normalized.

Fig. .6.
Vagina Code Massage Stimulates Uterine Reduction

With a complete primary generic weakness, the female usually looks cheerful, there are no signs of kits, the rectal temperature is normal. The cervical channel is open, the vaginal study is easily carried out due to the presence of spindle water, although the fruits are usually absent in the generic channel. Before appointing drug treatment, you must make sure that the tributes are undergoing.
For the treatment of generic weakness, a solution of calcium and oxytocin is prescribed. Oxytocin has a stimulating effect on the inlet of calcium into the cells of the myometrium necessary for abbreviations. In many cases, the reaction to oxytocin is absent, therefore it is injected with an injection of calcium solo solution. 10 minutes before the oxytocin injection slowly (1 ml / min) is introduced into a vein 10% solution of calcium gluconate in an amount of 0, 5-1, 5 ml / kg of weight, conducting monitoring of cardiac activity. Recommended dosage of oxytocin for dogs is 0, 3- 5 ME in / in or 1-10 me in / m. If necessary, injection is repeated after 30 minutes. Female small breeds are especially predisposed to the development of hypoglycemia, in particular after prolonged bouts. In such cases, the divorced (10-20%) glucose solution is added to the calcium gluconate solution or administered separately intravenously in an amount of 5-20 ml. The reaction to oxytocin decreases with each re-administration. Exceeding the recommended dosage or too frequent administration of the drug may cause long-term reductions in myometrium, preventing the expulsion of fruits and disturbing uterine-placental blood flow. In addition, oxytocin is capable of inducing the premature branch of the placenta and the reduction of the cervical cervix. In the absence of a reaction after the second injection, it is necessary to extraditely extract the remaining fruits using forceps or cesarean sections.

Sequence of procedures aimed at stimulating generic activity:

To stimulate battles using motor activity (running) or massage of the vagina vessel;
- to introduce a 10% solution of calcium gluconate intravenously with simultaneous cardiac monitoring;
- Determine whether contractions began in response to the introduction of calcium gluconate 30 minutes after the infusion. If necessary, calcium gluconate introduce one or with oxytocin;
- in the absence of an effect on the introduction of calcium gluconate for 30 minutes, introduce oxytocin V / V or V / m;
- if after 30 minutes the contractions began, if necessary, repeat the introduction of drugs, although with each re-administration decreases;
- If after 30 minutes the bout did not begin, the injections stop. The fruits are removed using forceps or cesarean sections.

Obstruction of the generic canal
The obstruction of the generic channel is explained by the pathology of the mother or fruits. The following violations include the pathologies of mothers:

You can smash or break the uterus - an acute state of threat to life occurs in the last period of pregnancy or in the process of childbirth. Sometimes a few fruits are born to stopping a generic activity, after which the state of the mother is rapidly deteriorating. It is necessary to quickly diagnose and immediately conduct a surgical operation.

The fallout of the uterus under the skin as a result of the groin hernia is usually detected at the 4th week of pregnancy, when due to the increase in the uterus, the distortion of the contour of the abdominal cavity becomes noticeable. Sometimes at an early stage, this violation is mistakenly taken for mastitis of the last mammary glands. The treatment is surgical, including the reposition of the uterus horns and the imposition of seams on the hernial ring. If there is a pinching and strong damage to its fabrics, the uterus is recommended to remove.

Congenital underdevelopment of the uterus - partial or complete aplasia or hypoplasia of one or both horns, body or cervix. It is rare. Symptoms depend on the nature and degree of underdevelopment. In the case of a unilateral aplasia of the whole horns of the uterus, pathology can only manifest itself in a small number of young in the litters. The delay in the fruit as a result of the obstruction of the portion of the uterus requires surgical intervention, so the final diagnosis is often put during the operation.

Pathology of soft tissues (neoplasia, vaginal partitions, fibrosis of the genital pathways) can cause obstructiveness. Neoplasia due to the preoccupative relaxation of the vagina, as a rule, does not prevent the promotion of fruits, especially if the tumor has a leg. The vaginal partitions can be congenital and consist of fetal residues of a duct Muller or have a secondary origin as a result of injury or infection. For large sizes of the partition, it prevents the promotion of fruits, although often the relaxation of the vagina provides normal childbirth. Fibrosis of the vagina or cervical cervix usually develops secondaryly towards injury or inflammatory process and in the event of a lesion of the neck can cause dystation. In such cases, surgery is needed to rescue the litter, during which the tumor or partition is removed. Surgical correction of fibrosis rarely leads to complete cure due to the formation of scar tissue.

A narrow pelvic channel is one of the causes of distance. Pathology is the result of a pelvic injury, immaturity or congenital underdevelopment of the pelvis. Normally, the vertical diameter of the pelvis exceeds the horizontal (Fig. 7). The innate narrowness of the generic canal is observed in some brachocephallation rocks and terriers, in addition to the relatively large skull and shoulder belt. In the presence of ahondroplasia (for example, at scotch-terriers), Dorso-Ventral compaction leads to a distortion of a normal pelvis profile and creates obstruction of the generic paths. An excessively wide chest with a pronounced narrowing in the lower back (at bulldogs) leads to omission of the uterus during pregnancy and displacement of the generic paths under an acute angle. In addition, bulldogs often observed lethargy of the abdominal muscles, for this reason the cuts of the uterus and the fence is not enough to raise the fruits into the pelvis cavity.

Normal pelvis dog. Obviously, the inner space of the cavity has an oval shape, and the diagonal is longer than the cross section

Distopia due to pathology of fruits
The obstruction of the generic pathways can be caused by the magnitude, improper position or deformities of the fetus (such as hydrocephalus, swelling or various duplications). The intrauterine fetal death causes distance due to improper position or inadequate stimulation of generic pathways. During childbirth, healthy fruit shows activity, pulls the head and limb and turns. In most breeds, the abdominal cavity has the greatest volume, while the bone parts of the limbs and the head are relatively small. Flexible and short limbs rarely cause serious obstruction at the birth of a normal magnitude.

Overly large fruit
The weight of the fetus constituting 4-5% of the weight of the mother is maximum for uncomplicated labor. In the absence of congenital ugliness, large size of fruits, as a rule, are observed at low-calibration. The rocks that have a tendency to reduce animal dimensions is often a significant variation in the magnitude of the fruits of one litter (from small to large). Brachicephic rocks (Boston Terrier) Distation is explained by the combination of a large head of fruits with a glued form of mother's pelvic
With an overly large size of fruits, distation causes a delay of one of the puppies in the vagina. With a head preposition, the obstruction causes the shoulders and the chest of the fetus, while the head can exit outside; With a pelvic preview - hind legs and croup.

Pelvic preview
It is observed in 40% of cases and is considered the norm, however, it may cause dystation in the event of insufficient disclosure of the cervix, especially at the birth of the first fetus. The expulsion of the fetus in a pelvic preview is additionally difficult to progress in the direction against wool, as well as the expansion of the chest as a result of the pressure of the abdominal organs. In some cases, the fetus can cling to elbows for the bone of the Lonnoy Menuance. After entering the fetus to the pelvic channel, squeezing the vessels of the umbilical cord, sandwiched between the chest of the fetus and the wall of the maternal pelvis, can cause hypoxia or reflex inhalation (entering the respiratory tract) of the octopic water.

Breeding pretext
It is a variant of pelvic preview when fired by the hind limbs and may cause serious complications, especially in dogs of medium and small rocks. With a vaginal examination, the tip of the tail is found, sometimes anus and fetal pelvic bones.

Deviation of the Fruit Head Down or Block
These are the two most common disorders of the fetal location in dogs. The variant of the deviation is associated with breed features, for example, the deviation of the head of the side is characteristic of rocks with a relatively long neck (short-haired collie), while its deviation of the book is observed in rocks with an elongated skull and brachicephal (Silichem Terriers and Scotch Terriers). With lateral deviation, a vaginal study detects one front paw located diagonally relative to the deviation of the head, i.e., if the head is turned left, the front right paw is found and vice versa. With the rejection of the head of the book, both front limbs and sometimes of the fetal population are palpable or if both front paws are set off - only the fetal skull.

Front paws directed back
This provision is characteristic of weakened or dead fruits and is sometimes combined with the deviation of the head, mainly down. The bits of large and even medium breeds are able to give birth to fruits with one or both bent front limbs.

Cross position
In some cases, the fruit instead of moving out of the uterus through the neck in the vagina moves into the opposite horny of the uterus. Probably, such a situation may be explained by the presence of the obstruction of the generic paths or the attachment of the placenta close to the body of the uterus. When inspection, the back, chest or abdominal wall of the fetus are found. In such cases, manual correction is impossible, and the fruit is extracted by surgical path.

Presence in the birth paths of two fruits at the same time
Sometimes two puppies from both rogs of the uterus are moved to the generic paths. This situation leads to the obstruction of the generic paths. If one of the fruits in pelvic-assumption, it is possible to promote it if it takes more space.

Methods for the correction of the improper position of the fetus
After moving the fetus in the generic channel there may be a need for correction, which is performed manually or using forceps. It is quite difficult to carry out similar manipulations of the bitches of small rocks, while the dimensions of the vagina in dogs of large breeds allow you to extract the fetus manually.
In the course of natural genera, the puppy almost completely turns over, moving from the horns of the uterus, passing the neck of the uterus, the eve of the vagina and the vulva, located at 5-15 cm below the pelvis level, so the generic route is moving back and down.
On the partial movement of the fetus in the pelvic channel indicates the characteristic protrusion of the perineal region of the female. Sliding the sex lips, you can detect an amniotic shell and determine the nature of the prelation. Vaginoscopy or radiography is used as auxiliary diagnostic methods.
The most narrow section of the genital paths is pelvic articulation. If it is necessary to intervene to facilitate manipulation, the fruit is pushed into the uterus. Manipulations are carried out in the intervals between fasting, never make efforts opposing the cuts of the uterus. It is important to remember that a diagonal is the most wide cross section of the pelvic cavity, so to ensure sufficient space for the passage of the fetus, it is sometimes necessary to simply deploy it for 45 degrees. A good result provides abundant use of lubricants (liquid paraffin, vaseline or sterile water-soluble lubricants), especially in the case of a tightened second phase of labor.
Depending on position, the fruit is captured by the head either, from above or below (Fig. 8), or for the pelvic region and limb. Capture behind the neck and limbs are carried out with caution, because when loaded, they are easily injured. The correction of the fetal position is also carried out by directing the fetus through the abdominal wall by one hand, while transporting transvaginal manipulations by another hand. To correct the position of the head in some cases, the finger is introduced into the mouth of the fetus. To correct the position of the limbs, the finger is introduced behind the elbow or knee of the fetus and expand the limb medially.
Careful shaking puppy on the right left (Fig. 9), back and forth, the diatral turn in the pelvis cavity facilitates the passage of the shoulder belt or pelvis. Light pressed on the perineal protrusion prevent the fetus moving back to the uterus between the fights.

At the moment when the head of the puppy turns out to be covered with the head of the head using the index and middle fingers (from above or below) by: Shill (1983)

Puppy shake from side to side, freeing the shoulders, and unfold diagonally, increasing the space for extracting

Obstetrician tongs (Fig. 10) are used only for extracting relatively large fetus, when, according to preliminary estimates, the other fruits of smaller size, or in the case when only 1-2 fetus remains in the uterus. The progress of the forceps is controlled by a finger and never enter the bodies of the uterus, because there is a risk of serious damage to the wall of the uterus tool. If the head of the fetus is within reach, the tongs are imposed on the neck (Pallson nippers) or cheeks. In pelvis, bone pelvis structures are captured. If the limbs are reached, the tongs cover their upper departments, but not fastened.

fig. 10.
Obstetrician tongs. From left to right: Berlin, hook-shaped tongs, Albrecht nippers, other Berlin Tongs, Robertson Tongs and two species of Pilssone forceps

The effectiveness of obstetric intervention.
According to research on the effectiveness of the intervention during childbirth, the imposition of forceps and / or drug treatment of distation leads to success only in 27, 6% of cases in dogs. Approximately 65% \u200b\u200bentering the veterinary clinic have to hold a cesarean section.

- complete primary atony of the uterus, no reaction to drug treatment;
- partial primary atony of uterus, non-drug correction;
- Secondary uterine atony, expressed in sweep insufficiency;
- disorders in the structure of the pelvis or soft tissues of the generic canal in the female;
- with suspectedly large size of fruits in litter;
- Sound puppy syndrome (when the fruit is very large) or the deformity of the fetus;
- excess or lack of an oily fluid;
- incorrect position of the fetus, not amenable to manual correction;
- intrauterine death of fruits and their decomposition;
- toxmia of pregnancy and diseases of females;
- lack of treatment at distation;
- Prevention (based on the experience of previous birth).

There is doubt the efficiency of the prophylactic conduct of the cesarean operation, since intervention contributes to the continuation of a tribal line that is not capable of independent flights.
In the presence of readings, the operation is carried out immediately. Often, several hours of generic activity can cause physical exhaustion, dehydration, disruption of acid-alkaline equilibrium, hypotension, hypocalcemia and / or hypoglycemia. Conducting an operation no later than 12 hours after the start of the second phase of labor provides a favorable forecast for mother and fruits. After this period, the forecast for the fruit should be considered doubtful. When carrying out a transaction more than 24 hours after the start of the second stage of labor, the litter usually dies; Further delay creates a situation that threatens the life of female.

Leticia Barlenen

Controlling the reproduction of dogs, for a long time was content with the suppression of Tekhka in the SUK. The development of purebred dog breeding caused the birth of the real gynecology of dogs, especially the detailed developed by Dr. Fopibonne, the participant of the last CNVSPA Congress.

Consultations about infertility in females have received widespread distribution in recent years and in the treatment of dogs. Currently, a combination of methods of radioimmunological definition of the level of progesterone in the blood (which is now possible in the conditions of the clinic, thanks to the small Kit-AM, which has become commercial) and the capture of vaginal smears can accurately establish the optimal moment of mating and fertilization. Such a level of diagnostics allows you to resolve most of the problems associated with the fertility of the manufacturer. Indeed, 50-80% of these problems - a consequence of an incorrectly certain moment of mating! There are no cases of infertility, where the simple tracking of the offensive of ovulation is not enough: it is necessary to carry out a number of studies, even a preventive nature (for a rapid response, without waiting for the next sexual cycle) during the entire period of flow and pregnancy. Splanian Fontbonne (Envl * Ecole Nationale Veterinaire A "Lyon) on the last CNVSPA contest in Lyon in December 1996 launched the main features of in-depth observation of the bitch, the course of diagnostics, as well as possible therapy.

indications for in-depth observation

repeated infertility.

If, after several attempts, despite classical methods, a reliable determination of the optimal mating, bitch was still cool, it is necessary to conduct a more complete cycle of observations for the follicle ripening stage, as well as possible pregnancy.

nepical and abnormal

Ultipical temperature: Too often repeated (sometimes monthly), an abnormal volume of bleeding (too much or too little); weak attraction of males; The interrupted flow (observed in the flocks of young bitches at the time of the estrus on the dominant female; the normal duration is renewed in about a month).


By duration more than 25 or less than 7 days. "Short" flows, however, are often due to the wrong definition by the owner of its first day; Similarly, some bitches are capable of fertilization and after the 25th day of their cycle (Berthal Allem.

In the absence of ovulation is diagnosed as a result of observations over previous flows.

anomalies Inter-etrash

In the case of a very short period between successive long-term flows, the presence of hyperstria should be suspected due to the ovarian tumor or follicular cyst. In the case of too long inter-terminus between long-term flows, you can think about the hypogonadism syndrome (reduced hormonal activity of the genital glands) associated with the lack of ripening of follicles.

abortion and premature birth

Up to 40-45 days of pregnancy, the loss of embryos or fetus is not always noticeable due to their intrauterine resorption: pregnancy observation should include serological studies on Herpes Virus.

deploying in-depth observation

watching the flow

During the observation period, various studies are carried out.

Vaginal smears

Analysis is simple, but little giving for a forecast. Conducted to determine (repeated, multiple samples) of the oroging velocity of vaginal cells, which indicates the action of estradiol produced by the ovarian follicles. Low keratinization rate (less than 50%) during the proasts and even the Estrus (when the female takes the male) or, on the contrary, rapidly growing from the beginning of the proasts and after the end of Estrus is a sign of an anomaly that requires learning and, possibly hormonal correction.

Vaginal smear

Quantitative determination of hormone content

The method for determining the concentration of estradiol (in practice - estradiol 17) is original in relation to the classical methods of observation of ovulation. Apply in the stage of proasts or during the ripening of follicles. On the graphic 1.: Normally, the plasma concentration concentration indicator is progressing during the progestus and reaches a peak (about 80-120 PMOL / 1 * according to the copyright and laboratory data) approximately 24 hours before the peak of the secretion of the luteinting hormone LG (sold b). It is then gradually reduced and is installed at a low level during the estrus. With a "fine-grade", the character of the curve resumes blood tests every 48 hours from the 3rd day of flow.

The course of some curves indicates the anomalies of ripening of follicles, causing no ovulation: a rapid increase in the secretion of estradiol to non-normal high values \u200b\u200b(more than 400 pmol / L) indicates the estrogenization of the body. On the contrary, a non-normal low curve (less than 50-60 pmol / L) is a sign of hypoestrogenation associated with the insufficient ripening of follicles.

Estradiol - hormone unstable, persisted badly. Blood sample on anticoagulant (for example, heparin) should be centrifuged during the nearest half an hour; plasma then cooled; Its further movements are performed only in thermal contends. It is recommended to send vials with tests only in laboratories specializing in the definition of hormones in dogs, since they have estradiol concentration lower than that of a person, and it is difficult to reveal it in the "classic" laboratory. Determination of the content of the protesterone is carried out during the estrus period, since it reveals the random anomalies of ovulation. On the graphic 1.: With a normal cycle, the level of progesterone, low during the proasts, increases immediately after reaching the LH of its peak and is installed at a high level. During the metastrus, it is very slowly decreased (regardless of the presence of "a" or lack of pregnancy "B") and reaches the minimum level for about the 60th day after ovulation. Determining the content of progesterone is a classic method of observation of ovulation to determine the optimal point of mating. At the end of the flow (determined by vaginal smears), the last blood test is made in order to check the activity of yellow bodies at this stage. Reducing the level of progesterone is the proof of the end of ovulation or prematurely the inconsistent failure of the functions of yellow bodies.

The determination of the content of the hormone of the thyroid gland T4 is shown in the case of hypestheria, leading to an anomaly of ovulation (probably through hyperlactinemia), premature childbirth or stillbore.

Serology on Herpes Virus.

Studies It is important to spend during the proasts during the proast, since during this period, a virus reactivation with seroconvers can be observed in the herpes of the Gerpes. In the case of a positive result, the repeated analysis must be made in 15 days to judge the dynamics of antibody development.

Echography (ultrasound) ovarian.

Perform at the end of the proast to detect follicular cyst.

in terms of practice

To carry out in-depth observation, it is necessary to take a series of blood samples from the start of the proast. The plasma is cooled and sent to the laboratory only if the bitch does not get pregnant within a month: thus avoid the expectations of the new flow and the need to study new random problems. The scheme recommended by Dr. Fontboon:

Projectus: blood samples taken on 3,5,7,9 and 11th days, cool and prepare samples 7 or 9 for serology on Herpes Virus.

Estrus: Prepare a few samples for progesterone.

End of estrus: taking blood sample.

observation of pregnancy

It is necessary, as pregnant females may not bring it to a natural end.

Definition of the level of progesterone

1-2 samples per week for the first month of pregnancy will reveal the insufficiency of yellow bodies, leading to resorption of fruits or abortion, and ensure timely treatment.

Abdominal ultrasound

They spend on the 18-20th day of pregnancy and repeat weekly to identify various pathologies: death of litter without clinical signs, anomalous fruit size and fruit shells, glandulokystous hyperplasia, etc.

Cystosis ovarian

Serological studies

In the case of resorption of fruits or abortion, check the presence of infection as a possible cause (Herpes Virus, Brucella).

Note: During estrus and pregnancy, in the presence of suspicious vaginal discharge, bacteriological analysis of smears from the cervix are carried out.


hormonal therapy

Insufficient ripening of follicles (hypooestroaction) is a consequence of the disturbed effect of the pituitary follicle-sufficient hormone of FSH (prolan a) on the development of follicles. This is adjusted by serum gonadotropin, obtained from the blood of a drawing mare (SZhK, Folligon ND). Intramuscularly 30 mg / kg per day from the beginning of the proast for 3-7 days - before receiving 60% of vaginal smears with signs of keratinization.

The drug "classical" medicine - Menotropin (Humegon ND) or HMG (Inductor ND) is used - a drug with a dominant effect of FSH and residual LH. A modern trend is inclined to apply a well-purified FSH (for example, Metrodin ND, not yet tested on dogs), as women have clean FSH gives better results than mixed. Therefore, Dr. Fontboonne does not advise the use of analogues of the hypothalamus releases (Receptal ND) in the bitches, since they stimulate the double release of Proges A and B, which prevents the ripening of follicles. During such treatment, there is no need to stimulate the ovulation by the drug HCG, since normally ripe follicles ovulate independently.

Hyperstroy and lack of ovulation that are not amenable to classical treatment methods

Undormally early and excessively abundant secretion of estrogen follicles causes a blockade at the level of the hypothalamus. In human medicine (in this case, and with references to unsuccessfully conducted treatment), anti-estrogens are used, for example, clomid nd. Its action, unfortunately, has not yet been tested on dogs.

No ovulation without failure of follicles or long-term flow

Ovulation is stimulated by the use of drugs with the action of LH (Gonadotrophie Chorionique Endo Nd, Chomlon ND) - three intramuscular injections of 50 me / kg with an interval of 48 hours.

Attention: It is well known to the immunosensitizing effect of this glycoprotein in women and mares! It is also able to provoke a violation of ovulation, blocking the peak of the values \u200b\u200bof endogenous LH, therefore, without much need, it is better not to apply it.

Functional failure of yellow bodies

Violation of the secretion of progesterone with yellow bodies is adjusted by the use of this hormone:

Oral: UTROGESTAN ND, effective for a bit at a dose of 1-2 capsules in the morning and in the evening until the 58th day of pregnancy

Intramuscularly 1-2 times a week TOCOGESTAN ND, PROGEST 500 ND. Since progesterone metabolism is different from different branches, 2-week control over its level is recommended.

Note: Some bitch stops the progesteronemia makes it impossible normal childbirth and need cesarean section. Useful to warn the owner!

antibiotic treatment

Hinolona (Entrofloxacine) is considered the most effective in mycoplasmosis.

The use of antibiotics in preventive purposes should not be systematic, but should be applied in cases of true infertility of bacterial origin according to the testimony of the antibiogram.


Oboviectomy of one or both ovaries in the bubber producers is shown in suspected of a ovarian tumor or follicular cysts.


Thanks to the Medicinal Arsenal, which has a modern veterinarian, it can actually offer dog breeding research, no less deep than in humane medicine, proper diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases.

Gynecology "Veterinarian" - № 0 1997


In contact with

Platonova N.P., Candidate S.-H. Science, St.N.,
Chernushenko O.V., Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, LLC "Veneko"
Satskaya L.V., Student Nubip Ukraine
The article was published in the journal "Discharis of Veterinary Medicine" No. 3, 2013

In the body of mammalian females, progesterone is produced by yellow bodies (railway) of the ovary during the luteal phase of the sexual cycle and is preserved with the onset of pregnancy, inhibits the formation of follicles and supports pregnancy to the full formation of the placenta, which takes part in the development of the fetus, in connection with which progesterone's development is gradually stops. In the organism of males, this hormone is not produced. Progesterone is a steroid hormone. Progesterone and used in humanitarian and veterinary medicine its synthetic analogues under the general name of progestin, or gestagens, are a powerful tool for correcting the reproductive function of both productive animals and animals of the hobby class.

Progesterone slows down the activity of myometrium and stimulates the development of the endometrium of the uterus, it regulates the development of the mammary glands during the lutein phase of the sexual cycle. Progesterone preparations suppress the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, and, consequently, the follicular phase of the sexual bitch cycle. High doses of progesterone have a semitable and stabilizing effect on the nervous system due to the fact that it is the predecessor of Aa aloprrenalon neurosteroid, which has a pronounced antidepressant effect and is used in humanitarian medicine to correct neurological disorders.

Progesterone preparations are used by SC:

  • to prevent the estrus by subcutaneous or oral administration during the anestric period and by subcutaneous or oral administration during the period of transmission;
  • for the treatment of clinical signs of false pregnancy (due to the suppression of prolctin secretion);
  • for the treatment of estrogen-dependent tumors of the mammary glands;
  • for the prevention of miscarriage, however, in this case it is necessary to relate the possible positive and negative effects of such prevention.

Progesterone preparations apply from males:

  • to suppress aggressive behavior;
  • to reduce sexual activity;
  • for the treatment of neoplasia and a benign prostate hyperplasia (independently or in a complex with estrogens, analogues of gonadotropin-rilizing hormone and antidrogen);
  • for contraception;
  • for the prevention of epileptic disorders.

The negative consequences of the introduction of progesterone vary by type and intensity, depending on the drug used. The most common are:

  • development of growth hormones, which leads to an increase in appetite, an increase in live weight; change in temperament and an increase in drowsiness; the emergence of antagonism with insulin and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus due to immunity of peripheral insulin receptors;
  • an increase in the mammary glands and lactation, the appearance of neoplasia of the breast;
  • changing woolen cover (can cause wool discoloration and wool loss at the injection site);
  • bubble Hyperplasia Endometrials and Piometrs (This pathology occurs more often due to the long-term use of progesterone (or the use of progesterone prolonged action), especially against the background of an increased concentration of estrogen - during the estrus period)). Some synthetic analogues of progesterone, such as proligeston (neonane, Delvolosterone, Depopromon, Covinan) or Delmadinone Acetate are largely deprived of the above disadvantages, but there are no drugs that are recommended for suppressing the estrus in imperceptible bitches;
  • the use of progesterone drugs during pregnancy can lead to the braking of generic activities (especially when using the preparations of prolonged action) and an increase in the number of cases of cryptorchism in puppies;

In males, the introduction of progesterone drugs can cause changes in the quality of sperm and temporary or prolonged infertility. However, as a rule, short-term treatment with progesterone drugs in the recommended doses does not significantly change the quality of sperm and fertility of males.

Many animal host animals are addressed to veterinary medicine doctors with a request to write down the drug, which will suppress the estrus in the hawk bit, as castration is an anti-human method for them. But, as indicated above, the synthetic analogues of progesterone are recommended for use briefly, and their long-term use entails a number of negative consequences.

Fig. 1. Bubble Hyperplasia Endometrial Bitch

Fig. 2. Closed pyometers

Fig. 3. Open pyometers

Fig. 4. Bubble hyperplasia endometrial bitch uterus

If the owners of tribal animals decide to receive offspring from them, sooner or later they will have to face the knitting process. Here are different owners and act differently. In our practice, we often meet breeders who deny the entire value of medical and diagnostic preparation for knitting dogs. As a rule, they rely on many years of experience of mating "by day."

Despite the frequent success of such a way, at the reception we are found a huge number of high-resistant bitches that could not be told in favorable days, and often it is not only deceived expectations of owners, but also significant financial costs, if, for example, a mating took place abroad. In this article we will try to consider all methods for determining the fertile period (the period as favorable for fertilization and conception), as used by the owners and recommended by veterinary doctors.

Determination of the optimal duration of mating with unproved efficiency

Counting days

It is believed that the majority of bitch ovulate between 10 and 15 in the afternoon from the beginning of the estrus, so when planning mating, the owners are mainly focused on these terms. But the physiology of each dog is unique, and the definition of a mating may cause difficulties, since one dog has a pastral phase lasts, for example, 2 days, and in the other - 12 days.

It is necessary to remember that the egg cell is capable of fertilization becomes two days after ovulation. Focusing only on the standard counting days from the beginning of the bloody discharge, the risk of skipping a short period of a true fertile period for one single bitch is great.

Observation of the genital bitch bodies

As a rule, the bitch in the sex hunt is easy to recognize. When stroking and scratching the cereals and the hips, the animal looms the tail or takes the tail to the side, when touching the loop supports it up, as if "flashes". But the bitch can demonstrate all these signs and in the prestorm phase, without allowing the dog. It is also estimated to be the softness of the loop itself - it is believed that after ovulation, when the level of estrogen decreases, the loop loses swelling and rigidity, becoming a fuel, dery, so when orienting it is proposed to knit animals with initial signs of the softening of the loop.

Also, some owners are focused on the color and smell of vaginal discharge, but this method is completely devoid of any logical justification.

Many breeders use a sample dog to determine whether bitch is ready to fertilize. Relying on the sharp nose animal - reasonably, but the bitch can play with a dog, while not letting it be a paddle, long before the onset of ovulation.

It is necessary to remember that males react very sharply even on the bitches that are not in a state of sexual hunt, but suffering from inflammatory diseases of the reproductive sphere - vaginites, endometritis. Also often there are cases when a dog proposed by a bitch for a sample, somehow collapses her to tie, respectively, configuring all the plans for the formation of the breed genetic lines.

Study of biological animal fluids

Proponents of these methods for selecting the dates of mating are examined by a drop of saliva dog microscopically (it is believed that crystallization in the type "ferny sheet" is observed before ovulation in the dried smear). Another exotic ways can be noted the study of the vaginal mucule strip for urine analysis (it is believed that an increased glucose concentration is observed before ovulation in vaginal discharge, thereby, with a positive test sample, the glucose strips can be expecting ovulation as soon as possible).

There is also a special Polish-made device (DRUMANCE), capable of determining the electrical resistance of the vaginal muculence, but the author finds it difficult to give a characteristic of this method of research due to the ambiguous reviews of the owners of nurseries and the lack of their own work experience directly with this device.

I would like to note that if all home-grown methods would have significant efficiency in the diagnosis of pathologies and determining the duration of mating, veterinary reproductology would lose all meaning of existence. But it turns out that the maximum result is capable of providing only methods for laboratory and visual diagnostics, based exclusively on the principles of evidence-based medicine and confirmed by long-term clinical trials.

Determining the optimal duration of mating with proven effectiveness

The reproductist at the reception can offer the owner of the following diagnostic procedures to determine the optimal duration of mating: vaginal cytology to determine the phase of the sexual cycle of bitch; blood test to the level of progesterone to track the ovulation time; Uzi ovarian in order to confirm the fact of ovulation. If necessary, an endoscopic study may be recommended, as well as the necessary therapy.

Ivanova Nadezhda Viktorovna Veterinarian. Specialization: therapy, reproduction

- The first method of laboratory study, which uses a reproductist to determine the optimal duration of mating. It is a staining of a bitch vaginal smear for visual assessment of the qualitative and quantitative ratio of epithelial cells and other components of the selection.

By the beginning of the sex hunt, the bustling of the reproductive organs increases the blood supply to estrogen, the mucous membranes thicken, become as if edema. Cells on the surface of the epithelial layer are faster losing the ability to eat, they begin to gradually collapse the core, and in the end these cells are exfoliated. When microscopy, such a smear of the appearance of cells is easy to determine the level of estrogen effects, thus, by setting the phase of the sexual cycle.

Progestus ("Final Phase", a phase, in which the bitches are observed bleeding out of the loop, they begin to show the interest of males, but the bitch does not allow viscous) is characterized by a significant amount of large cells with a decreasing core. In the estrus, "True flow", in the stage in which ovulation passes, all cells of the smear are large nuclear-free education.

After ovulation, the phase of the development of a yellow body comes, the level of estrogen decreases and nuclear cells and neutrophils appear in the smear. In the anestrus, sexual rest period, the cell painting of the smear is presented poorly. Also, vaginal cytology allows you to evaluate the microbial dissemination, the presence of inflammatory reactions and the possibility of infecting dogs by sexually transmitted diseases (for example, transmissive venereal sarcoma).

It should also be remembered that using the exclusively method of vaginal cytology, it is not always possible to carry out a successful mating. This is due to the fact that different animals have ovulation, although flowing into one particular phase (estrus), but the duration of this phase may vary from 1 to 10 days. By cell relationship, you can roughly define a phase favorable for mating, but not to establish exactly the moment of ovulation.

Measuring the level of progesterone in the blood

The second method that uses a reproductist to choose the optimal mating period is to measure the level of progesterone in the blood. The hormone progesterone is produced by yellow ovarian bodies. In dogs, unlike most mammals, the level of progesterone in the blood begins to rise before ovulation and measurement of the level in the dynamics allows you to accurately determine the offensive of ovulation. The fertile period (the most favorable for conception) is considered to be Days of Estrus, when the level of progesterone is in the reference value of 7-15 ng / ml (15-30 nmol / l).

Ultrasound examination of ovarian

Exploring the organs of the sexual system with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the reproductist doctor can not only determine the pathological states of the uterus and ovaries, but also to track the growth and gap of follicles. On the screen of the ultrasound apparatus, the ovarian follicles look like rounded anechogenic formations, so it is very important that the veterinary doctor can differentiate the growing follicle from the ovary cyst.

How correct?

Based on our practice, we can confidently note that the maximum full preparation for the viscosity of the branch at the doctor's reception is a comprehensive study of the state of the reproductive system, including cytological analysis of the vaginal smear, measuring the level of progesterone in the blood and tracking and the development of ovarian follicles with Ultrasonic apparatus.

In this situation, the risk of skipping the most favorable period for mating is minimized. All these methods are based on theses of evidence-based medicine and, using them in aggregate, a veterinarian can be confident in the highest diagnostic indicators.

How do we do?

We recommend passing a vaginal smear for microscopy on day 5 from the beginning of the blood discharge. Depending on its result, a veterinarian or prescribes a re-study of the smear in a few days or recommends to immediately pass the blood for progesterone and make ultrasound ultrasound and ovaries.

It should be noted that the most reliable results are the estimate of the indicators not exactly, but in the dynamics, i.e. It must be remembered that the same analysis will most likely be repeated several times to form a deployed diagnostic picture.

We wish you so that every planned betting of your dogs ended with the birth of new healthy representatives of the beloved breed!

Progesterone - This is a female sex hormone. His main task is to maintain pregnancy in dogs.

In what cases do progesterone levels are prescribed?

  • aspects of aspects of the functioning of the ovary of the bitches and cats;
  • definition of ovulation time to determine the time of mating (at the SUK);
  • predictions of the date of birth;
  • confirmation of the residue of the ovarian tissue;
  • evaluation of the function of the yellow body in abortion cases;
  • detection of asymptomatic flow;
  • detection of the presence of lutein cysts, etc.

In veterinary practice, progesterone levels are most often investigated to determine the optimal mating time. It is extremely important in artificial insemination of frozen or chilled sperm, or when a dog is at a high distance and need to know exactly the dates of mating to bring a bitch or male.

How to prepare an animal to research?

There is no need for particular preparation. Blood fence is usually produced in the morning on an empty stomach. The basic condition - the animal should not take drugs affecting the level of progesterone.

What time do you need to study?

The study of the level of progesterone can be carried out every 2-3 days, starting from 3-5 days from the beginning of estrus. Usually, the analysis is ready for 24 hours. The average analysis time is up to 4 hours.

What method is the study?

The study is carried out by an enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) method.

This is a quantitative method of determining the level of progesterone in blood serum. The study is carried out in laboratory conditions using an appropriate device of an immunoassay analyzer using special reagents.

The principle of definition of progesterone is based on the use of the competitive ELISA. On the inner surface of the tablet holes are immobilized mouse monoclonal antibodies to progesterone. Progesterone of the studied sample competes with conjugated progesterone for binding to antibodies on the surface of the well. As a result, the plastic "sandwich" containing peroxidase is formed. During incubation with a solution of a tetramethylbenzidine substrate, solutions are stained in wells. The intensity of the color, which is determined on the analyzer, is inversely proportional to the concentration of progesterone in the sample under study.

How to interpret the results of the analysis?

The quantitative value of progesterone in the blood is determined in the pre- and posting periods. The level of progesterone in the blood serum, both in different dogs and the same individual (from the cycle to the cycle) may vary quite quickly.

Average indicators are presented in table.

Results in different laboratories may differ. It depends on the settings of the device and reagents. The accurate interpretation of the results should be a veterinarian who has appropriate qualifications and experience.

Optimal dates of mating:

Upon reaching the level of progesterone 15.9 nmol / l (5 ng / ml), the binding is carried out in 24-48 hours.

Artificial insemination using chilled sperm is carried out 4 days after reaching the level of progesterone 7.95 nmol / l (2.5 ng / ml) or 48 hours after 1.5.9 nmol / l (5 ng / ml).

Artificial insemination with frozen sperm is performed 5 days after 7.95 nmol / l (2.5 ng / ml) or 72 hours after a mark of 15.9 nmol / l (5 ng / ml)

What is the benefit of this study?

Definitions of ovulation deadlines makes it possible to increase not only the percentage of successful mating or artificial insemination, but also fertility. And additional research methods based on the use of vaginal smears and